Originals 25-301215



Original Problems


25-30th of December, 2015

  • (30.12) No.985 – Diyan Kostadinov (hs#3; Phantom Chess; White KoBul King). Fairy pin mates with the white KoBul King.
  • (28.12) No.983, 984 – Erich Bartel. A long march of the white King with echo stalemates in No.983 (Ser-s=19; Lion; Circe Equipollents) and 4 corners cycle in No.984 (Ser-s#36; Grasshopper; Circe Equipollents).
  • (28.12) No.965.2 – Michael Grushko (PG 16; Grasshopper). One more improvement to No.965 (a shorter version) after comment by Nikola Predrag.
  • (27.12) No.982 – Eric Huber (hs#2; Nightrider; Phantom Chess; Republican Chess type II). A play of two Nightriders forces an appearance of the wK in Republican Chess problem.
  • (27.12) No.981 – Krassimir Gandev (5→Ser-s=13; Berolina Super Pawn; Super Pawn). A combination of two series surprisingly ended with a New Year tree.
  • (26.12) No.980 – Michael Grushko (SPG 12; Anti-Take & Make). Anti-Take&Make в SPG задаче.
  • (26.12) No.959.1 – Ján Kovalič & Ladislav Packa (h#2; Take & Make). An improvement to No.959.
  • (25.12) No.979 – Oliver Sick (h=4,5). A Christmas Tree I’m happy to decorate the site with!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 09-231215



Original Problems
& Updates


09-23rd of December, 2015

  • (23.12) No.978 – Juraj Lörinc (semi-r#4; Lion; PAO; VAO). 3+1 variations in semi-r# problem.
  • (20.12) No.969.1 – Sébastien Luce (h#12,5; Maximummer; White Maximummer). A new version to No.969 after comments: White & Black Valladao.
  • (19.12) No.976, 977 – Chris Feather (h#3.5; Circe Equipollents; Isardam). Isardam specific mate positions reached with a help of Equipollents Circe: setplay in No.976 & duplex in No.977.
  • (17.12) Fairings No.46 – Chris Feather, distributed by Stephen Emmerson, is added to the Articles section!
  • (17.12) Some photos are added to the Tourneys/Gallery section: diplomas & sweet prizes of the last JF’s competitions sent in December. 🙂
  • (16.12) No.975 – Aleksey Oganesjan & Vitaly Medintsev (hs#4). Inspired by No.973 inspired by No.962… – a joint composition created as the result of sequence of inspirations and a work of four authors. 
  • (15.12) No.974 – Aleksey Oganesjan (hs#2*). “Perpetuum mobile” in hs#.
  • (15.12) No.973 – Ladislav Packa & Daniel Novomeský (hs#5). Inspired by No.962, orthodox version, with a Happy birthday wishes to Aleksey Oganesjan!
  • (15.12) No.965.1 – Michael Grushko (PG 19 ; Grasshopper). An improved version to No.965.
  • (15.12) No.972 – Petko A. Petkov (hs#3; Super-Pawn; Berolina Super-Pawn). Two kinds of Super pawns in a triple batteries’ transformation.
  • (13.12) No.971 – Nicolas Dupont (PG 27). 2+2 thematic parts in PG problem.
  • (12.12) No.970 – Aleksey Oganesjan (h#6; Circe). Circe in a minimal Pawn Miniature.
  • (12.12) No.969 – Sébastien Luce (h#13,5; Maximummer; White Maximummer). Double Valladao.
  • (11.12) No.968 – Petko A. Petkov (h#2,5; Take&Make Chess; Anti-Take&Make; Super-Pawn; Berolina Super-Pawn; Grasshopper). Rich thematic complex in two phases with combination of conditions Take&Make + Anti-Take&Make.
  • (10.12) No.966, 967 – Erich Bartel. Four promotions in each problem: AUW in No.966 (h==5; PWC; Madrasi RI; Alphabetic Chess) & fourfold N in No.967 (h==4.5; PWC; Madrasi RI; Alphabetic Chess; Nightrider).
  • (09.12) No.965 – Michael Grushko (PG 19,5 ; Grasshopper). Fairy promotions in PG problem.
  • (09.12) No.964 – Krassimir Gandev (h#2; Dabbaba; Nightrider; 2,4-leaper). Two pairs of solutions with reciprocal play.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 031215



Original Problems


03rd of December, 2015

  • (03.12) No.962.1 – Aleksey Oganesjan (hs#3,5). An improved version of No.962, after comment by N.Predrag.
  • (03.12) No.963 – Pierre Tritten (ser-h#5). A sequence of reciprocal pins and unpins in two phases.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Soft upgrade on JF

faviconDear Friends, today the soft upgrade (WordPress platform with related plugins) was done for JF. I’m sorry for any inconveniences you might have as the result! Some loses in the functionality are already found and fixed. Please, let me know if you find something that has stopped working as before! Thank you! – Julia.

