My debut in WCCI 2010-2012

julia-skating1My debut in WCCI 2010-2012

It was my first participation in WCCI, and of course, I’m happy, and excited, and very interested in all results…. Everyone can imagine!

I’ve participated in Fairy section (judges: Juraj Lörinc, Franz Pachl, Petko Petkov, Tadashi Wakashima, Klaus Wenda), the place No.21 (considered a lucky number!) in the list of results, 29.50 points in total. →See the whole text with problems and scores!

Problems were ordered by my understanding which one is better, the judges views were a bit different. But I’m very happy that No.2 –  with my favorite Chameleon piece(!) – goes to FIDE Album!

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Updates as of 17-18th of July, 2013:

  • (18.07) No.350 – Seetharaman Kalyan – A nice idea and very difficult solution through the first checking move!  
  • (17.07) No.349 – Vito Rallo – А nice Miniature with ideal mates and Chameleon-Circe fairy condition! 

Now there are three sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) with all problems of January-April, 2013; Julia’sFairies-2013(II) will contain problems of May-August, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(II)Diyan Kostadinov

WCCI 2010-2012: Preliminary results coming…

wfcc-site15-16th of July, 2013
WCCI 2010-2012 – Preliminary results –
The most interesting sections 🙂 are coming!

  • (15.06) See the corrected results of Section E (helpmates) published!
  • (16.06) See the results of Section F (selfmates) published! Congratulations to Diyan Kostadinov for his 3rd Prize!
  • (16.06) The results of Section G (FAIRIES) are published at WFCC website! So much happy for our winners – Petko A. Petkov, Vlaicu Crișan, Peter Gvozdják

Congratulations and the very best wishes to all participants! Congratulations to the winners!!

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Updates as of 11-14th of July, 2013:

  • (14.07) No.347,348 – Peter Harris – two problems demonstrate Anti-Andernach Chess condition in interesting combinations with other fairy conditions and unusual fairy pieces. Peter, I’m happy to see you here again!
  • (11.07) No.346 – Daniel Novomesky – Very interesting formation of twins with change of 4 pieces (except Kings) with 4 pieces of other type!! 

Now there are three sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) with all problems of January-April, 2013; Julia’sFairies-2013(II) will contain problems of May-August, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(II)Diyan Kostadinov

Site’s sections 09.07.2013

jv-june2013 Dear Friends,

I have some comments for you about site’s sections:

  • Recently I’ve corrected a little Site INTRO, although it needs to have some more information I believe;
  • I wished to have a good Fairy Terms section, but seems like I have to declare that I’ll have there only the definitions for fairy elements used in Original Problems section;
  • Articles page is up to date and you’re always welcome to send your articles for publication;
  • My problems I’m trying to update from time to time (mostly for myself);
  • Original problems section is up to date, I’m trying to publish your problems the same day when receive;
  • Tourneys section is going to be changed a little – in the future I won’t show there an excerpts of the tourney announcements, but only the links to full announcements as it is shown for the last tourneys at the bottom part of the page; but the same time I’ll make a short post in site’s home about each new tourney added;
  • In Software section I have only information about programs I use myself; WinChloe‘s page is still unfinished;
  • Links I haven’t updated for a long time; if you wish your site to be added there – just send me an url and few words of description;
  • About me page I’ve finally translated into Russian;
  • Forum I’ve added long time ago to allow you to open new topics, not only to comment mine. For now it’s quite passive. But you’re welcome to try it!

Have a nice summer season! /Julia

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Updates as of 06th of July, 2013:

  • (06.07) No.345 – Julia Vysotska – Anti-batteries, reciprocal play of neutral PAO/NAO, Take&Make with activity of the white King and black Q! This problem is partly based on the idea shown in my No.342.
  • (06.07) I’ve added three my own published problems to My Problems section:
    • No.69 – The first try with Kangaroo-Lion, h#3,5.
    • No.73 – My second problem with Take&Make, composed right after No.165, hopefully on a better level!
    • No.85 -This one is like a toy with Marine Knight, composed in an hour, without computer, and appeared to be C+ when tested!

The AWARD – JF-2013/I – English version ready!

Preliminary Award JF-2013-I

English version
of the AWARD JF-2013/I
is ready!


I’m happy to announce that English version of the Award for Julia’sFairies-2013/I is ready! I’m so much grateful to Geoff Foster who’s worked together with me under this translation, has helped me to understand many problems and comments better and to make the result so close to original text. I have to tell also, that with all the work we still appreciated all detailed comments a lot and were thankful for them to the judge! I believe that many of you, who will read the Award, will understand some of the problems much better.

The Award is preliminary now and will become final after two weeks, on the 17th of July. The final version will be corrected in accordance with comments and objections you send.

One more time my congratulations to the winners and thanks a lot to all participants!