Fairy Classification: Concept Map

Just a short notice for now: I would like to let you know that Fairy Classification project highly supported by Shankar Ram, Chris Tylor, Maryan Kerhuel is up and running. I was too busy with office work for some months, same as Shankar Ram. But Shankar has got back to activity faster than me, offering to us an updated Concept Map having in background 19 pages of the structured list of Fairy Elements I hope to present you later as well.

We will keep working and I’ll get back to you with some more presentation when ready!

Sad news – Jaroslav Stun

Jaroslav Stun passed away… With a deep condolences to family and friends

Dear Jaroslav’s colleague and friend,

It is with deep sorrow and sense of loss in my heart when I write these lines.
However, as his colleague and friend, I wanted to let you know that my father has recently, shortly before his 70th birthday, passed away, after a valiant month-long struggle with a severe COVID-19 infection.

I know and I am sure Jaroslav valued every bit of exchange, collaboration and sense of community he took part in together with you on the field of Chess – all the Problems, Compositions, Fairies and Puzzles he worked on or shared with you; and I wanted to take this time to Thank you for all the joyful and happy moments you made for him.

My dad died in complete peace, we know the One who my father believed in and relied on the most throughout his whole life, took good care of him, and we will always keep Jaroslav in our hearts and memories.

Jaro Stun


by Petko A. Petkov

(included in the Articles sec.)

The worldwide viral pandemic turned out to be much stronger than my plans for the regular release of
ANDA FAIRY PLANET and the publication of results from the international DANKA PETKOVA 100 MT,
which aroused great interest – I received over 60 originals from world-famous masters! … (Petko A. Petkov)

Originals February 2021

JF Original Problems | February 2021

The judge of JF-2021-I: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed yet

Dear authors, I’m very sorry for a long delay! Working overtime in my office, enjoying financial audit, annual report and related issues 🙂  I’ll keep being slow up to the middle of March, but later hope to be more active on JF!

  • (28.02) No.1551.3 (ser-s#25 ; Circe Rex Inclusiv) Dirk Borst (Netherlands). “…a version which is even a bit better than the original because the wBishop now has a function in the mate.” (Author)
  • (28.02) No.1589 (hs#4 ; Circe) Gábor Tar (Hungary). Dedicated To Aranka Tar.
  • (28.02) No.1588 (hs#4.5 ; Neutral piece ; Ghost Chess, Protean Chess) Michael Grushko (Israel). Author believes this combination of fairy conditions is used for the first time.
  • (28.02) No.1587 (#2 ; CAST) Gerald Ettl & Manfred Rittirsch (Germany). Warm welcome to the first contribution by Gerald!
  • (28.02) No.1586 (hs#4 ; Grasshopper, Nightrider) Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic).
  • (14.02) No.1585 (hs#4) János Csák (Hungary).
  • (14.02) No.1584 (h#2 ; Breton Adverse) Borisas Gelpernas (Lithuania). My neighbouring country is coming… always glad! 🙂
  • (14.02) No.1583 (h#2 ; Neutral pieces ; Circe) Ali Okan Pandar (Turkey). Warm welcome to Ali Okan (the first ever Turkish composer on JF!)!
  • (14.02) No.1582 (hs=18) Gunter Jordan (Germany). Warm welcome to Gunter (the editor of “Gaudium”)!
  • (14.02) No.1581 (-29 & #1 Proca ; Anti-Circe) Alex Levit (Finland). “After Dmitrij Baibikov’s publication I feel sorry for taking the lenght record in Proca Retractor AntiCirce Wenigsteiner from JF. So here is my attempt to return it back.” (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Anticirce plus Circe in the defensive retractor

Click to read the article in PDF, 5 pages

Günther Weeth (1935-2020) himself had prepared this translation of his article published in Die Schwalbe 306-2/2020. p.821 ff. in November 2020 in German language. We have made some small adaptions replacing examples 5&9 with new versions as the Schwalbe-originals had turned out to be incorrect. However the original source of those versions is “Die Schwalbe 2020, version 2021”.
K.Wenda, A.Thoma

…So far my first explorations in the ”new territories”.
I hope I could draw the attention of retro-experts on the combination AntiCirce + Circe inspiring them to continue my studies.
Günther Weeth /Stuttgart, November 2020/

In memory of Günther Weeth

In memory of Günther Weeth

(13 August 1935 – 28 December 2020)

By Klaus Wenda (Vienna, Austria)

On 28 December 2020, Thomas Brand’s Retro-blog featured truly sad news: Günther Weeth had died after a long and severe disease.

