JF Original Problems | March, 2023
The judge of JF-2023: K. Seetharaman
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2023-2024: N/A
Dear composers, I still have no judge for PG & Retro tournament, and I’d be grateful to the one who is willing to accept this job.
If you sent me a problem, but don’t see your name in the list below, please write me! Please don’t send me more than 1 problem at one time and don’t send the next one before the previous is published! Thank you!
The order of publication might be not the same as in the waiting list: the problems easy to test and to animate, C+, and those without additional questions to composers will go first.
To be published in April: Kurt Keller, Paul Rãican, Hubert Gockel
- (31.03) No.1743 (A=>B in 13, Upside-Down Chess) – Kevin Begley – “Dedicated to Michel Caillaud Super-AUW for both white (QSRBQ) and black (qbsrq)…” . Warm welcome to Kevin! The presentation of inverted diagram is still under further improvement, but I’m glad to announce this original in March.
- (31.03) No.1742 (reci-hs(=)#5.5) – Torsten Linß – “It’s dedicated to Shankar Ram and another example for a possible follow up on his much discussed reciprocal article. “
- (31.03) No.1741 (pser-s#10 ; Superpawn, Berolina Super Pawn, Lion) – János Mikitovics – “black & white batteries, rundlauf, selfpin, selfunpin, excelsiors, Meredith”
- (31.03) No.1740 (hs#4 ; Neutral piece, Zebra, Leaper(2,4) ; Anti-Circe, Circe) – Franz Pachl – ” … reciprocal captures of the fairy-pieces in the selfmate by doublecheck”
- (31.03) No.1739 (hs#2 ; Isardam, Mars Circe) – Manfred Rittirsch – C+ by WinChloe, different interpretation of this combination of conditions by Popeye.
- (30.03) No.1738 (-4 Proca ; AntiCirce Cheylan, Circe) – Klaus Wenda & Andreas Thoma – “Type Cheylan to exclude the move ..”
Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson