(20.05.2013) The website for chess composition KoBulChess.com organizing a memorial tourney on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the famous Bulgarian chess composer of the recent past FM Vladimir Zabunov (1928-1997).
Theme: Help-selfmate in 2-4 moves (HS#2-4) with the Zabunov theme – the front piece from one battery makes an ambush move and becomes the rear piece of a newly created battery. Anti-batteries and other type specific fairy batteries can be used too.
Fairy pieces and conditions are allowed, but the problems must be computer checked by the solving program Popeye or WinChloe.
The judge of the tourney is GM Petko Petkov (Bulgaria).
Send problems to Diyan Kostadinov by email: dkostadinov@abv.bg
Deadline: 15.11.2013. The award will be published in KoBulChess.com till to the end of 2013.
See the whole announcement at KoBulChess.com website!