Site Updates-221212

Updates as of 18-22.Dec, 2012:

  • (22.12) Welcome, welcome to Ján Golha, Slovakia! Ján is not only a well known Slovakian composer, but also an editor of very popular website! So, I’m very happy to be able to publish his problem! See Miniature-Aristocrat – No.198 !
  • (22.12) Peter Harris often surprises me with his ideas, but these 3 problems are even more unusual! See No.195, 196, 197 ! Thank you, Peter
  • (21.12) It’s always nice to get problems from our active commentators! Please see No.194 by Paul Răican! Thank you, Paul, for your activity! 
  • (20.12) Happy to show you a joint problem by two authors – Alain BIÉNABE & Sébastien LUCE, No.193 – and to welcome a new author – Sébastien LUCE, France! Thanks to the authors!! 
  • (19.12) And now I have no doubts we’ll have 200 problems by the end of year! – I’ve a pleasure to present you 4(!!) problems by Peter Harris – all different, all complicated! See them all – No.189,190,191,192! Thank you for support, Peter!!
  • (18.12) I’ve a pleasure to show you a joint problem by two Hungarian authors – see No.188 by Tibor Érsek & János Mikitovics! This problem is also quite complicated! Thanks a lot to the authors!
  • (18.12) See a complicated (as always!) problem by Peter Harris – No.187! Thank you, Peter, for coming again and again with your new problems, and for your support! I have to count who from us has more problems here – either Peter or myself! 🙂 

(18.12) Will  we have 200 problems here by the end of year??

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list. 

Your original problems are very welcome!!


christmas-bellsChristmas Blitz-Tourney JF-2012

Give mate with a neutral piece!

Rules: H#2 problem, where mate is given after the last move of neutral piece! Number of neutral pieces on the board is unlimited, although it is desirable for them to be not only technical units, but figures connected to the theme of the problem. All fairy pieces programmed in Popeye, WinChloe or Alybadix are allowed. Fairy conditions are not allowed. Not allowed are also pieces with special additional functions, as “kamikaze”, “paralyzing”, etc. Computer tested problems only! Please mention the program used for testing!

See the schemes and examples of the problems!

Judge: IGM Petko A. Petkov – International Judge of FIDE. Thanks a lot to Mr.Petkov who has agreed to judge one more tourney and in so short term!

Term: 10 days! Please send your problems till December, 27th, 24:00 by e-mail only to Julia,

The Award will be published on Julia’s Fairies website on December, 31st, 2012.
I believe, it will beautify the site for the New Year’s celebration! 

Chocolates on the picture are your prizes! I believe you’ll find some associations with neutral pieces! 🙂

Welcome to participate and have fun with these problems!

Site Updates-151212

Updates as of 13-15.Dec, 2012:

  • (16.12) I’m impressed by those, who can come back to their old problems to improve them! See an improved version of the problem published in October – No.153.1, Nikola Predrag! Also, today is Nikola‘s birthday! Congratulations, dear author and commentator!!!
  • (15.12) Warm welcome to new author on the site – Stephan Dietrich, Germany! – see nice Aristocrat-miniature – No.186!

  • (15.12) Please see an improved version of the problem published yet in August! – a complicated complex by Semion ShifrinNo.108.1!
  • (14.12) Dear friends, on the night I’ve done an update of most of software I use for this website – from the platform till small plugins. I’d be grateful to you if you report me if something works wrong! Thanks for your patience!
  • (13.12) As I’ve promised, PDF-version of the Award of Julia’sFairies 1st T.T HSP-2012 for download or print is added! Please let me know if there’re any mistakes! Thanks!
  • (13.12) Do you remember an “Illegal cluster” by Seetharaman Kalyan? Solving time is over and now you can see on the same page the results I’ve got from the author!  See update as of 13.12.2012 on the page with problem No.166 ! 

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list. 

Your original problems are very welcome!!

JF 1st TT Award

Dear Friends,

I’m so much happy to tell you that the Award of Julia’sFairies 1st T.T HSP-2012 is ready!!! Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks a lot to all participants! See the Award by IGM Petko A. Petkov and enjoy a very nice problems!

Use PDF-version of the Award for download or print!

These are preliminary results. A term of 7 days is given for possible remarks or objections, and after this term the results will be announced as final results.

My gratitudes to the judge, Petko A. Petkov, for this great work and to Geoff Foster for English correction!

What can I say more? This is my first tournament, and of course I worried about everything happening.. I’m very thankful to all of you for so active participation, for so beautiful problems! I believe I’m more happy, then the winners! I’ll be drinking champagne for all of you this evening!

Site Updates-111212

Updates as of 08-11.Dec, 2012:

  • (11.12) By the author’s words, to compose this problem he was inspired by the recent  comments initiated by Ron Fenton – see No.185 by Dmitri Turevski!
  • (11.12) Original problem by Diyan Kostadinov demonstrates relatively new (not programmed yet) fairy condition Memory Circe – see No.184!
  • (11.12) Enjoy perfect battery play in a join problem by two authors – S.K.Balasubramanian & Vlaicu Crișan – No.183! I’m happy to welcome Vlaicu Crișan on the site!
  • (08.12) Welcome to the new author on the site – Linden Lyons, Australia! See Grasshoppers in fairy #2 – No.182

Thanks to the authors!

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

Your original problems are very welcome!!

Christopher Reeves (19/2/1939 – 3/12/2012)

Christopher Reeves (19/2/1939 – 3/12/2012)


From the RIP written by  David Shire:

“It is with great sadness that The British Chess Problem Society records the death of one of its most illustrious members, Chris Reeves. To attempt to write anything so soon after the passing of a man whose life has been so full and rich is not easy. 

He will be missed by many and remembered with great affection.”

Today I’ve a pleasure to publish a problem by Kenneth Solja to the memory of Christopher Reeves – No.181.

Some more comments I’d like to quote here:

“Christopher was a great composer, deeply in love with our art. Above all: such a kind man and a dear friend, spreading enthusiasm and good vibrations all around.
Last months he seemed to be active and successful in his professional activities, including lectures in Sao Paulo, and many projects he wanted to complete. Terrible, shocking loss…” (Marjan Kovačević)

“As a composer, Chris was the equal of his contemporaries, the British triumvirate of Rice, Lipton and Barnes. He was a fantastic editor (Chris had only just relinquished his post as the two-move sub-editor of “The Problemist”) and a warm-hearted friend…” (Ian Shanahan)

“This winter brings much sad news, indeed — A. Christopher Reeves was a problem superman.” (Kevin Begley)

See also the article by David Shire in memory of Chris Reeves: The Twomovers of Chris Reeves (Mat Plus 42, January 2012).

Site Updates-051212

Updates as of 04-05.Dec, 2012:

  • (05.12) Welcome to the new author on the site – Alain Biénabe, France! See the first original Pser problem published here – No.180
  • (04.12) And one more original problem has came on the same day – see synthesis of two fairy conditions in the nice joint problem by Gani Ganapathi & Juraj Lörinc –  No.179
  • (04.12) It’s nice to see an original from our most active commentator – Seetharaman Kalyan! See hs#3 problem with white promotions, but without fairy elements –  No.178

Thanks to the authors!

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

Your original problems are very welcome!!

Dan-Constantin Gurgui 50 JT

→ Tourneys 

The “e4 e5” magazine announces a formal tournament for the 50th birthday of Romanian problemist  Dan-Constantin  Gurgui.  H#2, with a free theme, no zeropositions, duplex  or fairy pieces.   Start date: January 1st. Closing date: December 31st 2013.  Judge: Zivko Janevski, International Judge of FIDE, P.Box 163, 1480 Gevgelija, Macedonia,

Please send your entries to  The problems will be published in “e4 e5” magazine. All participants will receive the award by email. Maximum number of entries per composer: 5.  Please reprint.

(added 01.12.2012)

Phenix is back!

French review “Phenix” is back !

I’d like to quote Laurent Riguet (mail: who’s written on November, 25th:

Hello dear chess friends !
After the death of Denis Blondel in june, the french problemists decided to continue the review, so… Phenix is back !
I send last week end phénix 213…218 to subscribers.
I would be very happy if you had one original (or more!) for the next review (px 222) with originals !
best wishes
Laurent Riguet

Welcome back to Phenix!! And let’s send our problems for the next issue – before the end of December,2012! But I’m also happy to get Phenix-216 yesterday. My problem published there is just added to My Problems – see No.22 composed yet in January.

Site Updates-301112

Updates as of 26-30.Nov, 2012:

  • (30.11) I’m very happy to welcome a new author on the site – one of the best known Italian composers – Francesco Simoni! See Gnu fairy piece in 4 phases – the first time on the site! – in the nice problem No.177!
  • (30.11) The articleThe Wonderful (new genre) Parry Seriesby Petko A. Petkov is available  from the Articles page. See also my post about it below.
  • (29.11) A new original by Peter Harris is added! See only two Kings on the board in No.176!
  • (26.11) I’m very pleased to show you a new original problem by Petko A. Petkov My lovely MOA is pinned and can’t capture the pinning piece because of… – see an interesting combination in No.175!

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

Your original problems are very welcome!!