Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

WinChloe update of Echecs – 121012

WinChloe – latest update of
WinChloe Echecs database!

  • The latest update (as of 12-Oct-2012) of WinChloe Echecs database is available for those, who uses it. The number of problems has increased till 444141 !   In September I was written about the update as of 12-Sep-12 – there were 441047 problems that time. So, 3094 new problems are added in 1 month!
  • 74 of original problems published at juliasfairies.com are added to WinChloe Echecs database as of 12-Oct.
  • I’d like to write more about WinChloe in my section Software/WinChloe – hopefully, will find time somehow! But for now a little info I haven’t mentioned on my pages: although, WinChloe has user interface in 2 languages (French and English), most of fairy pieces and conditions are in French. So, for non-french speaking beginners I’d advice to visit WinChloe‘s author’s website – Problemesis by Christian Poisson – to see the translations and definitions of
    fairy pieces   (http://christian.poisson.free.fr/problemesis/pieces.html),
    fairy conditions (http://christian.poisson.free.fr/problemesis/condus.html); 
    link to WinChloe (http://winchloe.free.fr/) and some more useful information.


Forum – Recent Posts

Some time ago I’ve written about adding Forum to the site. That time a link to it was shown on the top of the right menu. Now I’ve changed it a little, adding  Forum / Форум  header with a links to the Recent Posts to it. I believe, such option is more useful. Your comments to the Forum are very welcome!

Site Updates-041112

Updates as of 03-04.Nov, 2012:

  • (04.11) Welcome to Lithuanian author – Nikolaj Zujev! See a nice hs#4 problem with chinese pieces – No.163 !
  • (03.11) See a new original problem added – Diyan Kostadinov, combination of fairy conditions Anti Take&Make and Take&Make in No.162. Nice to see Diyan‘s problem again on the site! 

(03.11) I’ve added 4 more of my published problems. I guess that many of you have already seen them, as these are KoBul Kings problems I’ve already shown in thematic issue Ideas with KoBul Kings. Anyway, had to add them, as I’ve decided to to create a full list of all my published problems (luckily, I don’t have too many of them! 🙂 ). You can see 36 of them in My Problems section, or the last problems added directly from here:

  • No.33 – Light Miniature with KoBul Kings
  • No.34 – My the very best of KoBul Kings
  • No.35 – Joint problem with Petko A. Petkov, Locusts in KoBul Kings problem
  • No.36 – A simple one, good idea with a weak realization?

Site Updates-021112

Updates as of 30.Oct-02.Nov, 2012:

Isn’t it a week of Superguards-problems? 🙂

  • (02.11) See one more nice composition with superguards by C.G.S.Narayanan – No.161 ! Gratitude to the author!
  • (31.10) I’m happy to show you one more superguards original problem! I believe, it will be very useful for those, who are going to participate in the Superguards Tourney. Thanks a lot to the great Master, Petko A. Petkov! And enjoy a Meredith problem – No.160 !
  • (30.10) Welcome to India’s leading composer – C.G.S.Narayanan! See the first superguards problem published anywhere (not counting the examples in Tourney announcement) – No.159 !
  • Superguards Tourney and the announcement by A.P.I. about new closing date for Enzo Minerva-50 JT 2012 are added to the Tourneys section.
  • Also, I’ve added a page with tourneys’ results available from the top of the Tourneys page. There’re just a few results for now. But hopefully, will be more soon!  
  • (31.10) I’ve added 2 more of my published problems, h# with Mao/Moa again, which are like a series of problems together with recently shown No.30:
    No.31 – MAO, soma MOA, Locust, Lions pieces;
    No.32 – MAO, MOA, PAO, VAO pieces. 


To celebrate his birthday and his fairy invention Superguards,
K.Seetharaman, (India) announces
a Theme Tourney for problems featuring Superguards,

the new Fairy Condition.

Definition of Superguards:

Any piece (including Kings and pawns), which is observed by another piece of the same color cannot be captured. Pinned pieces also observe.

The tourney will have two sections:

Section A is for Directmates in Two or Three moves.

Section B is for Helpplay problems of up to three moves, of the following types:

Helpmates, Helpselfmates, Help-stalemates and Help-selfstalemates.

Twins allowed in Section A. Twins and multisolutions (but no Zero positions) allowed in Section B. No other fairy conditions or fairy pieces are allowed.

Judge: K.Seetharaman

Computer-tested problems may be sent to the Tourney Director Mr.C.G.S.Narayanan (India) by email. <cgsnarayanan@hotmail.com> At present Superguards problems can be checked in WinChloe. (version 3.20).

Book prizes will be awarded.

All participants will receive the award by email.

Closing date of the Tourney March 18, 2013.  

→See the the full announcement with examples of Superguards problems HERE!

Welcome to participate!!

Site Updates-281012

Updates as of 28.Oct, 2012:

Today I’ve added some more of my published problems. You can see 30 of them in My Problems section, or the last problems added directly from here:

  • No.24 – Playing with AndernachChess
  • No.25 – AndernachChess in HS-problem
  • No.26 – Composed for Olympic Tourney, but didn’t get anything; I still like it!
  • No.28 – Neutral PAOs are “eating” each other
  • No.30 – A complicated problem with MAO, MOA and Locust pieces!

The first snow is here, in Riga, starting Friday… 🙂

Site Updates-251012

Updates as of 24-25.Oct, 2012:

  • (25.10) Let me show you my own funny problem – promotions into Chameleons with Anti-Andernach effects – No.158. Your comments are always welcome!
  • (25.10) Warm welcome to Chris Feather in Original problems section! I’ve a pleasure to show you a 4-men problem by Chris – No.157! Enjoy! And thanks a lot to the author!
  • (24.10) I’m happy to see Pierre Tritten on the site again! Enjoy h#2 without fairy pieces, but with a dynamic Take & Make strategy – No.156! Thank you, Pierre!

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

(16.10) The Thematic tourney Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012 is closed. See my post about participants of the tourney! Thanks again to all authors! And.. I’d appreciate your ideas for the next tourneys!! But for now – we’re waiting for the results!

New: Forum

Dear Friends,

I’ve just added a Forum to the site!

Still not sure if it might be interesting or not, but probably have to try to find out! 🙂

For now I’ve created some groups there, but any changes are possible of course! I’d appreciate your suggestions about the topics to add! 

TOP menu of the site is almost full and I don’t like to create the second line for it for now, so I’ve added a link to the Forum on the right part, right above Recent Posts.

You need a registration to post anything to the forum. If you have registered on the site (on the bottom part of the right area) – the same registration works for the forum. The Login on the welcome screen of the forum can be used instead of general Login on the site. 

I’ve tested it a little. But, I’m afraid, some errors are still possible. Please be patient! And I’d be grateful for your help in testing!

Sincerely, Julia