Originals 02-271115


02-27th of November, 2015

  • (27.11) No.962 – Aleksey Oganesjan (hs#3,5). Underpromotions and bicolor Bristol in HS# Meredith without fairy pieces.
  • (27.11) No.961 – Gani Ganapathi & Georgy Evseev (h#2; Take&Make). Take & Make specific echo-mates in Miniature form. Composed after No.440 (by G.Ganapathi).
  • (26.11) No.960 – Erich Bartel & Seetharaman K. (hs#4.5; VAO). Valladao in a joint problem presented as an extension to No.864 (by E.Bartel).
  • (26.11) No.959 – Ján Kovalič (h#2; Take & Make). A cycle of moves’ repetitions in Take & Make problem. Warm welcome to Ján in Original Problems section of JF!
  • (24.11) No.958 – Vlaicu Crișan (h#2; Take & Make; Anti-Take & Make). Nice unpins and selfblocks in a light presentation of Take&Make + Anti-Take&Make combination.
  • (24.11) No.956, 957 – Erich Bartel. A King in three corners in No.956 (h=7.5; Alphabetic Chess; Grasshopper; Contra-Grasshopper) and fairy AUW in No.957 (h==6; PWC; Madrasi RI; Alphabetic Chess; Zebra, Giraffe, Okapi, Bison).
  • (22.11) No.955 – N.Shankar Ram (s#7; Kamikaze Chess; Diagram Circe; Ibis; Triton). ”6×6 cycle of W & B moves” (NSR).
  • (17.11) No.954 – Sébastien Luce (ser-h#11; Dynamo). Dynamo fairy condition in Miniature.  The problem is published in memory of the victims of the Bataclan (13-11-2015). My condolences to the people of France!
  • (15.11) Fairings No.45 – Chris Feather, distributed by Stephen Emmerson, is added to the Articles section!
  • (14.11) No.952, 953 – Vladimir Kozhakin. Non-identical solutions in h# and hs# problems: No.952 (h#2; PWC; Take & Make) and No.953 (hs#4).
  • (14.11) No.951 – Oliver Sick (h#4.5; Masand). Echo-mates in Masand Miniature.
  • (13.11) No.950 – N.Shankar Ram (#4; Kamikaze Alfil+Dabbaba Rider). Alfil+Dabbaba Riders (implemented in WinChloe only!) in a complex presentation of Jacobs theme.
  • (12.11) No.948, 949 – Erich Bartel. Serial problems with Ortho+fairy AUW in No.948 (ser-==16; Madrasi RI; Alphabetic Chess; Nightrider; Antelope; Lion; Root-50-leaper) and Valladao in No.949 (ser-s#7; Anti-Circe; Grasshopper).
  • (11.11) No.592.1 – Igor Kochulov (#2; Einstein Chess; Anti-Circe). An improved version to No.592 (JF-2014/III); the problem wasn’t included in the Award JF-2014/III (“unfortunately with a flight-taking key”, K.Widlert), and a new version will participate in the current competition.
  • (09.11) No.930.1 – Paul Rãican (PG 11.5; Sentinels). Correction to No.930 after comment by Georgy Evseev.
  • (08.11) No.931.1 – Paul Rãican (PG 11; Annan Chess). Correction to  No.931 after comment by Gregor Werner.
  • (03.11) No.945, 946, 947 – Pierre Tritten (ser-h#3; Circe Couscous). Three ‘passive’ white AUWs, showing all combinations of promotions (B+Q, R+S in (1); B+S, R+Q in (2); B+R, S+Q in (3)). (Author)
  • (02.11) No.944 – Petko A. Petkov (hs#4; Chameleon). Masked half-battery and model pin-mates in a play of five Chameleon pieces in two phases.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Originals 19-311015


19-31st of October, 2015

  • (31.10) No.935.1 – Sébastien Luce & Paul Rãican (ser-h#13; PWC; Einstein Chess). A new version to No.935: “All white units contributes to checkmate. Four corners theme is replaced with come-and-go path: a2-a3-f8-h8-f8-a3-a2.“ (PR)
  • (29.10) No.943 – Gani Ganapathi (hs#3; Paralysing piece). Paralysing pieces in reciprocal under-promotions.
  • (28.10) No.942 – Erich Bartel (h#4; Equihopper; Eagle; Sparrow). A four-corner quadruplet!
  • (26.10) No.941.1 – Sébastien Luce & Vlaicu Crişan (h#3; Circe Antipodes; Anti-Circe (Cheylan)). An improved version to No.941.
  • (25.10) No.941 – Sébastien Luce (h#3; Circe Antipodes; Anti-Circe (Cheylan); Royal Fairy Bishop). A combination of Circe Antipodes and Anti-Circe.
  • (24.10) No.940 – Erich Bartel (ser-h=13; Anti-Circe; Alphabetic Chess; Disparate PY). Disparate-stalemate in a serial problem.
  • (22.10) No.939 – Karol Mlynka (hs#3). Black Royal battery play; pins.
  • (21.10) No.938 – Pierre Tritten (h#2; Take & Make). Take&Make effects in each half-move!
  • (20.10) No.937 – Ladislav Packa (hs#3). Black minimal with interesting finals.
  • (19.10) No.936 – Georgy Evseev (#3; Disparate). Cycle in a Disparate #3.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.