Günther Weeth became a member of Die Schwalbe, the German association for Problem chess, in 1973 and earned his first spurs as a strong solver. Due to the friendship with retro specialist Josef Haas, his interest in retro analysis awoke. The traditional Christmas solving tourneys of the newspaper “Stuttgarter Zeitung”, widely known by an international problem solving audience, offered him the perfect arena to thrill, or sometimes exasperate, the participants with his witty and tricky riddles.

-> see more / less…

Since the summer of 2020, Günther intensively worked on a new project, the defensive retractor with the conditions AntiCirce+Circe. He presented the results of his analysis, decorated with some quite original problems, in an article in Die Schwalbe, 306-2/2020, pp. 821-824. Günther still translated the piece into English before his passing. It is expected to be published in Julia’s Fairies soon.

My sincere sympathies go to Günther’s family, especially to his wife Gudrun, who always appreciated his time-consuming hobby, problem chess. An eminent problemist left Caissa’s World – and I have lost a good friend.

3 problems by Günther Weeth: G.W. – König & Turm 2011 | G.W. – StrateGems 2016 | K.W. & G.W. – Die Schwalbe 287/2017

Vienna, January 2021

Klaus Wenda

Problems by Günther Weeth published on JF 2015-2019: No. 885 | 1223 | 1261 | 1322 | 1357 | 1440

Originals January 2021

JF Original Problems | January 2021

The judge of JF-2021-I: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed yet

  • (24.01) No.1524-2 (-34 & #1 Proca ; Anti-Circe) Dmitrij Baibikov (Israel). Correction of No.1524 (JF-R2019-20). No.1524 & 1524.1 are withheld from the tournament JF-R2019-20.
  • (24.01) No.1578.1 (#3 ; Anti-Circe) Daniel Papack & Sven Trommler (Germany). The improvement with thematical tries for No.1578, Dedicated to Franz Pachl 70th birthday.
  • (22.01) No.1580 (h#4 ; Transmuted Kings) Ľuboš Kekely (Slovakia).
  • (09.01) No.1579 (h#2 ; Madrasi) Manfred Nieroba & Daniel Papack (Germany). Warm welcome to Manfred!
  • (08.01) No.1578 (#3 ; Anti-Circe) Sven Trommler (Germany). Dedicated to Franz Pachl 70th birthday.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals December 2020

JF Original Problems | December, 2020

The judge of JF-2020/II: Hans Gruber.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021 !
My very best wishes to everybody!

(19.12.) Julia’s illness is over! ⇒

  • (31.12) No.1577 (#2 ; PAO, VAO, NAO, RAO, Chinese Camelrider) Jean-Marc Loustau (France). “Double complete Tertiary Threat Correction (TTC), with successive corrections of thematic double threats” (Author) … and much more!
  • (31.12) No.1576 (#3 ; Mars Circe) Armin Geister & Daniel Papack (Germany). “A problem for the New Year’s Eve punch: The same solution – or not…?!” (Authors)
  • (30.12) No.1575 (hs#3) János Csák & Gábor Tar (Hungary).
  • (29.12) No.1551.2 (ser-s#22 ; Circe Rex Inclusiv) Dirk Borst (Netherlands). Correction for No.1551 & 1551.1. “This time I hope to have found a real correction (attached). Both the first and the second cook are impossible in this position. But who knows what Arno will find next!?” (Author)
  • (26.12) No.1574 (hs#3.5) Vitaly Medintsev & Aleksey Oganesjan (Russia). “We have managed to implement probably a NEW idea which might be called ‘Promoted Anticipatory Grimshaw’.” (Author)
  • (26.12) No.1573 (h#3 ; Take & Make, Transmuted Kings) Sergej Smotrov (Kazakhstan). “Echo mates” (Author)
  • (26.12) No.1572 (h#3.5 ; Invisibles) René J. Millour (France). “In this Wenigsteiner using Invisibles, mating by castling occurs twice in a very strange way!” (Author)
  • (26.12) No.1552.1 (h#2 ; Take & Make) Jacques Rotenberg & Pierre Tritten (Israel / France). An improved version to No.1552.
  • (26.12) No.1524.1 (-33 & #1 Proca ; Anti-Circe) Dmitrij Baibikov (Israel). Correction to No.1524 after comment by Bojan Bašić.
  • (26.12) No.1571 (hs#10) Torsten Linß (Germany). “Critical moves by three pieces with return to their original squares.” (Author)
  • (26.12) No.1570 (hs#8.5 ; Neutral pieces ; Alphabetic Chess, PWC, Einstein Chess, Republican Chess) Michael Grushko (Israel).
  • (25.12) No.1569 (h#2.5 ; Neutral pieces ; Anti-Circe) Manfred Rittirsch (Germany). “Soul Sacrifice”
  • (25.12) No.1568 (h#2 ; Brunner Chess, Back-to-Back) Karol Mlynka (Slovakia).
  • (25.12) No.1567 (hs#4 ; Anti-Andernach, Mars Circe) Igor Kochulov (Russia). Enjoy the order of promotions!
  • (25.12) No.1566 (hs#3.5 ; LEO, NAO) Franz Pachl (Germany).
  • (25.12) No.1565 (h#2 ; Breton Adverse) Thomas Maeder (Switzerland). Glad to see Thomas on JF again, after previous publication back in 2015, No.897.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Fairy Classification: Leapers Evolution! and more…

What happens in our Going Forward to Light and Order project?  While I haven’t followed the project for about 3 weeks, the team was continuously  discovering new highlights and new questions as well. Tonight I couldn’t provide any summary of the current situation, but let me show you some moments jumped into my eyes. Later on the members of the team might comment something more, and of course, all of us would appreciate your comments (and joining to the team as well! 🙂 )

Shankar always makes some nice graphical presentations for us. So, I’d like to share something with you:

I did a small analysis of the way Leapers evolve into Riders, Hoppers and other related types. This scheme generates 116 different pieces – some of them possibly not yet used and/or named!

Note: the 116 pieces are generated from only the 3 basic leapers: Wazir, Fers and Wazir+Fers(Erlking). Another 63 can be added with the Knight evolving into Nightrider/Rose, N-Hopper, Nao, N-Lion, etc. Adding up to 179 Pieces!”

See more! ⇒

Of course, the discussion goes in different directions, and can go continuously deeper and deeper, as Vlaicu commented:
Human imagination has actually no limits! 🙂

But allowing some more imagination to ourselves, we still have to do some practical work to push the results to appear.

What we need to do immediately is make a selection of some popular elements belonging to each of the main groups and fill out the intended details like history, popularity, supporting software and example problems to put into a publicly viewable and searchable database on JF. This will give some immediate benefit and feedback. We can then fine tune our work to improve it further.” (Shankar)

Thanks a lot to everybody involved!

Originals November 2020(2)

JF Original Problems | November, 2020(2)

The judge of JF-2020/II: Hans Gruber.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2019-2020: Vlaicu Crișan

Coming soon: nobody in the waiting list…

  • (30.11) No.1564 (hs#4) János Csák (Hungary) & Aleksey Oganesjan (Russia). Attractive sacrifices lead to ODT “model checks” and model mates.
  • (28.11) No.1563 (h#4 ; Grasshopper) Niels Danstrup (Denmark). An interesting coincidence about the numbers: the previous problem by Niels was No.1553 on the date 28.10!
  • (26.11) No.1562 (h#4 ; Functionary Chess) Oleg Paradzinskij (Ukraine). Warm welcome to Oleg!
  • (24.11) No.1561 (h#2 ; HurdleColourChanging pieces, Lion, Rook-Lion, Rose-Lion) Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic). The problem is not computer-tested – I found firstly geometrical pattern and then I discovered, that neither Popeye nor WinChloe are able to test Andernach roselion…(Author). Important to note two different names for the same property: Andernach hoppers = HurdleColourChanging pieces.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson