Julia's Fairies

Search Results for: petkov 2013

Do You know the Marine pieces? – Part III

PAP-photo-MarineDo You know the Marine pieces?
(Part III – Scylla, Charybdis)

IGM Petko Petkov




The third part of my article about Marine pieces relates to two other (non-classical?) pieces that are also little known in practice: The Marine MAOSKYLLA or SCYLLA (SK  in Popeye, SC in WinChloe) and the Marine MOACHARYBDIS (CY in Popeye, CH in WinChloe). Problems with these pieces can be checked with both programs: Popeye and WinChloe. 


scylla-smallVII. SCYLLA


The Scylla is a Marine Mao.

Definition: The Scylla moves as a normal Knight provided the destination square is vacant; to capture it takes an enemy unit on the intervening orthogonal square. If this square is occupied by a friendly unit then the Scylla is obstructed.

In Scheme N38 the white SKe4 can play as an ordinary MAO: 1. SKc3 and 1.SKc5 (without mate of course). According to the definition, here it is possible to realize 4 captures with the wSK, but only two of them are mates: 1. SKxf4-g5#! and 1. SKxe3-f2#! with line-openings for the white B and R. Also possible are the captures 1.SKxe3-d2 and 1.SKxf4-g3 but they are not mates.
Pay attention here to the interesting mates after 1.d7#! and 1.f7#! Here the SKe4 plays the role of a rear battery piece with forward pieces Pd7 and Pf6. This simple but nice mechanism can be used as an element in more complicated thematic schemes.
1.Bxf4#! is also a specific mate using the wSK – the King cannot capture Bf4 because of self-check!


In N39 we cannot immediately use the white battery created by the SKf2 and TRf1: 1.SKh1+? is not mate because of 1….Kxe2! (in the initial setting this move is illegal because of self-check!). Therefore we should begin with 1.TRxb3-b2! with a threat of 2.SKh1#. The black thematic defenses are very nice: 1…Rxg4! – now 2.SKh1+? doesn’t work because the unpin of the Rg4 allows Rf4!, closing the battery line of the TRf1! But because of the pin on g4 we can mate with 2.Sg5#!

Analogically: 1…Rxe4! 2. Se5#!; 1….Qxe4! 2.Ra3#!; 1…Sxg4! 2.Rf6#! The white battery P/SK plays after 1…Qb8 2.e5#!


N40 shows an important characteristic effect of the Skylla, which of course is also inherent in many other pieces of the “Locust-type”. Look at the starting position: here, after the capturing move 1…Kxa6 the king cannot return to the square b5, because of check from the wSKc5!
Therefore, the move 1…Kxa6 has an Annihilation character, because it opens a line for the wSKc5. An analogical situation occurs after 1…Kxa4 when the King’s return to b5 is impossible. After 1.Rd7! (zugzwang) we have: 1…Kxa6 2.b8=S#! (2…Kb5??) and 1…Kxa4 2.Rd4#! (2….Kb5??). But there are two other interesting variations: 1…Kc6 2.Sb8#! – here 2…Kb5?? is impossible because of self-check – in other words, there is play of a specific indirect white battery with forward piece Sa6 and rear piece SKc5! Analogically: 1…Kc4 2.Sb6#! – with play of white indirect battery Sa4/SKc5! This problem is only a light example of how it is possible to combine in this arena in “Marine style” Annihilation, play of indirect batteries and King flights!

You can use these effects in many other genres and also – in #3 or moremovers. This matter is almost unknown and holds many pleasant secrets.



The Charybdis is a Marine Moa.

Definition: The Charybdis moves as a normal Knight provided the destination square is vacant; to capture it takes an enemy unit on the intervening diagonal square. If this square is occupied by a friendly unit then the Charybdis is obstructed.
The play here is of a similar type as with the Skylla. There is also an analogy with the building of different mechanisms.

A simple, but important for practical patterns, mechanism is demonstrated in N41: the idea is to open a line for the white Queen. The solution is: 1.Ke7! threatening 2.Qd3#! – pay attention that the square “d3″ is guarded by the CYc4 and it is impossible to play 2…Kxd3?? (Self-check). Variations: 1…Ke2 2.Qd2#! (The square d2 is guarded by the CYc3) and 1…Ke4 2.Qd4#! (The square d4 is guarded again by the CYc3).

There are two interesting tries: 1. Kc8? (2.Qd3#) but 1…CYb7!! and the wQd8 is pinned by the CYb7! Analogically: 1.Ke8? (2.Qd3#) but 1…CYf7!!

It is also possible to try 1.Kxc6? (2.Qd3#) – now the wKing is not under check from the CYa5 of course, but this piece can give check, playing 1…CYb7+! (this check is possible because the square c5 is free). Analogically: 1.Kc7? CYb6+!


A multiple realization of the Annihilation  theme  is seen in  N42: 1.CYe6 2.CYd4 3.CYxc3-c2 4.CYxb3-b4 5.CYc2 6.CYxd3-d4 7.CYxe3-e2 8.CYxf3-f4 9.CYg2 10.CYxh3-h4 11.CYf3 12.CYg5 Rh3#.


N43 shows play of the duet Scylla/Charybdis which create an interesting reciprocal double battery, combined with Annihilation captures of the black Queen: a) 1.Qxd5 Rb3 2.Qxd4 CYxd4-d5#; b) 1.Qxd4 d6 2.Qxe5 SKxe5-d4#. Such batteries can also be constructed with SK/SK or CY/CY.




Probably it is not very easy to compose a good problem with only one Marine piece or with several such pieces but of only one Marine type. Therefore, the main creative question here is how many and what kinds of Marine pieces to use if you have 8 types of Marine pieces: Siren, Triton, Nereid, Poseidon, Marine Knight, Marine Pawn, Scylla and Charybdis (these pieces can all be tested with both programs WinChloe and Popeye)?

With this material you can build thousands of interesting mechanisms, of course using also all other orthodox pieces. But participating in a “Marine pieces” TT you should underline to the highest degree the specificity of these pieces. In this respect I recommend you to pay utmost attention to the following points:

  1. Battery-play, creation of batteries (direct or indirect) and destruction of batteries with a Marine accent!
  2. Double (reciprocal) batteries are a very fruitful idea here – you can realize it also with neutral and half-neutral pieces.
  3. Another interesting and specific thematic accent is to have play that is connected to the large group of themes and ideas demonstrating Annihilation in passive and active form.
  4. Also interesting are the different blocks and unblocks of squares that are “Locust’s squares”. This way it is possible to activate or deactivate a Marine piece, for example by the black piece which executes thematic functions.
  5. Promotions into Marine pieces are a good but rather difficult theme if we speak about problems of a high class type. This area has not been studied, and there are no good problems of this type.
  6. If we speak about genres where you will work, it is necessary to note the following:Pay attention to work with neutral or half-neutral Marine pieces. This material is almost forgotten in contemporary problems of this type. By the by, in this field are also possible many paradoxical stalemate and double-stalemate finals created with marine pieces! For example : black Kd3, neutral Sirens on c3 and e3. On the one hand, this mechanism demonstrates a double neutral Siren/Siren battery; on the other hand, this final demonstrates a stalemate for Black if there are no other black or neutral pieces on the board!! Many analogical examples are also possible with half-neutral pieces.
    1. In current practice problems of direct type prevail – mainly twomovers and helpmates. In two movers we see a lot of problems where so called “Alphabetical themes” are presented. In helpmates (mainly in 2 moves) battery play dominates.
    2. For now there are few problems of genres H=, H= =, Series movers. Interesting, for example, would be to try realization in Pser – genre!
    3. HS# ( HS=, HS = = ) are a very good and modern arena for your future work with Marines – in this respect it is possible to find in contemporary databases some very interesting problems from Mario Parrinello!
  7. Pay attention to work with neutral or half-neutral Marine pieces. This material is almost forgotten in contemporary problems of this type. By the by, in this field are also possible many paradoxical stalemate and double-stalemate finals created with marine pieces! For example : black Kd3, neutral Sirens on c3 and e3. On the one hand, this mechanism demonstrates a double neutral Siren/Siren battery; on the other hand, this final demonstrates a stalemate for Black if there are no other black or neutral pieces on the board!! Many analogical examples are also possible with half-neutral pieces.

The use of Marine pieces in problems with additional fairy conditions would be a much larger subject!

See also Part I and Part II of the article
(March – May’ 2013)

Marine pieces II – the article!

sea-italy07 May, 2013

Almost a month ago I’ve promised thematic tourney dedicated to Marine pieces. Now it is really going to be announced very soon, but first I’d like to publish two more parts of the article by IGM Petko A. Petkov about Marine Pieces.

As you know, the 1st part of the article was “Do You know the Marine pieces? (Part I – Siren, Triton, Nereid)”. And now I’m happy to present you the 2nd part – about Marine Knight, Poseidon and Marine Pawn! For some time these pieces were implemented in WinChloe only, but as you know from the latest Popeye’s release 4.63 – all these pieces are just implemented in Popeye as well!

So, enjoy the article! –




I’d like to add also, that the 3rd part of this article will come very soon, and will be dedicated to Marine MAO, Marine MOA and Marine ship. Why these pieces? Mostly because they’re implemented in the both programs – Popeye and WinChloe. So, can be used by most of you I believe, and can be included into Marine TT.

As always I’m thankful to Mr. Petko A.Petkov for so interesting material and so big work 

and to Mr. Geoff Foster for English correction!

Popeye – release 4.63!

release-4.6305 May, 2013

Popeye release 4.63!


It’s a pleasure for me to let you know that a new version of Popeye – release 4.63 is available from now for download!

See what’s new in the release notes:

New fairy conditions
Circe Take&Make (aka Anti-Take&Make)
Magic square type 2
Marine Chess and Ultramarine Chess

New fairy pieces
Marine Knight
Marine Pawn
Marine Ship

Plus, there’re also many bugs fixed.

Personally I’m very happy about this release, because the Marine piecesMarine Knight, Poseidon and Marine pawn – are added! The next days see the 2nd part of the article about Marine pieces by IGM Petko A. Petkov, and also the announcement of Marine TT by Julia’s Fairies!

I’m very grateful to Thomas buy cialis jakarta Maeder for a very fast implementation of these pieces! 

No.312,313 (PR)

No.312, 313 
Paul Rãican (Romania)


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (II): May – August

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Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

No.312 by Paul Rãican – An interesting combination between two difficult themes! And one more PG-problem here! (JV)

No.313 by Paul Rãican – A nice Pser-miniature! Author also adds that this is a type of problems for TT9 Quartz. (JV)


Annan Chess: Units move normally except when they are standing one square directly in front of another unit of the same color, when they move with the power of the rear unit. In the starting position, all pawns (black & white) move with the power of the piece behind them, e.g. 1. Pc2xh7 (as bishop)

Anti-Circe: After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). R, B & S go to the square of the same colour as the capture; Ps stay on the file of capture.

Pser: This is the original definition by its inventor, Dan Meinking: A parry series-mover differs from a standard series-mover prior to the last move as follows:

  1. the series-side may give check during the series;
  2. when checked, the idle-side must immediately parry the threat;
  3. a parry-move may be helpful or defensive, depending on the problem-type;
  4. after a check-and-parry, the series-side continues the series.

Every Pser problem combines two stipulations:

Part 1 – Pser, which indicates the special series play with participation of both sides according to the author’s definition;

Part 2 – the kind of problem, according to well known stipulations, which can show direct play (n#, n=, s#, s= r#, r=, etc), help play (h#, h=, h==, etc) or mixed play (hs#, hs=, hs= =, etc).

(For more explanations about Pser see IGM Petko A. Petkov article “The Wonderful (new genre) Parry Series“)

No.312 Paul Rãican
PG 12,5       Annan Chess       (11+11) C-
Solution: (click to show/hide)
No.313 Paul Rãican
pser-h=7         Anti-Circe           (4+3)
Solution: (click to show/hide)

Do You know the Marine pieces? – Part II

PAP-photo-MarineDo You know the Marine pieces?
(Part II – Poseidon, Marine Knight, Marine Pawn)

IGM Petko Petkov




The second part of my article about Marine pieces relates to three pieces that are little known in practice: Poseidon (PO) – the Marine King, the Marine Knight (MS) and the Marine Pawn (MP in Popeye, Pion marine=PM in WinChloe). These pieces are presented here in accordance with two programs: version 3,23 of the WinChloe program (the first program where they have been implemented) and version 4,63 of Popeye!

Further, this article demonstrates these figures mainly in schemes and educational examples, without any combinations with other fairy pieces or conditions. Therefore, the main goal of this article is not to show masterpieces in this field, but to demonstrate mainly simple, elementary rules and effects of every marine piece in its “solo role”. Why solo? In order to absorb more easily the rules for movement of each of these pieces. De facto, in contemporary fairy-composition Marine pieces almost always work in “cooperation” with some other fairy pieces, conditions, etc.

By the by, an official theory (concept) of Marine pieces and even of their names (!) currently doesn’t exist. For this reason, there are many differences in definitions and names, which we can meet at various sources. There are a lot of very difficult debatable theoretical and practical questions related to usage of Marine pieces and other fairy conditions. This matter has been studied a little and almost forgotten.

Working with WinChloe you should know that this program uses the concepts of Christian Poisson concerning PO, MS and MP pieces. Working with Popeye 4,63 you should accept the principles of this program. There are some differences between WinChloe and Popeye regarding castling, play with Marine Pawns etc.  





The Marine King is named “Poseidon” (or “Neptune”, but this name is rarely used).
The Poseidon moves like a King when not capturing, and captures adjacent pieces like a Locust. In WinChloe Christian Poisson has defined Poseidon as a King/(0,1) + (1,1) Equilocuhopper Shooter. In both programs – WinChloe and Popeye – the symbol of Poseidon is  PO.

According to the definition, in the scheme N21 the white Poseidon (g2) can play either as a normal King: 1.POf3; 1.POh3 or as a Locust after 1.POxg3-g4.

The move 1.POxf2-e2?? is illegal because of self-check.
The move 1.POxh2?? is impossible, because it does not have the Locust’s character!

The black Poseidon (c6) can play as a normal King: 1.POb5; 1.POd5; 1.POd7 or as a “Short Locust”: 1. POxb6-a6; 1.POxb7-a8, POxd6–e6.


The white and black Poseidon can be located on adjacent squares as shown in scheme N22. Here the white POh1 is not in check, of course, because the capture POg2xh1 is impossible. The black POg2 is also not in check, because the move POh1xg2 is not possible (the square f3 is occupied). The POg2 cannot play 1.POh2?? or 1.POg1?? because of the illegal self-checks from the POh1 (POxh2-h3 and POxg1-f1 respectively). But here we see the existence of a strange white battery, created by Rf3 (forward piece) and POh1 (rear piece). Every move of the Rf3 will lead to check from the  POh1! Batteries having a Poseidon as the rear piece are very interesting mechanisms! But mate in 1 is possible only after 1.Rf4#! After this move the square g4 is guarded and Black cannot answer with 1…POxg3-g4.


Castling with a Poseidon is not possible according to Popeye 4,63 but it is possible according to WinChloe if the other orthodox rules are fulfilled! Therefore in Scheme N23 1.0-0# is possible only according to WinChloe. Popeye gives here “no solution”!

Сastling with POe1 and a white Triton on h1 is impossible according to both programs! 


If we use a Poseidon as a main thematic piece, a very interesting theme is Blocks of Poseidon that deprive it of the possibility of capturing enemy pieces as a Locust. Some light examples follow:

In N24  in the beginning White can’t give mate: 1. Qg1+? POxg1-f1!; 1.Qg2+? POxg2-f3!; 1.Qh2+? POxh2-h3! Therefore one of the squares f1, f3 or h3 must be blocked: I. 1.d1=S! 2.Se3 3.Sf1 Qg1#! because the capture POxg1-f1 is not possible; analogously: II. 1.d1=R 2.Rd3 3.Rf3 Qg2#; III. 1.d1=B 2.Bg4 3.Bh3 Qh2#


The thematic tries in N25 are: 1. Qe2+? POxe2-d3!; 1.Qe1+? POxe1-d1; 1.Kg2+? – an illegal move, because of 1…POxg2-h3!; 1.Kg1+? – also not possible because of 1…POxg1-h1. After 1.Qe3! – zugzwang – the black S blocks four (!)  squares: 1…Sd3 2.Qe2#, 1…Sd1 2.Qe1#, 1…Sh3 2.Kg2#, 1…Sh1 2.Kg1#. The last two variations show an interesting and important idea: The orthodox King mates Poseidon after blocking him! 


In N26 after 1.POh1! Black is stalemated, because the Bh3 is pinned by the POh1!  This pin by a Poseidon is also a nice and paradoxical motive!



marine-horseV. MARINE KNIGHT


The Marine Knight moves as Knight provided the destination square is vacant, but captures an enemy on (1,2) by leaping to (2,4) – which again must be vacant. (Note: in some sources this piece is named Squid (SQ), in the WinChloe program – Cavalier marin (CM). In Popeye this piece is also named Marine Knight with a symbol MS).

In N27 the MSf1 plays without captures as an orthodox S: 1.MSd2 or 1.MSh2. But it can capture as a “S-Locust” by 1.MSxe3-d5! because the square d5 is free. Pay attention to the direction of this piece: f1-e3-d5 which is a straight line! (As by a Nightrider!). Not possible is 1.MSxg3?? because the square h5 is occupied.


N28 is an old and good educational problem. Thematic tries: 1.MSg3? but 1…MSc5! and 1.MSf2+? but 1…MSd6! – the black defences are blocks of the “Locust’s squares” c5/d6. After 1.Se5! [2.g6#] the black MSs play to c7 with the idea of playing 2…MSxe6-g5!, with a block of g5 that closes the battery line. But here White uses the removals of the MSs: 1…MSec7 2.MSf2#, 1…MSac7 2.MSg3#. This small Meredith is a very good demonstration of the most important motives in the play of Marine Knights: batteries and blocks of the MS’s directions!

In the already well known N29  we see Annihilation captures on c4/f5 which by their character are special openings of battery lines! Another very interesting Annihilation occurs when the MSf2 captures the Pe3 with the idea of vacating a square for the white mating MSs. The fine black second moves prevent self-checks to the white King:  a) 1.MSg4 MSa5 2.MSxe3-c2 MSxc4-e3 #; b) 1.MSc2 MSg7 2.MSxe3-g4 MSxf5-e3 #  PAP-Marine-N29

The double battery MS/MS is an interesting and unexplored possibility, as are almost all double batteries using Marine pieces. 

A typical and lightweight example is N30I. 1.Bg4 f7 2.Bf3 MSxd3-b4#; II. 1.Sb4 Bc1 2.Sd5 MSxf5-h4# – interchange of functions between both MS. Another specific idea here is the vacation of squares f6 and d2.


If you use a neutral MS, an interesting position with neutral double battery and at the same time with reciprocal pins of these pieces is possible! N311.g1=nMS Kh2+ 2. nMSh3 Kg2=! Stalemate because both  MS are reciprocally self-pinned! Of course, this idea can also be realized with other neutral or half-neutral marine pieces.


sea-world-pawnVI. MARINE PAWN


The Marine pawn (MP in Popeye, PM in WinChloe) moves as a pawn, but captures by hopping over its enemy diagonally forward – in the manner of a draughtsman (or checker) but without the draughtsman’s repeated captures. MP may be captured en passant by an enemy Pawn or Marine Pawn and may capture en passant an enemy Pawn or Marine Pawn.
The Marine Pawn can promote to Siren, Triton, Nereid, Marine Knight or to any other  fairy or orthodox piece that stands on the board. (Note: in some old English sources the Marine Pawn is named “Prawn” with symbol PR).


In N32 MPf2 can mate after: 1.MPxg3-h4#! Other moves with wMPf2 are also possible, but they are useless: 1.MPf3+? Kg1! (or 1…Kh1!); 1.MPf4+? Kg1!
MPd7 can capture by 1…MPxc6-b5 and 1…MPxe6-f5. Kg1!

Attention!! Here the white Ka1 is not under check, because the capture 1…b2xa1?? is impossible!


Important notice!

According to WinChloe, a MP cannot capture en passant and cannot be captured en passant! According to Popeye en passant is always possible when one or two Marine Pawns participate in the capture!

So in scheme N33:
There is no solution according to WinChloe because after 1.Bf1+ MPb5 the capture 2.cxb6 (e.p) is not allowed! We have the same situation if a white Marine pawn is on c5.
But Popeye gives: 1.Bh3-f1+! MPb7-b5 2.cxb6 ep#. With white MPc5 we have also: 1.Bh3-f1+! MPb7-b5 2.MPxb6-a7 ep#!



When can an orthodox pawn promote to a marine piece? Here the standard rule for promotion to a fairy piece applies: the pawn can promote only to the kind of Marine pieces that are present on the board!

For example: if on the board there are two marine pieces – Siren and Triton (the color does not matter here!) and a white Pawn on f7, then six promotions are possible – 4 orthodox into Q, R, B, S and two fairy – into Siren and Triton! 

In N34 the solution is: 1.a8TR!! Ka1 2.Rc1#. Pay attention  that here it is not possible to play 1.a8SI?? Ka1 2.Rc1# because the white Pawn is not allowed to promote to Siren, because such a piece is not present on the board! 


When can a Marine Pawn be promoted and to what pieces?
The Marine Pawn can be promoted into four main marine pieces: Siren, Triton, Nereid, Marine Knight plus any other pieces (orthodox or fairies) that are located on the board!

In N35 every move of MPg7 gives mate. But how many solutions are there? The answer – only 4 – after promotions to the main Marine pieces: 1. g8=SI#, 1.g8=TR#, 1.g8=NE# and 1.g8=MS #! No other promotions, orthodox or fairy, are possible here!!


Another situation is demonstrated in diagram N36. How many solutions are there? At first we realize the four marine promotions with MPc6: 1.MPxd7-e8=SI#; 1.MPxd7-e8=TR#; 1.MPxd7-e8=NE#; 1.MPxd7-e8=MS#. According to marine rules, we have the right to promote MPc6 into all other pieces (orthodox or fairy) present on the board. Here we have 3 such pieces (except Kings): Queen, Bishop, Nightrider. Therefore, three additional promotions are possible: 1.MPxd7-e8=Q#; 1.MPxd7-e8=B#; 1. MPd7-e8=N#.



The next easy problem nicely demonstrates the basic rules that we have talked about. N371.MPb3 MPxb3-c4 2.MPb1=TR MPxb5-a6 3.TRb7 MPxb7- c8=SI#.
Some explanations are needed here: Firstly, Black does not have the right to promote to Rook (with the idea of 3.Rb7) because there is no such orthodox piece on the board! Also impossible is 3…MPxb7-c8=Q#?? because White doesn’t have the right to promote to Queen!


The 3rd part of this article will be dedicated to some “non-classical” Marine pieces: Marine MAO and Marine MOA (implemented in both programs – WinChloe and Popeye).

Site Updates-300413


Updates as of 15-30 Apr, 2013:

  • (30.04) No.310 Nicolas Dupont  – This is the 3rd Proof Game at Julia’s Fairies! Again, enjoy a very detailed explanation by the author!
  • (30.04) No.303.1 – Julia Vysotska – An improvement to No.303, with a gratitude to Nikola Predrag for his help in creating it!
  • (26.04) No.309 – Vito Rallo – This nice problem with Andernach Grasshopper is one more gift for Julia’s Fairies jubilee! I regret I couldn’t share a birthday’s cake with everyone! 🙂 Thank you, Vito!
  • (25.04) No.308 – Vito Rallo – Nice mates with specific AG-effects! I have “Italian days” here!
  • (25.04) No.307 – Mario Parrinello – A very interesting problem with a play of Marine Knights only! I appreciate a lot this “Marine” dedication to the site’s birthday!
  • (24.04) No.306 – Enzo Minerva & Antonio Garofalo  – One more Proof Game  at Julia’s Fairies! Welcome to Enzo with his first publication here!
  • (24.04) No.302.1 – Pierre Tritten & Dmitri Turevski – An improved version to No.302! I’m happy to publish this result of a great activity around No.302!
  • (23.04) No.305 – Igor Kochulov – A nice four-men with Maximummer. Welcome to Igor and to his first publication here!
  • (23.04) No.283.1 – Vlaicu Crișan – Author writes that he’s found that No.283 has been cooked by Popeye 4.62. Now author presents the new version with a hope that Mr.Seetharaman will still enjoy it!
  • (22.04) No.304 – Luis Miguel Martín – Nonstandard anti-battery play!
  • (22.04) No.303 – Julia Vysotska – A play of two neutral Sirens, annihilation captures and critical moves!
  • (20.04) JV-70 – I have added one more my own published problem to My Problems section. This is the one I liked at lot while composing, and still like it! – interplay of Kangaroo-Lion and Lion with an active help of the white King.
  • (18.04) No.302 – Pierre Tritten – An excellent Rex-solus problem with Take & Make (of course!) and plus two more modern fairy-conditions!
  • (18.04) Fairings No.31 (Apr-2013) by – Chris Feather is added to the Articles page! Enjoy!
  • (17.04) No.301 – Hubert Gockel – A very nice Meredith on Djurasevic theme!
  • (15.04) No.300 !!! – Michel Caillaud – A very beautiful problem, an excellent realization of Pelle theme with model mates!! I’m happy that this problem has became No.300! 
    My gratitude to the author for dedication to the 1st Birthday of Julia’s Fairies!
  • (15.04) No.299 – Nicolas Dupont  – This problem introduces Proof Games at Julia’s Fairies! It doesn’t participate in the informal tourneys announced for now, but in case of more entries coming the separate tourney for them might be announced at the end of year 2013! Thanks to the author for a very detailed explanation to his problem!
  • (15.04) No.298 – Georgy Evseev, Petko A. Petkov & Julia Vysotska  – This joint problem was born in the comments to No.291, presenting the same idea, but in a different way!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

No.298 (GE,PAP,JV)

Georgy Evseev (Russia)
Petko A. Petkov
Julia Vysotska 


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (I): January – April

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Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

No.298 by Georgy Evseev, Petko A. Petkov & Julia Vysotska  – This joint problem by three fairy composers from different lands was born in the comments to No.291, presenting the same idea, but in a different way! (JV)


Lion(Li): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to any square beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.

LEO(LE): Moves as Queen, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

Kangaroo (KA): Moves along Queen-lines over 2 hurdles of either color (which may or may not stand on adjacent squares) to the square immediately beyond the second hurdle. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdles are not affected.

No.298 Georgy Evseev, Petko A. Petkov & Julia Vysotska
Russia / Bulgaria / Latvia
h#3               2 solutions              (6+6)
Lions: b8, h6
Kangaroos: b2,d2,f2,g2
LEO d8
Solutions: (click to show/hide)

No.297 (JV)

Julia Vysotska (Latvia)


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (I): January – April

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Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

No.297 by Julia Vysotska – This is my first try of using Marine pieces. The last paragraph of the article about Marine pieces by IGM P.A.PetkovDo You know the Marine pieces? (Part I – Siren, Triton, Nereid)”  turned my thoughts to the Neutral Marine pieces. Plus, I like sacrifices and Zilahi! (JV)


Siren (SI): A piece that plays as a Queen but captures only as a Locust

Triton (TR): A piece that plays as a Rook  but captures only as a Locust

Locust (L): moves on Q-lines but only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant.

No.297 Julia Vysotska
h#2              b) pe7→f7          (2+6+3)
Neutral Siren b6
Neutral Triton g1
Solutions: (click to show/hide)

Site Updates-140413


Updates as of 11-14 Apr, 2013:

  • (14.04) No.239.1 – Arno Tüngler – author writes “It beats the former record of Branko and me by 38 moves (what is quite an achievement in this very special field).” Added to the page with a previous record, No.239.
  • (14.04) No.297 – Julia Vysotska – This is my first try of using Marine pieces. Neutral Siren & Triton in a battery play, Zilahi, underpromotions.
  • (13.04) No.296 – Seetharaman Kalyan – Surprising underpromotions, difficult solution in a reflexmate by one of the most active visitors! 
  • (12.04) No.292.1Petko A. Petkov – A new, improved version, of No.292, added to the same page!
  • (11.04) No.294, 295 – These two problems by Nikola Predrag were firstly presented in the comments to No.289 and now I’m happy to show them here and thankful for the dedication to the 1st birthday of Julia’s Fairies!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

No.292,293 (PAP)

No.292, 293
Petko A. Petkov (Bulgaria)


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (I): January – April

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Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

DSCN3274-cropI’m very happy to present you these gifts for Julia’s Fairies 1st jubilee – two problems by GM Petko A. Pekov:

No.292 – Play of Chinese half-battery with a cyclic interchange of functions (see also it’s improved version, No.292.1, added few days later!);

No.293 – Transformation of two neutral batteries with Take&Make effects!

With a gratitude to the author! (JV)


Chameleon: On completing a move, a Chameleon (from classical standard type) changes into another piece, in the sequence Q-S-B-R-Q…  Promotion may be to a chameleon at any stage in the cycle.

PAO(PA): Moves as Rook, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

VAO(VA): Moves as Bishop, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

Nightrider(N): A Rider along a straight line on squares lying a Knight`s move away from each other.

Take & Make: Having captured, a unit must immediately, as part of its move, play a non-capturing move in imitation of the captured unit from the capture-square. If no such move is available, the capture is illegal. Promotion by capture occurs only when a pawn arrives on the promotion rank as the result of a take&make move. Checks are as in normal chess: after the notional capture of the checked K, the checking unit does not move away from the K’s square. 

No.292 Petko A. Petkov
Dedicated to the 1st Jubilee of Julia’s Fairies
hs#2*           2 solutions           (4+10)
Chameleon Rh8
PAOs: a3, a8
VAOs: a5, a7
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
No.293 Petko A. Petkov
Dedicated to the 1st Jubilee of Julia’s Fairies
h#2             b) Kh2→f1       (4+10+4)
Take & Make
Neutral Nightriders: f4, h8
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
No.292.1 Petko A. Petkov
Verion of No.292, 12.04.2013
Dedicated to the 1st Jubilee of Julia’s Fairies
hs#2*            2 solutions             (4+8)
Chameleon Rh1
PAOs: c8, h8
VAO g8
Grasshopper e8
Solutions: (click to show/hide)