Originals 13-150919


Original Problems

13-15th of September, 2019

  • (15.09) No.1442 – Joost de Heer (SPG 6.5 ; Assassin Chess).
  • (14.09) No.1441 – Daniel Papack (#2 ; Immun Chess RexInclusiv). “Inspired by H. Gockel” (Author)
  • (13.09) No.1440 – Günther Weeth & Klaus Wenda (-14 & #1 ; Proca Retractor Anti-Circe Cheylan). Dedicated to Andreas Thoma, inspired by his article „Chasing the black King
  • (13.09) No.1439 – Andreas Thoma (-5 & s=1 ; Proca Retractor Anti-Circe Cheylan). Klaus Wenda zum 78. Geburtstag gewidmet / Dedicated to Klaus Wenda’s 78th birthday

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Cri?an

Originals 05-100919


Original Problems

05-10th of September, 2019

Problems by János Mikitovics, Andreas Thoma, Günther Weeth & Klaus Wenda, Joost de Heer coming soon!

  • (10.09) No.1438 – Linden Lyons (=2 ; Grasshopper). Setplay, tries and variations.
  • (08.09) No.1437 – Anatoly Stepochkin (hs#3.5). Without fairy elements for relaxing Sunday’s night!
  • (08.09) No.1436 – Chris Feather (ser-h#23 ; Circe Equipollents). “I think it should be enjoyable for solvers – at least, I hope so!” (Author)
  • (07.09) No.1435 – Michael Barth & Franz Pachl (h#2 ; Senora, Faro, Loco, Saltador). 13 Argentinian pieces on the board!
  • (07.09) No.1434 – Bernd Gräfrath (PG 13 ; Duellist Chess). “NOT SENT to the Murfatlar tourney at the WCCC 2019 in Vilnius!” (Author)
  • (06.09) No.1433 – Jean-Marie Chorein (ser-h=43). Warm welcome to Jean-Marie in Original Problems of JF!
  • (06.09) Conflictio No.18 (31.08.2019) by Juraj Lörinc is added to the Articles page. “It contains the article by Narayan Shankar Ram on Jacobs theme, enjoy. And please, let me know what you think about such long articles – is the size of the file acceptable (about 1 MB) or should I divide it into more issues next time?” (J.Lorinc). Replaced with the new version on 07.09: “Various kinds of improvements were possible thanks to feedback of some of you. The most important change is correct diagram No 342 that was plainly wrong in the first version and I would also like to point swap of diagrams 242 and 306.” (J.Lorinc)
  • (05.09) No.1432 – Václav Kotěšovec (h#9 ; Eagle ; White Maximummer). 4-fold exact echo in four corners. (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Originals 03-060819


Original Problems

03rd-06th of August, 2019

  • (06.08) No.1431 – Manfred Rittirsch (h#2.5** ; Double Grashopper ; Circe Parrain). “The move count of the attached problem did not match the Rallo-80 JT requirements… Dedicated to Vito Rallo for his 80th Birthday” (Author)
  • (04.08) No.1430 – Chris Feather (ser-h#25 ; PWC, AntiCirce Diagram). The new effect?
  • (04.08) No.1429 – Dmitri Turevski (h#2 ; Nightrider, Zebrarider ; Andernach, Take&Make). Logical; tries.
  • (03.08) No.1428 – N.Shankar Ram (#3 ; Nightrider, Zebra). “Only 2 “classical” fairy pieces used…” (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Originals 28-310719


Original Problems

28th-31st of July, 2019

  • (31.07) No.1427 – Chris Feather (h#2.5 ; Messigny Chess). Please, who are in contact with Chris, send my greetings to him! This problem (and one more to appear soon) has arrived to me by postal mail. (JV)
  • (31.07) No.1425,1426 – Sergey Shumeiko: author mentions that the problems of his Diptych,  No.1425 (s!=6* ; Haaner Chess) and No.1426 (ser-hza1 6 / ser-hzh8 6 ; Bichrome Chess, Messigny Chess) can be viewed together having the same position and the same theme.
  • (30.07) No.1397.3 – Paul Rãican (PG 25 ; Berolina Pawns ; Duelist). One more version to No.1397 (also shown in the comments to No.1397).
  • (30.07) Conflictio No.17 (28.07.2019) by Juraj Lörinc is added to the Articles page.
  • (28.07) No.1424 – Aleksandr Tyunin (h#2 ; Grasshopper ; LEO). “Чередование ходов белых фигур.” (Author)
  • (28.07) No.1423 – Václav Kotěšovec (hs#8 ; Grasshopper ; Maximummer). “4-fold echo. “ (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Originals 07-120719


Original Problems


7-12th of July, 2019

  • (12.07) No.1422 – Aleksey Oganesjan (hs#7). “Tempo-triangulation of wK…” (Author)
  • (10.07) No.1421 – Sven Trommler & Franz Pachl (hs#4 ; Nightrider, NAO, PAO). Sven, welcome back to JF after 7 years since your previous publication, joint problem No.87 in 2012!
  • (08.07) No.1420 – Klaus Wenda (-6 & s#1 Proca Anti-Circe ; Grasshopper, Bishophopper, MWU II). Queen with the power of a MWU.
  • (08.07) No.1419 – Daniel Papack & Computer (h#2.5 ; Neutral pawns ; Chameleon Chess). “After No.1414, found with the help of the computer by testing…” (Author)
  • (07.07) No.1418 – Udo Degener (h#13.5 ; Grasshopper ; Functionary Chess). Warm welcome to Udo in Original Problems of JF!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/II: Petko Petkov. The judge of Retro generic levitra eu & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Cri?an

Judges for JF 2019/II-2020/I

Dear friends, I’m glad to announce to you fairy judges for the current and next period, the both will be judging JF’s competitions for the 2nd time:

ppetkov_dobrichThe judge of the current fairy period, JF-2019/II (July-December’2019) will be GM Petko A. Petkov – multiple World Champion in Composing and Olympic Champion (1990), inventor of many fairy-conditions, author of more than 120 theoretical articles, International Judge and a leader in the world rank list with 471.75 points in the FIDE Albums (1914-2015) with 64 years practice in chess composition! Would like to mention, that this year Petko finished the award for JF-2016/I and I’m grateful to him for the very kind offer to JF again, almost without any break! 

