Julia's Fairies

Search Results for: petkov 2013

Site Updates-160913


Updates as of 16th of September, 2013:

  • (16.09) No.376 – Petko A. Petkov  – My lovely “horses” actively play in this wonderful birthday gift! I’m very touched and grateful to Petko!
  • (16.09) No.375 – Julia Vysotska – One and the same square is touched in each half-move! Looks like a toy, but also has a rich content not easy to comment. Fortunately finished on the night before my birthday!

All problems published during September-December, 2013, you can found in the section Julia’sFairies-2013(III).
The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(III)Eric Huber

No.376 (PAP)

Petko A. Petkov (Bulgaria)


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (III): September- December

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Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

roses-100No.375 by Petko A. Petkov  – My lovely “horses” actively play in this wonderful birthday gift! Complicated strategy in creation of direct and indirect anti-batteries.
I’m very touched and grateful to Petko! (JV)


Grasshopper(G): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.

Nightrider(N): A Rider along a straight line on squares lying a Knight`s move away from each other.

PAO(PA): Moves as Rook, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

Take & Make: Having captured, a unit must immediately, as part of its move, play a non-capturing move in imitation of the captured unit from the capture-square. If no such move is available, the capture is illegal. Promotion by capture occurs only when a pawn arrives on the promotion rank as the result of a take&make move. Checks are as in normal chess: after the notional capture of the checked K, the checking unit does not move away from the K’s square.

No.376 Petko A. Petkov
Dedicated to Julia Vysotska at her birthday 16.09.2013!
hs#2,5           2 solutions             (8+5)
Take & Make
Nightriders: d3, e7, h6
Grasshoppers: d6, e6
PAOs: a1, b1, h5
Solutions: (click to show/hide)

No.356 (DF)

Dominique Forlot (France)


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (II): May – August

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Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

No.356 by Dominique Forlot  – A nice Masand-Miniature with AUW! (JV)

Masand: A unit which moves and actively checks changes the colour of all the units – enemy and its own (not Ks) – which it observes after the move. A checking rear (non-moving) piece of a battery would not recolour the units it observes.

No.356 Dominique Forlot
356-h#2-dfh#2                2 solutions             (4+3)
Solutions: (click to show/hide)

Site Updates-060813


Updates as of 2nd-6th of August, 2013:

  • (06.08) No.355 – Chris Feather – Interesting Rex-Solus Miniature with Symmetry Anti-Circe condition. Сhris doesn’t have internet now, and his original by postal mail today was so nice surprise! 
  • (05.08) No.342.1 – Julia Vysotska, Dmitri Turevsky & Georgy Evseev – Improved version of problem No.342Take&Make effect in 3 half-moves of 4, improved interplay of black and white. Thanks a lot to Dmitri and Georgy for so nice result!
  • (02.08) No.354 – Petko A. Petkov – Wonderful Disparate problem! Enjoy author’s detailed comments to all 3 solutions! I’m so grateful for the dedication!

Now there are three sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) with all problems of January-April, 2013; Julia’sFairies-2013(II) will contain problems of May-August, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(II)Diyan Kostadinov

No.354 (PAP)

Petko A. Petkov (Bulgaria)


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (II): May – August

 →Previous ; →Next ; →List 2013(II)

Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

No.354 – Petko A. Petkov – Wonderful Disparate problem! Enjoy author’s detailed comments to all 3 solutions! I’m so grateful for the dedication! (JV)


Camel – (1,3) Leaper

Zebre – (2,3) Leaper

Disparate: If one side makes a move with a piece of type “x” (black, white, neutral, half-neutral, etc., King included), the other side cannot answer immediately by moving a piece of the same type “x”. (For example: white Qc1, black Ka8,Qa7 – mate in 1 move. After 1.Qc8#, Black is mated because 1…Qb8? is illegal. The mate is possible also with the neutral nQc1 – after 1.nQc8#. Black cannot move the same neutral Queen.) Every Pawn’s promotion is a Pawn’s move, therefore after such promotion (into any possible piece) the other side cannot answer immediately with its Pawn. We can say that after the move of the figure of type “x” any enemy figure of type “x” falls under Half-moving paralysis. This paralysis disappears immediately on the next half-move, if the opponent plays with another piece of type “y”.
This is the main version of Disparate (the programmer is Stephen Emmerson), that is presented only in Popeye (starting 4,53 version), and answers to the definition of the inventor Romeo Bedoni (2004) and to the requirements about this condition of the editors of “Phenix”. Using Popeye‘s version of Disparate in 2010 was organized a big international tournament Bedoni – 80 Jubilee, with results published in the magazine “Phenix” – No.191-192/2010. In the same number was also published a big article by Petko A.Petkov about Disparate, dedicated to its inventor Romeo Bedoni.  Important noteDisparate condition is not included in Popeye‘s manual, but it is implemented there and can be used as “Disparate“.
Another version of Disparate you can find in WinChloe, but it is based on the different rules.  

No.354 Petko A. Petkov
Dedicated to Julia Vysotska!
                               hs=3                                   (1+7+7)      (С+ Popeye 4.63)
b) Pb4→b6
c) Pe3→c6
Camels: c1, g7 
Zebras: f1, f8
Solutions: (click to show/hide)

My debut in WCCI 2010-2012

julia-skating1My debut in WCCI 2010-2012

It was my first participation in WCCI, and of course, I’m happy, and excited, and very interested in all results…. Everyone can imagine!

I’ve participated in Fairy section (judges: Juraj Lörinc, Franz Pachl, Petko Petkov, Tadashi Wakashima, Klaus Wenda), the place No.21 (considered a lucky number!) in the list of results, 29.50 points in total. →See the whole text with problems and scores!

Problems were ordered by my understanding which one is better, the judges views were a bit different. But I’m very happy that No.2 –  with my favorite Chameleon piece(!) – goes to FIDE Album!

My debut in WCCI 2010-2012

My debut in WCCI 2010-2012

It was my first participation in WCCI, and of course, I’m happy, and excited, and very interested in all results…. Everyone can imagine!

I’ve participated in Fairy section (judges according to order of their scores: Juraj Lörinc, Franz Pachl, Petko Petkov, Tadashi Wakashima, Klaus Wenda), the place No.21 (considered a lucky number!) in the list of results, 29.50 points in total, with the following problems:

  • No.1 (2; 2.5; 3; 2; 2 -> 6.50JV-34:

Julia Vysotska

KoBulChess TT 2012, AWARD-April-2012
2nd Prize

hs#3         2 solutions       5+5
KoBul Kings 
Grasshopper d3 
Leo c1 


(I) 1.Qd4 cxd4 [wrK=rQ] 2.rQd1 LEd2 3.Gd5 + LExd5 [wrQ=rG] # – not 4.rGxd5(bK= brLE)?? – self-check!!

(II)1.Qb3 cxb3 [wrK=rQ] 2.rQg3 LEe3 3.Ga3 + LExa3 [wrQ=rG] # – not 4.rGxa3(bK= brLE)?? – self-check!!

Realization of the KoBul Kings fairy condition with activity of the both KoBul Kings:

– Active phase of the white KoBul King after sacrifice of the white Q -transformation to the Royal Q, which moves to the mating positions.

– Passive phase of the white Kobul King on the mating move – transformation to the Royal G, which has no possible moves to avoid the mate.

– Passive phase of the black KoBul King –  the only possible defense of the white King  (in the Royal G phase) – capture of the mating piece (bLE) – falls because it transforms the black King into Royal LE piece giving the self-check.

Double Ambush – black (Le) + white (rQ); Bristol theme – wG opens lines for the second moves of bLE; ODT; Model mates.

  • No.2 (3; 3; 3; 2; 2.5 -> 8.50) – SELECTED FOR FIDE ALBUM 2010-2012 – JV-61:

Julia Vysotska

Chameleon-50JT 2012 , KobulChess.com
1st Prize

hs#3,5      b) Sd4->e5     (7+6)
Chameleons: Qa1, Bh8


a) 1…Sd4-e2 2.e7-e8=cQ cQa1-f6=cS + 3.Ke4-e5 + Kb7-b8 4.cQe8-d7=cS + cSf6*d7=cB #

(try: 1…Sd4-e6? 2.e7-e8=cQ cQa1-f6=cS + 3.Ke4-e5 + Kb7-b8 4.cQe8-d7=cS + cSf6*d7=cB – no mate, 5.Kf5!)

b) 1…Se5-g4 2.e7-e8=Q cBh8-b2=cR 3.Ke4-d4 + Kb7-a6 4.Qe8-b5 + cRb2*b5=cQ #

(try: 1…Se5-c4? 2.e7-e8=Q cBh8-b2=cR 3.Ke4-d4 + Kb7-a6 4.Qe8-b5 + cRb2*b5=cQ – no mate, 5.Kd3!)


  • Creation of black reciprocal batteries CS/CB & CR/CQ after critical moves of black Chameleons.
  • Interchange of functions between the both black Chameleons.
  • Thematic tries of black S with Bivalve-theme.
  • Play of two King’s batteries K/B from both sides.
  • White promotions in Q and CQ.

  • No.3 (2; 3.5; 3; 2; 2 -> 7.00) – JV-25:

Julia Vysotska

Best Problems – 2012, No.63 (Jul 3/2012), #2927

hs#3     b) pc4->d3        7+10
Andernach Chess
PAOs: a5, h8, a1
Nightrider c8
VAO h1


a) 1.PAa5-a6 Nc8-e4 2.Rf3-f5 Ne4*a6=wN + 3.Rf5-d5 + Bg8*d5=wB #

b) 1.PAa5-a2 Bg8-d5 2.Rf3-e3 Bd5*a2=wB + 3.Re3-e4 + Nc8*e4=wN #

Sacrifices of white PAO (on a2/a6) with the goal: Annihilation + change of color of the black B and N.

Unpins of white Rf3 with Ne4/Bd5; black half-battery play N-B/PAO; creation of black batteries N/VAO and B/VAO.

Model mates after three white pins (2 active and one passive).

    • No.4 (2; 2.5; 2.5; 1; 1.5 -> 6.00) – JV-17:

Julia Vysotska

Orbit – 2012, No 54 (May-2012), F38

h#2        b) Sb3->f4       1+7+4
Grasshoppers: f2, d1; Lions: d8, a7


a) 1.Sc1 nGb1 2.Sd3 nGb6# (3.nGd6? 3.nGe3? 3.nLic5? or not also 3.Gb4?)

b) 1.Sg2 nGh2 2.Se3 nGd6# (3.nGb6? 3.nGd3? 3.nLid5? or not also 3.Gf4?)

Creation of neutral anti-batteries (nG/nLi) with 3 tries of a neutral Gs on the mating move in each solution, which gives a self-check, creating a specific anti-batteries. Opening of line (for the nGs) and self-blocks on the black’s second moves.

  • No.5 (1.5; 3; 3; 2.5; 2 -> 7.50)  – JV-30:

Julia Vysotska

The Problemist – 2012, Vol.23 No.11 (Sep-2012), F2990

h#2,5*                         5+5+3
Moa d6; Mao e4
Locusts: a6,b1


Set-play: 1.Qf4 nMO×e4+ 2.Kf5 nMOg3‡

1…Ka4 2.Qe7 nMA×d6+ 3.Kf6 nMAe8‡

  • Block of the neutral Locust by the white King; Zilahi theme;
  • Reciprocal transformation of neutral batteries: Initial battery MOA/LO to MAO/LO and initial battery MAO/LO to MOA/LO after reciprocal captures of their forward-pieces.
  • Bi-valve realized by the black Q: line opening for the neutral Mao/Moa, line closing for the neutral Moa/Mao on the mating move. Distant self-block by the black Q.
  • Pins of black Q by the neutral Mao/Moa.

  • No.6 (1.5; 3.5; 3; 1.5; 1.5 -> 6.00) – JV-32:

Julia Vysotska

Tehtäväniekka – 2012, No.2/2012, #3844

h#2,5      2 solutions    2+7+5
Mao b7; Moa b3
Vao b6; Pao a4 


(I) 1…nRg1 2.Sa8 nRa1 3.S×b6 nPA×a1‡

(II) 1…nRg8 2.Sc3 nRd8 3.S×a4 nVA×d8‡

  • Zilahi; 
  • selfblocks with simultaneous selfpins of black Sa2/Sc7;
  • change of functions of Sa2 and Sc7;
  • neutral battery VA-MA / PA-MO play with sacrifice of neutral R for VA/PA move; 
  • change of functions of nMOA-b3 and nMAO-b7.

Problems were ordered by my understanding which one is better, the judges views were a bit different. But I’m very happy that No.2 –  with my favorite Chameleon piece(!) – goes to FIDE Album!

WCCI 2010-2012: Preliminary results coming…

wfcc-site15-16th of July, 2013
WCCI 2010-2012 – Preliminary results –
The most interesting sections 🙂 are coming!

  • (15.06) See the corrected results of Section E (helpmates) published!
  • (16.06) See the results of Section F (selfmates) published! Congratulations to Diyan Kostadinov for his 3rd Prize!
  • (16.06) The results of Section G (FAIRIES) are published at WFCC website! So much happy for our winners – Petko A. Petkov, Vlaicu Crișan, Peter Gvozdják

Congratulations and the very best wishes to all participants! Congratulations to the winners!!


superguards-logoAWARD OF THE


for Superguards PROBLEMS


I received 50 problems from C.G.S.Narayanan in anonymous diagrams. It was nice to get so many entries though the Superguards condition was programmed only in Winchloe. It is gratifying to know that so many leading composers liked the new fairy condition and that 17 of them (from 13 countries) participated in the tourney.

Many correspondents helped and encouraged me with valuable inputs before I publicized the new Fairy condition ‘Superguards’. Apart from my Indian colleagues, special mention should be made of C.J.Feather, J.M.Rice (who suggested the name Superguards), Kevin Begley, Diyan Kostadinov, Petko A.Petkov, Christian Poisson & Julia Vysotska. I thank all the participants especially Mr.Jacques Rotenberg (20 entries!) and the Tourney Director. Congratulations to the award winners. Here is myaward which will be final after 15 days. ?See the Award!

Marine pieces III – the article!

sea-italy13 May, 2013

I’m happy to present you the last part of  the article by IGM Petko A. Petkov about Marine Pieces! This is the 3rd part and dedicated to Marine MAO and Marine MOA. I’ve promised Marine Ship as well, but there’re some differences in implementation in WinChloe and Popeye, so it was skipped for now.

Now the 8 Marine pieces were discussed and all of them are implemented in the both programs – Popeye and WinChloe. So, can be used by most of you I believe, and will be included into Marine TT:

1 Part I – Siren, Triton, Nereid

Part II –  Marine Knight, Poseidon and Marine Pawn

3 Part III –  Scylla (Marine MAO), Charybdis (Marine MOA) 

Enjoy the article! –






With a gratitude to Mr. Petko A.Petkov for his material and work 

and to Mr. Geoff Foster for English correction!