Mémorial Denis Blondel
In order to honour the memory of Denis Blondel, deceased on 21th June 2012, Phénix organizes a composing tourney in two sections :
Section A) : all types of problems with only one type of fairy piece, which will be either the Rose or Locust.
Section B) : all types of problems with one or two types of fairy pieces, which will be the Rose and Locust.
See full announcement in English and in French!
Orbit announces 2014 informal tourney for Unorthodox help-play original problems. Requested are h# <=4, h= <=4, ser-h# <=15 ‘almost-orthodox’ problems, composed using chessboard rather than using computer, showing effects enabled by the use of a limited set of fairy elements. The judge is Klaus Wenda. Send to Pierre Tritten‘s Orbit address : pt.orbit@yahoo.fr

Online, 2012’s judgements are (will be) at :
Juges/Judges : 2013
#3, #n : Antonio Garofalo (ITA) ♦ h#2, h#n : Thomas Maeder (CHE) ♦ s#, Féériques : Diyan Kostadinov (BGR)
Please send your originals to Alain Biénabe : admin (AT) problemiste.com
See HERE (in English and Russian) the information about
Regular tournaments by Variantim and also
Alex Ettinger 90 Memorial Tourney
The Israel Chess Composition Society is announcing a composition tourney to commemorate the 90’s birthday of Alex Ettinger (1923-2005). Alex, born in Frankfurt, Germany, immigrated to Israel in 1933 and was a dedicated member of our society. Required are fairy-miniatures with free theme. All types of problems are accepted but with at least one fairy condition and one fairy piece. Judge: Michael Grushko. Please send entries to the director, Paz Einat (paz@pazeinat.com; 45a Moshe Levi St. Nes Ziona, 74207, Israel). Closing date: 30.11.2013