Site Updates-300413


Updates as of 15-30 Apr, 2013:

  • (30.04) No.310 Nicolas Dupont  – This is the 3rd Proof Game at Julia’s Fairies! Again, enjoy a very detailed explanation by the author!
  • (30.04) No.303.1 – Julia Vysotska – An improvement to No.303, with a gratitude to Nikola Predrag for his help in creating it!
  • (26.04) No.309 – Vito Rallo – This nice problem with Andernach Grasshopper is one more gift for Julia’s Fairies jubilee! I regret I couldn’t share a birthday’s cake with everyone! 🙂 Thank you, Vito!
  • (25.04) No.308 – Vito Rallo – Nice mates with specific AG-effects! I have “Italian days” here!
  • (25.04) No.307 – Mario Parrinello – A very interesting problem with a play of Marine Knights only! I appreciate a lot this “Marine” dedication to the site’s birthday!
  • (24.04) No.306 – Enzo Minerva & Antonio Garofalo  – One more Proof Game  at Julia’s Fairies! Welcome to Enzo with his first publication here!
  • (24.04) No.302.1 – Pierre Tritten & Dmitri Turevski – An improved version to No.302! I’m happy to publish this result of a great activity around No.302!
  • (23.04) No.305 – Igor Kochulov – A nice four-men with Maximummer. Welcome to Igor and to his first publication here!
  • (23.04) No.283.1 – Vlaicu Crișan – Author writes that he’s found that No.283 has been cooked by Popeye 4.62. Now author presents the new version with a hope that Mr.Seetharaman will still enjoy it!
  • (22.04) No.304 – Luis Miguel Martín – Nonstandard anti-battery play!
  • (22.04) No.303 – Julia Vysotska – A play of two neutral Sirens, annihilation captures and critical moves!
  • (20.04) JV-70 – I have added one more my own published problem to My Problems section. This is the one I liked at lot while composing, and still like it! – interplay of Kangaroo-Lion and Lion with an active help of the white King.
  • (18.04) No.302 – Pierre Tritten – An excellent Rex-solus problem with Take & Make (of course!) and plus two more modern fairy-conditions!
  • (18.04) Fairings No.31 (Apr-2013) by – Chris Feather is added to the Articles page! Enjoy!
  • (17.04) No.301 – Hubert Gockel – A very nice Meredith on Djurasevic theme!
  • (15.04) No.300 !!! – Michel Caillaud – A very beautiful problem, an excellent realization of Pelle theme with model mates!! I’m happy that this problem has became No.300! 
    My gratitude to the author for dedication to the 1st Birthday of Julia’s Fairies!
  • (15.04) No.299 – Nicolas Dupont  – This problem introduces Proof Games at Julia’s Fairies! It doesn’t participate in the informal tourneys announced for now, but in case of more entries coming the separate tourney for them might be announced at the end of year 2013! Thanks to the author for a very detailed explanation to his problem!
  • (15.04) No.298 – Georgy Evseev, Petko A. Petkov & Julia Vysotska  – This joint problem was born in the comments to No.291, presenting the same idea, but in a different way!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

WinChloe update – 04/2013

WinChloe – April’s update of
WinChloe & Echecs database!

    • Two versions of WinChloe solving program are released during April 2013, and the last one is WinChloe 3.23 as of today! Features added or corrected:

3.23 (apr. 13)
Correction of a bug preventing to copy (RTF) more than one record.
3.22 (apr. 13)
4 bugs fixed :
– Isardam works now with all the fairy pieces
– No more crash with the combination Maximum conséquent + Maximum conséquent blanc
– 64-bits engine is now Windows 8 compatible
– Pawns were not correctly handled in selfmates with only 2 black pieces.
New stipulation programmed:
– Direct inverse de série
New conditions programmed:
– Poursuite monocolore noire
– Circé jovien
– Circé diagramme jovien
– Circé jovien strict
– Circé espion double échange
– Promotions blanches interdites
– Promotions noires interdites
New theme programmed: Avanta

  • The latest update (as of 12-Apr-2013) of WinChloe Echecs database is available for those, who uses it. The number of problems has increased till 469088!  
  • 196 of original problems published at (including two TT’s of 2012) are added to WinChloe Echecs database as of 12-Apr-2013. Thanks a lot to all who does this huge work of updating and to the author, Christian Poisson!!

Site Updates-140413


Updates as of 11-14 Apr, 2013:

  • (14.04) No.239.1 – Arno Tüngler – author writes “It beats the former record of Branko and me by 38 moves (what is quite an achievement in this very special field).” Added to the page with a previous record, No.239.
  • (14.04) No.297 – Julia Vysotska – This is my first try of using Marine pieces. Neutral Siren & Triton in a battery play, Zilahi, underpromotions.
  • (13.04) No.296 – Seetharaman Kalyan – Surprising underpromotions, difficult solution in a reflexmate by one of the most active visitors! 
  • (12.04) No.292.1Petko A. Petkov – A new, improved version, of No.292, added to the same page!
  • (11.04) No.294, 295 – These two problems by Nikola Predrag were firstly presented in the comments to No.289 and now I’m happy to show them here and thankful for the dedication to the 1st birthday of Julia’s Fairies!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Julia’sFairies – some statistics for 1 year


Julia’sFairies – some statistics for 1 year

Now, when the site is 1 year old, it’s interesting to see the statistics about it’s growth. There’re some very interesting figures! Like,

Number of visits for the year is 36,014 (unique visitors are 5,795) and number of countries is 99! Of course, some visits are one time only, so it’s more interesting to look at the active ones. More then 10 visits are from 51 countries, while the top 10 is:


But this is the chart of visits:


Number of page views is 100,564! The most popular is Problems – the number of unique page views is 2,085! Articles, Tourneys, Software have more than 1,000 unique views. Pages with original problems have till about 400 unique views for most commented, and around 150-250 views in average. The total number of views for original problems 2013 is 8,101. 

What also might be interesting? I can add something more if you have any ideas for it! Thanks a lot to all of you for coming, for you comments, mails, originals… for your different personalities, your help and attention.. – for everything! You’re always welcome here, at my “virtual home” – Julia’s Fairies!!! –Julia

Julia’sFairies 1st jubilee – 10.04.2013


Julia’sFairies 1st jubilee – The 10th of April, 2013

Dear Friends! Today is the first birthday of my site! Of course, I’m happy! And I have a lot of memories – about the first tries of running it, the first created pages and posts, the first visitors!.. A year ago, at the same time, 10-Apr, 1:00 a.m. I’ve published the first post My start in composition about my problems with Chameleons, and have made the site available for visitors, although at that time it had just several sections about composing software. Honestly, that time I didn’t plan it growing so fast, but ideas came more and more, and your attention gave me too strong motivation! So, thanks to all of you Julia’s Fairies is what it is! I will add some more statistics a bit later, but for now I’m happy to present…. the original problems, of course!! –

  • (10.04) The gifts for Julia’s Fairies 1st jubilee – two problems by GM Petko A. Pekov:
    No.292 –  Play of Chinese half-battery with a cyclic interchange of functions;
    No.293 –  Transformation of two neutral batteries with Take&Make effects! 

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Site Updates-060413


Updates as of 05-06 Apr, 2013:

  • (06.04) No.291 – Julia Vysotska – Another battery play with my lovely Neutral Chameleon.
  • (05.04) No.290 – Emmanuel Manolas & János Mikitovics –  The idea is based on No.287 but with a more interesting content! 
  • Don’t miss the 1st part of the article “Do You know the Marine pieces?” by GM Petko A. Petkov! It is also added to the Articles section.

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Marine pieces – the article!

DSCN580603 April, 2013

The sea is amazing and beautiful at all seasons! Nothing compares to it… And approaching the summer season, I’ve started to think about thematic tourney dedicated to Marine pieces. The Tournament will be announced later, but prior to it I’ve asked GM Petko A. Petkov to write for Julia’s Fairies an article about Marine Pieces.

So, now I’m very happy to present you the 1st part of the article “Do You know the Marine pieces?”:


My gratitude to you, dear Petko !

Thanks a lot for the English correction to Mr. Geoff Foster !

Site Updates-030413


Updates as of 02-03-Apr, 2013:

Some “Easter’s” news – the works I’ve got right after Easter holidays:

  • (03.04) No.289 – János Mikitovics – AUW in non-standard form! My gratitude to the author for dedication!
  • (03.04) I believe that those who likes helpmates will enjoy the article by Boris Shorokhov “Близнецы Шоу” (Twins Show, Russian version only). The original version of this article was published earlier in “Шахматная композиция”, but this is the revised and expanded version of the previously published article.
  • (02.04) No.288 – Juraj Lörinc – An interesting cyclical play after three fairy promotion! Enjoy author’s detailed comment!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Happy Easter! And – coming soon…

jv-easterDear Friends,

First of all I’d like to wish a Happy Easter to all of You!!

And now – to some different events coming soon:

  1. The Award of informal tourney JF-2012 is going to appear in April! I’d like to turn your attention one more time to the list of problems which participate in the tourney – in the list for 2012 I’ve left their background white, while making a darker background for the problems which does not participate. In case of any objections please write me ASAP!
  2. April is the last month of the first part of informal tourney 2013 – Julia’sFairies-2013(I) – where participate fairy problems published in January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I) – Juraj Brabec. You’re very welcome to submit your entries till the last day of April to participate in!
  3. The 10th of April is the birthday of website. This baby becoming 1 year old
  4. An article by GM Petko A. Petkov about Marine pieces coming soon in April! I’m sure you will enjoy it!

Thank You for visiting! And have a nice spring! – Julia

Site Updates-290313


Updates as of 03-29.Mar, 2013:

  • (29.03) No.284.1 – János Mikitovics – An improved version of No.284 is published on the same page!
  • (25.03) No.287 – Emmanuel Manolas – Long white K-series combined with surprising R-promotion!
  • (21.03) No.285, 286 – Gani Ganapathi – Two problems with Equihoppers: h#3 with Chameleon promotions and hs#2,5 demonstrating Anti-Circe!
  • (18.03) No.284 – János Mikitovics – One more Happy birthday problem dedicated to Seetharaman Kalyan!
  • (18.03) No.283 – Vlaicu Crișan – A surprising demonstration of Superguards condition dedicated to its inventor! Happy birthday to Seetharaman Kalyan!
  • (17.03) No.282 – Paul Rãican – Interesting example of the rarely used fairy condition Cage Circe!
  • (12.03) No.281 – Anatoly Skripnik with the second duplex on Julia’sFairies! Warm welcome to Anatoly!
  • (10.03) I’ve added three my own published problems to My Problems section:
    55 – h#2,5*; Grasshoppers; composed in July-2012, published in ORBIT – 2012, No.56 ;
    59 – h#2; Lions; composed in July-2012 for Latvian game ;
    68 – hs#2,5; Nightrider; composed in November-2012, published in VARIANTIM – 2012, No.58.
  • (08.03) No.279, 280 – Two very good Take&Make problems by Pierre Tritten!
  • (05.03) No.277, 278 by Chris Feather – A very exotic combination of fairy conditions Anti-Kings+Anti-Circe! Enjoy the problems and author’s explanations!
  • (04.03) No.276 by János Mikitovics  One more Happy Birthday-problem! See surprising finals with Chameleon-promotions!
  • (04.03) I have a pleasure to present you a Happy Birthday article by Seetharaman K. dedicated to Petko A. Petkovpetkov-h#-by-seetharaman-announce
  • (03.03) No.274, 275 by Valerio Agostini. No.274 – A nice Bristol realized with Nightriders; No.275 – A very good activity of Andernach Grasshopper!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec