Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

Site Updates-290313


Updates as of 03-29.Mar, 2013:

  • (29.03) No.284.1 – János Mikitovics – An improved version of No.284 is published on the same page!
  • (25.03) No.287 – Emmanuel Manolas – Long white K-series combined with surprising R-promotion!
  • (21.03) No.285, 286 – Gani Ganapathi – Two problems with Equihoppers: h#3 with Chameleon promotions and hs#2,5 demonstrating Anti-Circe!
  • (18.03) No.284 – János Mikitovics – One more Happy birthday problem dedicated to Seetharaman Kalyan!
  • (18.03) No.283 – Vlaicu Crișan – A surprising demonstration of Superguards condition dedicated to its inventor! Happy birthday to Seetharaman Kalyan!
  • (17.03) No.282 – Paul Rãican – Interesting example of the rarely used fairy condition Cage Circe!
  • (12.03) No.281 – Anatoly Skripnik with the second duplex on Julia’sFairies! Warm welcome to Anatoly!
  • (10.03) I’ve added three my own published problems to My Problems section:
    55 – h#2,5*; Grasshoppers; composed in July-2012, published in ORBIT – 2012, No.56 ;
    59 – h#2; Lions; composed in July-2012 for Latvian game igra.lv ;
    68 – hs#2,5; Nightrider; composed in November-2012, published in VARIANTIM – 2012, No.58.
  • (08.03) No.279, 280 – Two very good Take&Make problems by Pierre Tritten!
  • (05.03) No.277, 278 by Chris Feather – A very exotic combination of fairy conditions Anti-Kings+Anti-Circe! Enjoy the problems and author’s explanations!
  • (04.03) No.276 by János Mikitovics  One more Happy Birthday-problem! See surprising finals with Chameleon-promotions!
  • (04.03) I have a pleasure to present you a Happy Birthday article by Seetharaman K. dedicated to Petko A. Petkovpetkov-h#-by-seetharaman-announce
  • (03.03) No.274, 275 by Valerio Agostini. No.274 – A nice Bristol realized with Nightriders; No.275 – A very good activity of Andernach Grasshopper!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Site Updates-280213


Updates as of 27-28.Feb, 2013:

  • (28.02) No.273 by Ivan Skoba & Ján Golha – А nice four men Pser! Welcome to Ivan Skoba and his first publication at Julia’sFairies!
  • (27.02) No.272 by Michael Grushko – One more Happy Birthday problem dedicated to Petko A. Petkov –  Interesting series problem with the neutral King! 
  • (27.02) I’m happy to present two problems dedicated to Petko A. Petkov in the day of his birthday! Pelle moves of Chameleons to the inventor of Chameleon piece! 
    • No.270 by Julia Vysotska & Michel Caillaud 
    • No.271 by Julia Vysotska.

I’d tell that the first one is more interesting, serious and complicated, but the second one is just funny! 

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Milan Velimirovic (21.04.1952-25.02.2013)

milan-velimirovic Milan Velimirovic

Milan Velimirović passed away on the 25th of February, 2013….

On the 61-st year of his life, the world known Serbian chess composer, international grandmaster, Milan Velimirović, has died after a short bout with cancer.

candleSincere condolences to Milan’s family, relatives and friends!

I’d like to quote some very good words written about Milan:

  • By Marjan Kovačević on Mat Plus website:

“Dear friends, Milan Velimirović passed away this morning. The terrible news came much faster then a possible medical help he had avoided till the last days. His problems with health were obvious at the end of last year, soon after concluding the monumental work „Themes & Terms“, in a collaboration that he enjoyed so much, with his Finish friend Kari Valtonen. The last months he spent at home. In January, he had an idea to recover for his favourite solving competition ISC, but he couldn’t make it. Before that, in December, he participated in the last round of the Serbian League of Solvers 2012, that he won in a convincing way. →Read more… (click to show/hide)

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  • By Siegfried Hornecker on Mat Plus website:

“To me, Milan was a friend, and I am honored to be able to say that. When I first came to the MatPlus.net forums in 2007, he already was generously helping me out and with the revival of his magazine, he also allowed me to publish my originals in it and even to write a few articles in MatPlus Review. →Read more… (click to show/hide)

