Dear Friends,
The second informal tournament of this year – JF-2014/II – has finished on the 31st of August, 2014. Thanks a lot to all participants and to the judge, Dmitri Turevski, for his future work! I will check again all published problems and versions participating in the tournament, but I’d like to ask all participants to look at the problems’ list as well. By default, only the last published version of the problem participates in the competition. Please let me know if you’d like some specific version to participate!
As I’ve written in the post of January,1st, this year I’ve decided keep the same system as in 2013, and to split the informal tourneys for fairy problems published on Julia’s Fairies website into 3 periods and independent tourneys:
I – January-April, II – May-August, III – September-December.
You’re welcome to participate in the 3rd informal tournament of this year – JF-2014/III, September-December!
Any fairy problem can participate, and I’m here for you to publish it as soon as I can, usually in 1-2 days.
I’m happy to introduce you the judge of this period – Kjell Widlert – An International Judge, IM in composing and solving, the fairy and solution editor of the Swedish magazine “Springaren”, a world famous fairy expert and composer of original style, who has also composed a large number of problems in collaboration with other composers during chess composition meetings, and, of course, one of the best commentators on JF! Also, Kjell has been the Swedish delegate to the PCCC/WFCC “for the last 100 years or so :-)”(K.W.), and was a Vice President for 20 years. Warm welcome to Kjell!