Originals 16-170319


Original Problems


16-17th of March, 2019

  • (17.03) No.1387 – Karol Mlynka (hs=2 ; Royal Grasshopper ; White Supertransmuting King). Promotions in a three-men problem.
  • (17.03) No.1386 – Arnold Beine & Juraj Lörinc (ser-h#18* ; Grasshopper). One solution destroys the setmate, the other enables the setmate… (Authors)
  • (16.03) No.1385 – N.Shankar Ram (r=2 ; (4,4) Leaper ; Anti-Super Circe Calvet, White Must Capture). 122 variations, 366 rebirths,…

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/I: Michal Dragoun. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Not appointed yet. 

Originals 11-130319


Original Problems


11-13th of March, 2019

  • (13.03) No.1375.1 – Sébastien Luce (h=8 ; Neutral pawn). Correction to the problem No.1375.
  • (11.03) No.1384 – Michel Caillaud (s#6 ; Black play only to double check). Dedicated to Sébastien LUCE.
  • (11.03) No.1383 – Michel Caillaud & Sébastien Luce (s#26 ; Black play only to double check). “about a rare condition, implemented in Winchloé, and unearthed by Sébastien, that we discussed in our monthly meetings.” (M.C.)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/I: Michal Dragoun. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Not appointed yet. 

BIT 2019, Group C (fairy!)


Belgrade Internet Tourneys, Group C – Protean Chess HS#3

The Serbian Problem Chess Society invites composers around the world to take part in the Belgrade Internet Tourneys 2019 in the frames of the 14th Belgrade Problem Chess Festival – 24-26. May 2019.

As in the previous years, there will be three groups: BIT A (#2), BITB (h#2), BIT C (Protean Chess, HS#3) with the same closing date: Tuesday, 30. April 2019

Group C will be dedicated to the memory of IGM Nenad Petrović (7.9.1907-9.11.1989), who passed away 30 years ago:
HS#3, 2 solutions, Protean Chess. No other fairy conditions or fairy pieces are allowed, except royal pieces (only one for each side!): Royal Queen (rQ), Royal Rook (rR), Royal Bishop (rB), Royal Knight (rS) and Royal Pawn (rP). These royal pieces may be present in the initial position (example 2) or may appear during the play. Royal Pawn promotions are allowed. “Supernumerary” pieces in initial position (e.g. 2 white Queens, 3 white Bishops, 3bR, 4 bS, etc…) are permitted if this form is thematically necessary for the problem.
Judge: IGM Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)

See detailed announcement (PDF) with examples, definitions of fairy terms and also competitions Group A&B.

Originals 03-040319


Original Problems


3rd-4th of March, 2019

  • (04.03) No.1382 – Armin Geister & Daniel Papack (hs#4 ; MarsCirce). “On a logical basis our work shows a Marscirce specific strategy with a surprising solution” (Authors).
  • (03.03) No.1381 – Petko A. Petkov (hs#3.5 ; Nightrider, LEO). “In the memory of my father Andon Petkov” (Author)
  • (03.03) No.1380 – Kenneth Solja (h#2 ; Take & Make, Anti Take & Make).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/I: Michal Dragoun. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Not appointed yet. 

Originals 17-270219


Original Problems


17-27th of February, 2019

  • (27.02) No.1379 – Linden Lyons (=2 ; Grasshopper, Camel).
  • (24.02) This year I’m grateful again to Shankar Ram, who kindly offered his help in making index file for the current competition, JF-2019/I.
  • (24.02) No.1378 – Aleksandr Bulavka (=2 ; Royal Zebra ; Anchor Ring, Anti-Super Circe). Warm welcome to Aleksandr in Original problems section of JF!
  • (20.02) No.1377 – Sergey Shumeiko (Ser-h#57). Motto given by the author: “Everything had come from somewhere else, and it would all go somewhere else. I was nothing but a pathway for the person known as me” – Haruki Murakami.
    (With the gratitude to Stephen Emmerson who’s helped me to find English version of the quote given in Russian, see “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle”, Chapter 10 – let’s read not only chess related books!)
  • (20.02) No.1376 – Anatoly Stepochkin (h#2; Circe).
  • (20.02) No.1375 – Sébastien Luce (h=9; Neutral pawn). Only white King and neutral Pawn achieve black stalemate! (Author)
  • (20.02) No.1374 – Paul Rãican (PG 15 ; #Color).
  • (19.02) No.1373 – Bernd Gräfrath (PG 13.5 ; Losing Chess).
  • (19.02) Some more good news to many of you: the Award for Retro & PG problems 2017-2018 by Dirk Borst will be published soon! The version of problem No.1223 (1223.1), submitted on the 24th of January 2019, before the award is made, was accepted by the judge for his competition.
  • (18.02) Conflictio No.11 (19.01.2019) & Conflictio No.12 (08.02.2019) by Juraj Lörinc are added to the Articles page.
  • (18.02) No.1372 – Václav Kotěšovec (hs=5; Eagle).
  • (18.02) No.1371 – Sergej Smotrov (hs#5.5; KöKo, TransmutedKings ; Eagle, Nightrider). 
  • (17.02) I’m very sorry for the delay in publications for JF-2019/I! Problems by Sergej Smotrov, Václav Kotěšovec, Bernd Gräfrath, Paul Rãican, Sébastien Luce, Anatoly Stepochkin, Sergey Shumeiko will be published during the next week, but the first priority I’m glad to give to the recent judge, who had to work hard the last year to finish the Award JF-10/2017-03/2018 
    No.1370 – N.Shankar Ram (#3; Diagram Circe ; Camel, Non-Stop Equihoppers).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/I: Michal Dragoun. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Not appointed yet. 

Andernach 2019 problem chess meeting

45th FairyChessFriendsMeeting at Andernach
May 30 – June 02, 2019 ANNOUNCEMENT / “PROGRAM “

Thursday May 30: Arrival at Ristorante Bellini (Hochstr.39) or at the marketplace nearby; please note that Bellini is closed from 2:30 pm till 5:00 pm. Starting Friday May 31 as last year we meet at Hotel Stammbaum (Marktgasse 1, phone: Germany 2632 42670), being closed at Thursday, but room access is ensured. All 12 double rooms in Hotel Stammbaum are reserved for our meeting (75 EUR / day incl. breakfast), so you should book as soon as possible. From Friday after breakfast till Sunday noon the hotel will be reserved exclusively for us.

VITO RALLO – 80 JT (C 03.08.2019)

VITO RALLO – 80 Jubilee
Thematic Tournament

We are pleased to announce the 80° anniversary of Vito RALLO.
The tournament required H#3 Circe Parrain, where “the piece captured in the last move gives mate thanks to a specifics rebirth”.
There are two sections, one with fairy pieces, one without.
Please send original to vitorallo@virgilio.it
All problems received will be published on BEST PROBLEMS Italian Magazine.
Merit Diploma to the winners.
Last available day for sent: August 3, 2019. | 
Judge: Vlaicu CRISAN.

The judge of JF-2019/I : Michal Dragoun

Our judge for fairy tournament JF-2019/I (February-June’ 2019) will be Michal Dragoun (01-03-1974) from Czechia, a double Grandmaster of Problem chess (in both composing and solving), and International Judge for helpmates and fairies. Michal mostly composes helpmates, helpselfmates and other fairies. He was World champion in composing both helpmates (2010-12) and fairies (2004-06). We all wish him to enjoy your good compositions!

The judge for the new PG/Retro competition is not appointed yet.