“With the sadly premature death of Serbia’s Milan Velimirović the problem world has lost one of its great exponents and promoters. Emerging as one of the most prominent of a group of talented composers based in Belgrade in the late 1960s, he was greatly influenced by Miroslav Stošić, who died in 1975 at the age of 25, and whom Milan regarded as an elder brother. A Grandmaster for both composition and solving, editor of the top class magazines Mat and Mat Plus, the author of a number of important contributions to chess problem literature, director of solving events, and the driving force behind the Mat Plus website, Milan’s enthusiasm for chess composition knew no limits, as those who had the pleasure of meeting him at problem meetings could testify. →Read more… (click to show/hide)

“Очень печальная новость пришла из Сербии, где ушел из жизни международный гроссмейстер по шахматной композиции и международный гроссмейстер по решению Милан Велимирович (21.04.1952 – 25. 02. 2013). Это большая утрата для мировой шахматной композиции. Трудно оценить вклад Милана в развитие шахматной композиции в ее самых разных направлениях. →Read more… (click to show/hide)

“Скоропостижно скончался 25 февраля этого года, на 61-м году жизни известный шахматный композитор, международный гроссмейстер, Милан Велимирович! Жаль, очень жаль, что его нет уже среди нас. Как видно из печати его кончина не оставила никого равнодушным, и это естественно. →Read more… (click to show/hide)

Site Updates-260213


Updates as of 17-26.Feb, 2013:

  • (26.02) No.269 – Peter Harris – Anti-batteries with 3 different fairy conditions!
  • (25.02) No.267, 268 – Michael Grushko – Interesting activity of Grasshoppers and Circe Turncoats condition!
  • (24.02) It’s a day of improved versions here! I’m happy to add as original problems the versions from the comments:
    237.1 – by Mario Parrinello & Paul Rãican;
    259.1 – by Gani Ganapathi
    Thanks a lot to the authors and commentators!
  • (23.02) No.266 Peter Harris – Surprising promotions in the series of white moves only!
  • (23.02) No.265 János Mikitovics – Non-standard echo-play!
  • (22.02) No.264 Michael Grushko – Interesting use of Locust’s power!
  • (22.02) No.263 Pierre Tritten – Author’s beloved Take&Make – h#2 problem with three different interchanges!
  • (21.02) No.260, 261, 262 Peter Harris – A difficult and non-standard play – as always in Peter’s works!
  • (20.02) No.259 Gani Ganapathi – Interesting battery creation using Equihoppers!
  • (19.02) No.258 Alain Bienabe – Interesting action of Berolina-Pawns!
  • (19.02) No.256, 257 Peter Harris – Two nice miniatures with Locusts, where Transmuted Kings condition makes a King to move as Locust also!
  • (18.02) No.254.1 János Mikitovics & Nikola Predrag – I’m happy to publish this nice version of No.254, which is a joint work of two authors!
  • (17.02) No.255 Peter Harris – “Sometimes a short problem is made more difficult for solvers when the stipulation demands that they have to add a piece –  somewhere!” (Author)
  • (17.02) No.254 János Mikitovics – A nice echo-mate finals!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Back to 2012…

JF-LOGO-1Back to 2012…

As you know, our dear judge for informal tourney 2012, N. SHANKAR RAM, doing a big work now, judging about 200 problems published in 2012. Soon you will be informed if the problems are going to be splitted into different sections.

For now I’d like to turn your attention to the list of problems which participate in the tourney – in the list for 2012 I’ve left their background white, while making a darker background for the problems which does not participate. I believe that in case of improved versions published for the problems, only these last versions will participate. Also, non-fairy problems doesn’t participate. Of course, your comments or objections will be considered! Please send them during one month – till 15-Mar-2013 – if needed! Together with Shankar we will go through the list again. Some more corrections are possible. And I will inform you about them as well. 

And one more information about 2012: I’m happy to let you know, that a problem No.10.1 – h#2* by János Mikitovics & Juraj Lörinc – which is an improved version to No.10 by J.Mikitovics, shown in the comment by J.Lörinc, is added to the list of Original problems 2012 and will participate in the tourney 2012!

Site Updates-140213


Updates as 14.Feb, 2013:

  • (14.02) No.253 Peter Harris – A nice four-men which is difficult for solve!
  • (13.02) No.252 Julia Vysotska – Batteries by two white Locusts; three pairs of pieces change their functions. “Long trip” by the black King! :)

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Site Updates-130213


Updates as 04-13.Feb, 2013:

  • (13.02) No.251 János Mikitovics – A nice mixed AUW theme and author’s first problem with KoBul Kings condition! Congratulations!
  • (12.02) No.170.1 Kenneth H. M. Solja – An improved version of the problem No.170 published in 2012!
  • (10.02) No.250 Geoff Foster – A nice four-men with “ANI”-solutions!
  • (09.02) No.249 Julia Vysotska – My own miniature, pin of neutral mating pieces!
  • (07.02) No.247, 248 – Two joint problems with Andernach condition by Vito Rallo  & Emmanuel Manolas!
  • (07.02) No.246 – One more s#n problem by János MikitovicsА miniature that is difficult to solve!
  • (04.02) No.244, 245 – Two s#n problems by János MikitovicsDiametral  Circe in the one; and surprising finals in another. Thanks to the author!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Site Updates-300113


Updates as of 27-30.Jan, 2013:

  • (30.01) No.242, 243 – Peter Harris demonstrates Haaner Chess in his two problems!
  • (29.01) No.230.1 – Václav Kotěšovec & Nikola Predrag – A new version of No.230 based on the comments!
  • (27.01) No.222.1 – Valerio Agostini – A new version of No.222 composed after comments!
  • (27.01) No.240, 241 – Vito Rallo – A nice Einstein-Miniature & a good activity of the both Kings! 
  • (27.01) New issue of Fairings Fairings No.30 by Chris Feather is added to the Articles page!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Some info – 27.01.2013

jv-greenMy dear visitors, this post is about some absolutely different things.. and nothing too serious!

Firstly, I’d like to show you (in case if it is not that visible) the Search option on the top part of the right menu. It doesn’t searches inside the comments, but it does the search inside pages and posts. So, if you’re looking for some term or author’s name or anything also, you can enter it in the Search field and press OK button near it to get the results. All results – pages and posts which contain your searching phrase – will be shown on one screen, one after another. Maybe in some cases it can be helpful.

Secondly, Forum. It is not active, but still if you write something there – it is visible in the right part of any screen of the site, and as I can see – most of visitors read all new comments, including comments in the Forum. So, you can show any your problem there if you like, or add the announcement of some tourney (including orthodox) etc. You can also see number of views for any topic in the Forum. 

Thirdly, about published problems. I can also see the statistic about views of any published problem (actually – a page with published problems). If you’re interested in a number of views of your problem – write me – and I will send you this number. For now, number of  views for published problem varies from 100 till 480 in average.  

And some entertainment at the end – I’ve added some pictures with a prizes for the tournaments I’ve had – many-many sweets and diplomas prepared! I’ve done these photos for my own memory as for me it was quite unusual and great experience. But maybe you’ll like to see them as well! See SWEETS as a Prizes of  Julia’sFairies 1st T.T HSP-2012 (see also Award); and CHOCOLATES as a Prizes of Christmas Blitz-Tourney JF-2012 (see the Award)! 🙂

Site Updates-250113


Updates as of 12-25.Jan, 2013:

  • (25.01) No.239 – Branko Koludrovic (Croatia)Arno Tüngler (Germany) are welcome at Julia’s Fairies! This is unusual problem for the site, and publication of it I consider as an exception.
  • (23.01) No.237, 238 – Mario Parrinello with two fine problems: Locust and marine pieces for the first time on the site in No.237; and Grasshopper with his Contra-piece in No.238!
  • (23.01) No.236 – Newman Guttman and his lovely Equihoppers!
  • (21.01) No.235 – János Mikitovics – A nice fairy 5-men!
  • (21.01) No.234 – Pierre Tritten  shows Take&Make of 3 solutions which can be combined in two pairs, showing different thematic in every pair!
  • (20.01) No.233 – welcome to Dominique Forlot, France! A problem should be nice for solvers!
  • (19.01) No.232 – Tibor Érsek & János Mikitovics. A difficult for solving Maximummer!
  • (19.01) No.230, 231 – Václav Kotěšovec. See two fine problems by the world famous author: Lacny theme with Royal Zebra & Miniature with Fairy duet Grasshopper-Kangaroo.
  • (15.01) No.229 – Nikolaj Zujev. A problem for the solvers – simple, but complicated solution!
  • (15.01) No.228 – Michael Grushko. Interesting neutral AUW with only 5 pieces!
  • (15.01) No.227 – Daniel Novomesky shows a power of Double Grasshoppers! 
  • No.226 – Julia Vysotska. My own problem, neutral battery with my lovely Chameleon piece. 
  • See two fine problems by Petko A. Petkov:
      • No.225 – An excellent Meredith with very difficult thematic!
      • No.224 – An interesting cyclical play of the neutral trio!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec