Julia's Fairies

Search Results for: petkov 2013

Variantim: competitions

Сompetitions at V A R I A N T I M

Bulletin of

The Israel Chess Composition Society



Paz Einat, 45a Moshe Levi St,. Nes Ziona 74207  paz@pazeinat.com

Shaul Shamir, 3 Dror St., Rishon Lezion 75305   yanivbenor@yahoo.com

Original problems

Regular: #2, #3, #n, S# , H#,  

send  to: Evgeny Bourd, Hazmaut 55/15, Ashdod 77452  evgeniburd@hotmail.com


Judge  2012: Petko A. Petkov

Judge  2013:  Christopher Feather    

send  to: Michael Grushko, BOX  363  Kiryat Bialik  27019 bargrushko@bezeqint.net


Judge  2012   Oleg  Pervakov

send  to: Hillel Aloni, Rishon Lezion St, 6   Natanya 42274   hillel_aloni@walla.co.il


Fairy Chess in Theoretical Articles

Your theoretical materials about fairy chess or links to the interesting articles are appreciated!

Series of articles by IGM Petko A. Petkov

“Block of Neutral Battery-Piece”: Part I | Part II
RUS: “Блокирование нейтральной батарейной фигуры”: Часть I | Часть II

“Do You know the Marine pieces?”

“Disparate – a unique fairy condition!”


Thematic articles, published in other sources

  • BLACK TO PLAY by Christopher Feather, correction of 2012 (85-pages PDF-file, online and download are available)

  • RUS: Близнецы Шоу– Борис Шорохов (Переработанная и дополненная версия статьи, опубликованной ранее в журнале “Шахматная композиция”, № 106.)
    Twins Show, Russian version only, by Boris Shorokhov (The revised and expanded version of the article published earlier in “Шахматная композиция”, N0.106)

Fairings by Christopher Feather

Fairings No.1 – Apr/2009 | Fairings No.2 – Jun/2009Fairings No.3 – Aug/2009 | Fairings No.4 – Sep/2009
Fairings No.5 – Dec/2009 | Fairings No.6 – Feb/2010Fairings No.7 – Apr/2010 | Fairings No.8 – May/2010
Fairings No.9 – Jun/2010 | Fairings No.10 – Aug/2010Fairings No.11 – Sep/2010 | Fairings No.12 – Nov/2010
Fairings No.13 – Dec/2010 | Fairings No.14 – Jan/2011Fairings No.15 – Jun/2011 | Fairings No.16 – Aug/2011
Fairings No.17 – Aug/2011 | Fairings No.18 – Sep/2011Fairings No.19 – Oct/2011 | Fairings No.20 – Dec/2011
Fairings No.21 – Feb/2012 | Fairings No.22 – Feb/2012Fairings No.23 – Mar/2012 | Fairings No.24 – Jun/2012
Fairings No.25 – Aug/2012 | Fairings No.26 – Sep/2012Fairings No.27 – Oct/2012 | Fairings No.28 – Nov/2012
Fairings No.29 – Jan/2013 | Fairings No.30 – Feb/2013Fairings No.31 – Apr/2013 | Fairings No.32 – Jul/2013
Fairings No.33 – Sep/2013 | Fairings No.34 – Nov/2013Fairings No.35 – Jan/2014 | Fairings No.36 – Mar/2014
Fairings No.37 – Apr/2014 | Fairings No.38 – Jun/2014Fairings No.39 – Aug/2014 | Fairings No.40 – Oct/2014
Fairings No.41 – Dec/2014 | Fairings No.42 – Feb/2015Fairings No.43 – May/2015 | Fairings No.44 – Aug/2015
Fairings No.45 – Oct/2015 | Fairings No.46 – Dec/2015Fairings No.47 – Feb/2016 | Fairings No.48 – Apr/2016
Fairings No.49 – Aug/2016 | Fairings No.50 – Oct/2016Fairings No.51 – Nov/2016 | Fairings No.52 – Jan/2017
Fairings No.53 – Mar/2017 | Fairings No.54 – May/2017Fairings No.55 – Jul/2017 | Fairings No.56 – Sep/2017
Fairings No.57 – Dec/2017Fairings No.58 – Dec/2018 |

Conflictio by Juraj Lörinc

Conflictio No.1 (04.03.2018) | Conflictio No.2 (18.03.2018) | Conflictio No.3 (01.04.2018) | Conflictio No.4 (20.04.2018)
Conflictio No.5 (25.05.2018) | Conflictio No.6 (23.06.2018) | Conflictio No.7 (31.07.2018) | Conflictio No.8 (12.09.2018)
Conflictio No.9 (21.10.2018)  | Conflictio No.10 (08.12.2018) | Conflictio No.11 (19.01.2019) | Conflictio No.12 (08.02.2019)
Conflictio No.13 (04.04.2019) | Conflictio No.14 (29.04.2019) | Conflictio No.15 (06.06.2019) | Conflictio No.16 (22.06.2019)
Conflictio No.17 (28.07.2019) | Conflictio No.18 (31.08.2019) | Conflictio No.19 (03.11.2019) | Conflictio No.20 (01.12.2019)
Conflictio No.21 (11.01.2020) | Conflictio No.22 (07.02.2020) | Conflictio No.23 (03.03.2020) | Conflictio No.24 (28.03.2020)
Conflictio No.25 (13.05.2020) | Conflictio No.26 (03.07.2020) | Conflictio No.27 (23.08.2020) | Conflictio No.28 (25.11.2020)
Conflictio No.29 (30.12.2020) |  Conflictio No.30 (16.02.2021) |  Conflictio No.31 (24.05.2021 ) |  Conflictio No.32 (05.07.2021 )
Conflictio No.33 (02.09.2021 ) | Conflictio No.34 (17.10.2021 ) | Conflictio No.35 (04.12.2021 ) | Conflictio No.36 (28.12.2021 )
Conflictio No.37 (21.02.2022 ) | Conflictio No.38 (30.04.2022 ) | Conflictio No.39 (26.06.2022) | Conflictio No.40 (22.08.2022)
Conflictio No.41 (16.10.2022) | Conflictio No.42 (26.11.2022) | Conflictio No.43 (31.12.2022) | Conflictio No.44 (24.02.2023)
Conflictio No.45 (21.04.2023) | Conflictio No.46 (07.07.2023) | Conflictio No.47 (30.08.2023) | Conflictio No.48 (04.11.2023)
Conflictio No.49 (28.12.2023) | Conflictio No.50  (05.03.2024) | Conflictio No.51 (02.06.2024)

ANDA Fairy Planet by Petko A. Petkov

ANDA Fairy Planet No.1-2020 (July,2020) | ANDA Fairy Planet No.2-2020 (September,2020) |
ANDA Fairy Planet No.3-2021 (March,2021) | ANDA Fairy Planet No.4-2023 (April,2023) |
ANDA Fairy Planet No.5-2023 (June,2023) | ANDA Fairy Planet No.6-2023 (September,2023)

About me


Русская версия (RUS v.)

I was born in Riga (Latvia) in 1972, programmer by education – in 1995 have finished Riga Technical University with MS degree in computer sciences. For period 1993-1999 have worked for Internet company in Latvia – programming for company needs and customer support. Starting 1999 till nowadays working as a financial manager in Proact IT Latvia, a part of Proact IT Group.

Have learned to play chess in the first year of school. However the existence of chess problems have discovered only in 2010, with a help of Iļja Ketris, Latvian composer, who has shown me the first chess problem and helped with the first steps in solving and composing.  From the very beginning excited mostly about solving help-mates, in the summer of 2011 I’ve started my composing with help-mates too. My the very first 2 composed problems (one orthodox and one fairy helpmate, both rewarded) were for the tourneys during WCCC in Jesi, August 2011. And my first judge, Diyan Kostadinov, played a role in directing me on the next steps and also has introduced me to Petko Petkov, who became my first real teacher, the one who made me work hard, and to whom I’m grateful for the result! The list of my problems you can see at My Problems page (not so regularly updated 🙂 ), around 150 at the end of 2017. Preferable genres – helpmates and fairies (again, a help-play).

by be for feenschach 2018

Julia’s Fairies project I’ve started in April, 2012. And publishing of original problems – since summer, 2012. In the spring of 2013 I’ve also accepted an invitation to become a webmaster of WFCC website. Since the end of 2016, starting from the organization of ECSC in Riga in May 2017, trying to dedicate some time to the development of chess composition in Latvia, for now it’s mostly about solving competitions, involving chess players, especially juniors. All these projects take so much of time, that my composing seem to become quite limited. But I don’t mind it, while having enthusiasm about all I do.

In October 2021 I’ve got a title of FIDE Master for Chess Compositions. Proud to be the first lady ever who got it. I’m thankful to everybody who supported me in my composing and all activities around chess composition!

The beginning of 2022: preparing for another European Chess Solving Championship in Riga in May 13-15th, 2022. Another big project, one more official website for the event, and everything around the competitions in the frames of 15th ECSC and our guests. 

Languages: Russian (native), Latvian, English.
Kids: Two pretty girls, Daniela (2004) and Dominika (2008).
Hobbies: Horse riding, playing guitar/piano.



The Queens of Problem Chess” by Satanick Mukhuty

Julia Vysotska, Financial Manager on Chess Composition” (OTIA magazine) and  My original questionnaire (the full version of the interview)