Originals 280514


28th of May, 2014:

  • (28.05) No.550 – Henryk Grudziński – One more idea to enjoy and analyze for our PG experts!
  • (28.05) No.549 – Sébastien Luce – AUW in a problem with uncommon fairy condition Anti-Circe Couscous.
  • (28.05) No.548 – Georgy Evseev – A team of white PAOs in a play with tempo-moves!

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of  Original Problems menu on the top. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2014(II)Dmitri Turevski. The judge for Retro and PG problems 2013 – 2014Hans Gruber. 

Originals 19-210514


19th-21st of May, 2014:

  • (21.05) No.547 – Rainer Kuhn – A very specific twin of this problem shows the different implementation of combination Mirror-Circe + Take&Make in two solving programs – Popeye and WinChloe!
  • (21.05) No.546.1 – Franz Pachl – An improvement to No.546 created after comments.
  • (20.05) No.546 – Franz Pachl – Chinese Roses in a complicated cyclic play with three phases!
  • (19.05) No.509.5 – Henryk Grudzi?ski & Paul Rãican – One more improvement to the initial idea shown in No.509 (Henryk Grudzi?ski) almost 2,5 month ago! Authors mention it is partly checked.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of  Original Problems menu on the top. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2014(II)Dmitri Turevski. The judge for Retro and PG problems 2013 – 2014Hans Gruber. 

New view of Original Problems lists

jv-may2014Dear Friends,

As you know, not long ago I’ve created a database of all problems at JF, available at Original Problems section → Authors at Julia’sFairies. Now I’ve changed the view of Original Problems lists for 2013-2014, so all problems presented are taken from the same Authors database and you have an options to see either all published problems during current period, or just those participating in the informal tournaments JF-YEAR-I/II/III, or just Retro & PG problems. Link to the whole list of Retro & PG problems 2013-2014 is also added at the top of all lists of Original Problems for 2013-2014.

As an example you can see the last list, Original Problems → Julia’s Fairies-2014(II):

A period of publications is May – August, 2014; the judge of JF-2014-II is Dmitri Turevski; and the judge for Retro and PG problems 2013 – 2014: Hans Gruber.

Retro and PG problems 2013 – 2014 is linked to the whole list of Retro & PG problems, but in the table below you can see only those published in the current period. An additional selection:

 Show all      Show only problems for JF-2014-II      Show only Retro & PG problems     

allows you to see either all published problems, or just tournament JF-2014-II, or just Retro & PG of this period. For the better visualization I’ve made a different background for Retro & PG problems.

JF-LOGO-1The whole idea is to help authors to find their problems on JF, to help judges to get a lists of problems for their tournaments, and to help me to find everything! 🙂

Please report any mistakes you find! And of course, post your comments about possible improvements!
Thank you! – Julia

Sinfonie Scacchistiche 50th Jubilee

api-50yrsscTo celebrate ativan Sinfonie Scacchistiche’s 50th Jubilee, A.P.I. (Associazione Problemistica Italiana) organizes an International Informal tourney in the year 2015.

Free theme in all sections. See sections/judges in the full announcement!

All entries must be received within 31/12/2015 by the Tournament Director, via e-mail (valerio.agostini@gmail.com) and will be published in the magazine (each participant will receive a copy of the publication and the award).

Originals 14-150514


14-15th of May, 2014:

  • (15.05) No.545 – Sébastien Luce – Author writes about his “flower-problem”: “During the solutions all the pieces seem like petals going in the wind…!
  • (14.05) No.544 – Karol Mlynka – Two-men problem with AUW!

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of  Original Problems menu on the top. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2014(II)Dmitri Turevski. The judge for Retro and PG problems 2013 – 2014Hans Gruber. 

1st Israel Open Solving Championship

israel-ccs1st Israel Open Solving Championship

The Israel Chess Composition Society is glad to announce the 1st Israel Open Solving Championship.

The event will be held in a similar format to the ISC, with a single difference:  B category will consist of 6 problems in each round instead of 4. However the problems in this category will be significantly lighter and simpler, thus inexperienced solvers can win points.

Date: Sunday July 20th 2014, 11:00 CET.

Main controller will be Paz Einat. All countries who wish to participate should contact the main controller by e-mail:  pazeinat@gmail.com. Final date for registration: July 1st 2014. The local controllers will receive all necessary word-format documents by e-mail no later than July 15th 2014.

Results will be available on www.variantim.org. Top places are guaranteed medals which will be given in the upcoming congress in Berne.

Thank you!   — ICCS board

Originals 09-130514


9-13th of May, 2014:

  • (13.05) No.543.1 – Michal Dragoun, Ladislav Salai jr. & Emil Klemanič – Improved version of No.543, dedicated to Nikola Predrag for his notes!
  • (10.05) No.543 – Michal Dragoun, Ladislav Salai jr. & Emil Klemanič – A very interesting and difficult cyclic h#2 by three famous authors! Welcome to Emil and thanks to Michal and Ladislav for one more excellent publication!
  • (09.05) No.509.4 – Henryk Grudzinski & Paul Rãican – Correction of No.509.3 after a cook was found by Nicolas Dupont! This problem involves more and more people!

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of  Original Problems menu on the top. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2014(II)Dmitri Turevski. The judge for Retro and PG problems 2013 – 2014Hans Gruber. 

WinChloe update – 05/2014

WinChloe – a new release in May 2014 &
update of Echecs database!

  • A new version of WinChloe solving program (by Christian Poisson)  is released in May, 2014! From the Readme of WinChloe 3.26

    Bug corrected concerning some pawn mates in intelligent mode.

    New conditions programmed:
    Kreuzzwang blanc
    Kreuzzwang noir

  • The latest update (as of 12-Apr-2014) of WinChloe Echecs database is available for those, who uses it. The number of problems has increased till 520660!  
  • 365 of original problems published at Julia’sFairies are added to WinChloe Echecs database as of 12-Apr-2014. Thanks a lot to all who works under these updates!

Messigny 2014 Tournaments

Messigny - the placeBeugelsdijk - Bakker - WissmannMessigny - the placeMessigny 2014: 08th – 11th of May!

You have a very limited time to submit your problems to the three tournaments announced! Entries have to be send to the following email address: RIFACE.2014@gmail.com

Closing date is 18:00 on May,10th!!! Only one problem by author in each competition!

FÉERIQUES / FAIRIES AIDÉS ORTHODOXES / HELPMATES Tournoi de composition d’analyses rétrogrades / RETRO
Directmates, helpmates or selfmates using the Messigny Chess condition and at least one fairy piece. No other fairy condition is allowed. (Judge: Jérôme Auclair) Helpmates of any length with echoed line of play reciprocal between a knight and any other type of figure (Judge: Laurent Riguet) Compose a retrograde analysis problem using the Shrink Chess сondition: An edge file or rank disappears if unoccupied. (Collegium of judges)