The judge for the next fairy period, JF-2020/I (January-June’2020) will be Eric Huber – another very supportive person, one of the first judges on JF (has judged JF-2013/III), International Judge of fairy problems,  organizer  (together with Vlaicu Crişan) of the yearly Tzuica Tourney, dedicated to helpselfmates. Let’s meet Eric in 2020!

JF-2019/I ends ; JF-2019/II starts…

The first half of the year 2019 is over, and the tournament JF-2019/I is closed on the 30th of June with 43 fairy problems (plus some versions). While the quantity is not so big, I believe the quality of the problems would make the competition enjoyable for the judge, Michal Dragoun! Thanks a lot to all participants and to the judge for accepting this work! Special gratitude to Shankar Ram, who was updating the index page of the tournament, menu Original Problems -> Julia’s Fairies – 2019

I’m sorry, the judge is not appointed yet for the second half of this year. Still, a new fairy tournament JF-2019/II (01.07-31.12.2019) is opened for the submissions and I’d gladly publish your good problems!

Have to tell, I’ll be less active on JF during July-August. Family vacation, some own composing for WCCC’s unofficial tournaments, 4th YCCC composing TT for juniors, and the Congress itself… So, I’d appreciate it very much if you include the notation and full solutions (with departure and arrival squares) in your entries! It would make my work much faster.

Thank you very much in advance! Wishing to all of you to have a wonderful summer! – Julia

Originals 22-300619


Original Problems


22nd-30th of June, 2019

  • (30.06) No.1417 – Vitaly Medintsev (hs#7). Author reports 465 hours of testing by Popeye v3.70!
  • (29.06) No.1415, 1416 – Claude Beaubestre. No.1415 (ser-h#14 ; Bolero inverse Rex Inclusiv) &  No.1416 (h#2.5 by the Black ; Bolero). 
  • (26.06) No.1414 – Julia Vysotska & Marjan Kova?evi? (hs#3* ; Neutral pieces ; Chameleon Chess). 2 complete cycles of changes in Miniature.
  • (24.06) No.1223.2 – Günther Weeth & Klaus Wenda (-7 & #1 Hoeg Retractor ; Anti-Circe ; Magic Wandering Unit II). A new version to the problem No.1223 from the tournament R2018-19: “Unfortunately, No. 1223.1 by Günther Weeth & Klaus Wenda was found to be cooked shortly before I finished my award and has not yet been corrected.”(Dirk Borst). Now the problem will participate in the current PG&Retro competition, R2019-20.
  • (24.06) No.1397.2 – Paul Rãican (PG 32 ; Duelist ; Berolina Pawns). “the first 22 moves are verified by Jacobi in 58 hours.” (Author)
  • (24.06) No.1413 – Andreas Thoma (-6 & #1 Proca Retractor ; Anti-Circe Cheylan). Two solutions.
  • (23.05) Conflictio No.15 (06.06.2019) & Conflictio No.16 (22.06.2019) by Juraj Lörinc are added to the Articles page.
  • (22.06) No.1411, 1412 – Petko A. Petkov. No.1411 (h#2 ; Neutral pieces; Bolero) &  No.1412 (#2vv ; Bolero Inverse). Problems presenting Bolero and Bolero Inverse conditions invented by the author, and also some more words about Bolero project.
    Above all, I express my sincere gratitude to Christian Poisson and to Geoff Foster, who gives me great help in the grammatical editing of my texts!” (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/I: Michal Dragoun. The judge of Retro generic cialis 20 mg canada & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Cri?an

Originals 150619


Original Problems


15th of June, 2019

  • (15.06) No.1410 – Vitaly Medintsev (hs#4). “Non-fairy” fairy.  😉 
  • (15.06) No.1409 – Pierre Tritten (h#2 ; Bolero). Bolero is a new fairy condition implemented in WinChloe.
  • (15.06) No.1408 – Daniel Papack (h#2 ; SuperGuards). Superguards specific cycle.
  • (15.06) No.1407 – Anatoly Stepochkin (h#2 ; Lion). HOTF.
  • (15.06) No.1406 – N.Shankar Ram (#5 ; Wazir, Equileaper ; Diagram Circe, Black must capture). Looks like a fundamental work with 120 variations! With a gratitude to Shankar for the solution fully prepared for animation!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/I: Michal Dragoun. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Originals 200519


Original Problems


20th of May, 2019

  • (20.05) No.1405 – Ľuboš Kekely & Juraj Lörinc (ser-h+++49 ; Grasshopper). “Very long walk of black king with five returns.” (Authors)
  • (20.05) Conflictio No.13 (04.04.2019) & Conflictio No.14 (29.04.2019) by Juraj Lörinc are added to the Articles page.
  • (20.05) No.1404 – Hubert Gockel (#2 ; Breton). Author believes that Breton is a very fruitful new condition. Implemented in WinChloe and Popeye v.4.81. 

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2019/I: Michal Dragoun. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan