Site Updates-070912

Updates as of 06-07.Sep /2012:

Just 1 week is left till the 55th WCCC in Kobe! (A month ago I’ve written a short post about it with the links to the WCCC2012 site). I believe that most of you are busy with composing for WCCC tourney, so I’m very grateful to those, who sends me problems the last weeks!

  • (07.09) Happy to present you one more problem by French author – GM Jean-Marc LoustauNo.125 seems to me a very complicated fairy two-mover!
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

Site Updates-050912

Updates as of 02-05.Sep /2012:

  • (05.09) One more problem by János Mikitovics is added! Solvers might like No.124Thank you, János, for your activity!
  • (04.09) A new problem by János Mikitovics is added! Please see  No.123
  • (04.09) I’m happy to announce that 2 authors – Valerio Agostini and Petko A. Petkov – have agreed about publishing a joint problem – No.70.1 – you have already seen in the comments to problem No.70.
  • (03.09) I’ve a pleasure to show you 2 problems by Valerio Agostini – please see No.121, 122! I believe that light Valerio‘s problems are nice to analyze, comment, solve, study.
  • (02.09) Welcome to the world-known French author – GM Jean-Marc Loustau! Presenting to you 2 nice problems – No.119, 120!
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.
  • Just 2 weeks are left till the 55th buy levitra in england WCCC in Kobe! I’ve written a short post about it with the links to the WCCC2012 site.

Site Updates-280812

Updates as of 26-28.Aug /2012:

  • (28.08) Welcome to the well-known Macedonian author – Bosko Miloseski! Presenting to you a very pleasant problem – see No.118!
  • (26.08) I’m happy to add a joint problem by 2 Hungarian authors – No.117 by Tibor Érsek & János Mikitovics. Welcome to Tibor Érsek and a gratitude to János Mikitovics for the activity!
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.
  • Tourneys, tourneys!.. Let me repeat, that all fairy computer tested problems published at Julia’sFairies participate in informal tourney JF-2012. Thank you very much for so great activity here! And I’d like to remind you about the thematic tourney, with the closing date 15th of October, HS-problems with battery play – Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012
  • Just 2,5 weeks is left till the 55th WCCC in Kobe! I’ve written a short post about it with the links to the WCCC2012 site.

Site Updates-250812

Updates as of 22-25.Aug /2012:

  • (25.08) Warm welcome to Zoran Gavrilovski, Macedonia! I have a pleasure to show you a very nice problem – see No.116 !
  • (24.08) A joint problem by 2 authors is added – see No.110.1 by Mečislovas Rimkus & János Mikitovics, which is an improvement of No.110.
  • (23.08) See just black pieces in a new problem by Michael Grushko – No.115 – a play of 5 Andernach Grasshoppers!
  • (23.08) Welcome to Romanian author, Paul Răican! See just 4 pieces & 3(!!) fairy conditions in a rich play – No.114.
  • (22.08) Nice to see one more problem by Gani Ganapathi! See surprising castlings in No.113 !
  • (22.08) Warm welcome to Michael Grushko, Israel! See 2 problems (hs# and h#) –  No.111, 112
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.
  • Tourneys, tourneys!.. Let me repeat, that all fairy computer tested problems published at Julia’sFairies participate in informal tourney JF-2012. Thank you very much for so great activity here! And I’d like to remind you about the thematic tourney, with the closing date 15th of October, HS-problems with battery play – Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012 ! (Latvian sweets are really great! 🙂 )

Site Updates-210812

Updates as of 18-21.Aug /2012:

  • (21.08) I’m so happy to have visitors from the neighboring country! Welcome to Me?islovas Rimkus, Lithuania, and aristocrat-problem No.110 !!
  • (20.08) The last problem I’ve published at night is like an answer to my own last publication. I’m touched with the dedication in No.109 by János Mikitovics. Thank you, János!
  • (20.08) Happy to see Israel presented on the site! See a direct mate this time, No.108, by Semion Shifrin. Warm welcome to the author!
  • (20.08) I have a pleasure to welcome world-known French GM  Michel Caillaud! Enjoy analyzing of a problem No.107 !
  • (20.08) See 3 complicated problems with many fairy conditions by Karol Mlynka – No.104, 105, 106.  Such problems are not easy to analyze and comment. If anyone can – please do!
  • (18.08) I’m very happy to welcome on the site world-known author from Poland, GM Waldemar Tura and to present to you not complicated but nice his problems  – No.102, 103.
  • (18.08) One more problem by Peter Harris opens a new hundred of problems – see No.101! I believe that Peter wouldn’t mind if I mention here, that 19th of August is his birthday! The very best wishes to You, Peter!!
  • (18.08) Happy, happy, happy to publish No.100 (my own 🙂 ) Although, had no time for wine, as few other problems were waiting for publication! 
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.
  • Tourneys, tourneys!.. Let me repeat, that all fairy computer tested problems published at Julia’sFairies participate in informal tourney JF-2012. Thank you very much for so great to buy viagra activity here! And I’d like to remind you about the thematic tourney, with the closing date 15th of October, HS-problems with battery play – Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012 ! (Latvian sweets are really great! 🙂 )

100 problems!

A problem No.100 !

Today I’m happy to publish a problem No.100! The last week I was thinking about whom to give this number… and finally decided to use it myself! Editors can do this! 🙂  
Please see my No.100 – dedicated to all of You, dear authors, commentators, visitors! What I have done is really what we have done all together! Thank You !! 

Site Updates-170812

Updates as of 16-17.Aug /2012:

  • (17.08) One problem by Peter Harris, shown in the comments, is added to the original problems, as it deserves so! – see No.99! 
  • (17.08) The second series of problems by Emmanuel Manolas is added! See selfmates with Maximummer this time – No.96, 97, 98! 
  • (17.08) Welcome to the new author from India – Gani Ganapathi! See his nice miniature No.95
  • (16.08) See a new problem – No.94 – by three Italian authors: Valerio Agostini, Gabriele Brunori & Antonio Garofalo! Thanks a lot to the authors!
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.