Mečislavas Palevičius MT

sachmatijaMečislavas Palevičius memorial tourney

The Lithuanian chess composers` society announces a memorial tourney of Mečislavas Palevičius.

Theme: serial (all kinds) mate or stalemate problem with neutral pawns. Other fairy pieces or conditions are allowed. No more than 15 moves. Entries must be sent by 1st of January, 2016, to director of tourney Borisas Gelpernas, Vytenio g. 27-15, LT-03112 Vilnius, Lithuania or by e-mail: Borisas2011@gmail.com.

Write your post address. The judge will be announced latterly. Prizes: books.
The award will be announced in „Šachmatija“ in the middle of 2016.

Originals 02-171015


2-17th of October, 2015

  • (17.10) No.509.6 – Henryk Grudziński & Paul Rãican (PG 10; Take&Make). Correction to the versions published in March, 2014 (No.509-509.5) and excluded from JF Retro&PG TT 2013/2014 because of the cook found.
  • (16.10) No.934, 935 – Sébastien Luce:
    No.934 (h#3.5; Circe Symmetry; Super Anti-Circe; Grasshopper) – A minimal echo with a duo of Grasshoppers;
    No.935 (ser-h#12; PWC; Einstein) – A four corners theme. (Author)
  • (16.10) No.933 – Aleksey Oganesjan (hs#5). Valladao theme in HS# problem.
  • (15.10) No.932 – Vlaicu Crișan & Klaus Wenda (-16 & #1 Proca Retractor; Anti-Circe). King’s march in Anti-Circe Proca Retractor
  • (14.10) No.930, 931 – Paul Rãican. PG problems featuring two different fairy conditions: No.930 (PG 11; Sentinels); No.931 (PG 13; Annan Chess).
  • (13.10) No.929 – Daniel Novomesky (PG 14). Multiple switchbacks in PG problem!
  • (12.10) No.927, 928 – Aleksandr Sygurov (hs#3; PWC). A Queen as a main actor in two PWC problems! Warm welcome to Aleksandr in Original Problems section of JF!
  • (11.10) No.925, 926 – Erich Bartel. Three fairy conditions and surprising finals in two serial problems: No.925 (ser-s=6; Chameleon Chess; Alphabetic Chess; Disparate PY); No.926 (ser-==10; Madrasi RI; Chameleon Chess; Alphabetic Chess).
  • (10.10) No.924 – Vladislav Nefyodov (h#2; Circe; Anti-Circe (Cheylan)). AUW with Cyclic Zilahi.
  • (10.10) No.214.1 – Petko A. Petkov (h#2; KoBul Kings; Nightrider-Locust; Bishop-Locust). Correction to the problem No.214 because of the cook appeared in Popeye v.4.73. The original version has got 1st-2nd HM in the Award JF-2013/I.
  • (09.10) No.919 – 923 – Michael Grushko (h#2; Functionary Chess). Series of 5 help-play problems featuring Functionary Chess.
  • (08.10) No.918 – Joost de Heer (PG 12.5). Switchback in PG problem!
  • (07.10) No.917 – Krassimir Gandev (h#2; Dolphin; Berolina Super-Pawn; Grasshopper). Three-times play of the both Berolina Super-Pawns.
  • (06.10) No.916 – Semion Shifrin (hs#3; Annan Chess; Take&Make Chess; LEO; PAO; VAO). A Chinese Meredith-Aristocrat.
  • (06.10) No.913.1 – Anatoly Stepochkin (h#2; Circe; Zebra; Grasshopper). An improved version to No.913.
  • (05.10) No.914, 915 – Petko A. Petkov – Two rich thematic complexes with Super-Pawns and combination of conditions Take&Make + Anti-Take&Make (Popeye’s implementation): No.914 (h=2; Anti-Andernach; Take&Make; Anti-Take&Make; PAO; Berolina Super-Pawn), No.915 (hs#2; Take&Make; Anti-Take&Make; LEO; PAO; Super-Pawn).
  • (03.10) I’d like to repeat, that the list of problems JF-2015-II is updated weekly with a help of Shankar Ram. I’m so grateful for this help!!
  • (02.10) No.913 – Anatoly Stepochkin (h#2; Circe; Zebra; Grasshopper). Castling motives in Circe-problem.
  • (02.10) No.911, 912 – Erich Bartel – Two miniatures with a seldom-used fairy pieces: No.911 (h=6.5; Alphabetic Chess; Disparate PY; Bison), No.912 (ser-h=4; Royal Wazir; Hamster).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2015(II) – Ofer ComayThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.