
2 “solving days” in Riga – 23-24.Aug –
for those, who never solved before!

This post is dedicated to Latvians (Rigans really), who participates in the project (“igra” in Russian = game). This is not about chess at all! Commands, who participate in the game, have to do many very different things. This time a pre-game to get the additional bonus was to solve a fairy problem!

The problem above was composed for this game. So, it was impossible to find a ready solution in the internet. The only information the commands have got was that this is a helpmate (they had to find what it is), has 2 solutions of 2 moves, and a strange figure on d1,h1 was called a “shaman” with a given definition how it moves (in reality it was a simple Lion, but it was also not easy to find out it). The author was not mentioned as well.

Click here to see how the problem was presented to the commands by the organizers of this game (in Russian only). And click on the diagram to see the problem with solution.

  • As I know, at least 2 commands have really solved the problem themselves. Congratulations to you!!! I hope you enjoyed the solving and the happiness at the moment when you have found the right solution! 
  • I was also surprised a lot to see about 10 of you at my site, and you were on the right way looking at fairy terms and at popeye solving program! As I was told, some of you have solved a problem using solving software! So, you have done 2 things: have found the right name of the fairy piece, have learned how to install and to use a program! Congratulations to you too!! It is not that easy if you do it for the first time.

As I know for now, about 7 commands have submitted the right solution. But I don’t know how many commands participated in total.

Dear participants, I had fun during your time of solving… And now I wish you good luck in the real game you have this night!!!

Thank you for solving! – Julia 

Site Updates-250812

Updates as of 22-25.Aug /2012:

  • (25.08) Warm welcome to Zoran Gavrilovski, Macedonia! I have a pleasure to show you a very nice problem – see No.116 !
  • (24.08) A joint problem by 2 authors is added – see No.110.1 by Mečislovas Rimkus & János Mikitovics, which is an improvement of No.110.
  • (23.08) See just black pieces in a new problem by Michael Grushko – No.115 – a play of 5 Andernach Grasshoppers!
  • (23.08) Welcome to Romanian author, Paul Răican! See just 4 pieces & 3(!!) fairy conditions in a rich play – No.114.
  • (22.08) Nice to see one more problem by Gani Ganapathi! See surprising castlings in No.113 !
  • (22.08) Warm welcome to Michael Grushko, Israel! See 2 problems (hs# and h#) –  No.111, 112
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.
  • Tourneys, tourneys!.. Let me repeat, that all fairy computer tested problems published at Julia’sFairies participate in informal tourney JF-2012. Thank you very much for so great activity here! And I’d like to remind you about the thematic tourney, with the closing date 15th of October, HS-problems with battery play – Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012 ! (Latvian sweets are really great! 🙂 )

WinChloe: Echecs database as of 12-Aug-2012

The latest update of the WinChloe Echecs database!

  • The latest update (as of 12-Aug-2012) of WinChloe Echecs database is available for those, who uses it. The number of problems has increased till 437957!
  • 53 of original problems published at Julia’sFairies are added to WinChloe Echecs database as of 12-Aug-2012 – you can see the list of them(pdf) I’ve exported from WinChloe! I’d like to add that WinChloe offers 2 possibilities of exporting diagrams: bitmap (graphics like I have on the site) and rtf-form (text form, which uses Echecs font to display the board and pieces, used in my exported list of problems here).
  • I’d like to write more about WinChloe program and I will do it part by part when have time. For now my WinChloe section has just some basic information about, but you can leave your comments/questions there – I’d try to answer (as also some other users of WinChloe maybe?)!

Site Updates-210812

Updates as of 18-21.Aug /2012:

  • (21.08) I’m so happy to have visitors from the neighboring country! Welcome to Me?islovas Rimkus, Lithuania, and aristocrat-problem No.110 !!
  • (20.08) The last problem I’ve published at night is like an answer to my own last publication. I’m touched with the dedication in No.109 by János Mikitovics. Thank you, János!
  • (20.08) Happy to see Israel presented on the site! See a direct mate this time, No.108, by Semion Shifrin. Warm welcome to the author!
  • (20.08) I have a pleasure to welcome world-known French GM  Michel Caillaud! Enjoy analyzing of a problem No.107 !
  • (20.08) See 3 complicated problems with many fairy conditions by Karol Mlynka – No.104, 105, 106.  Such problems are not easy to analyze and comment. If anyone can – please do!
  • (18.08) I’m very happy to welcome on the site world-known author from Poland, GM Waldemar Tura and to present to you not complicated but nice his problems  – No.102, 103.
  • (18.08) One more problem by Peter Harris opens a new hundred of problems – see No.101! I believe that Peter wouldn’t mind if I mention here, that 19th of August is his birthday! The very best wishes to You, Peter!!
  • (18.08) Happy, happy, happy to publish No.100 (my own 🙂 ) Although, had no time for wine, as few other problems were waiting for publication! 
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.
  • Tourneys, tourneys!.. Let me repeat, that all fairy computer tested problems published at Julia’sFairies participate in informal tourney JF-2012. Thank you very much for so great to buy viagra activity here! And I’d like to remind you about the thematic tourney, with the closing date 15th of October, HS-problems with battery play – Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012 ! (Latvian sweets are really great! 🙂 )

100 problems!

A problem No.100 !

Today I’m happy to publish a problem No.100! The last week I was thinking about whom to give this number… and finally decided to use it myself! Editors can do this! 🙂  
Please see my No.100 – dedicated to all of You, dear authors, commentators, visitors! What I have done is really what we have done all together! Thank You !! 

Site Updates-170812

Updates as of 16-17.Aug /2012:

  • (17.08) One problem by Peter Harris, shown in the comments, is added to the original problems, as it deserves so! – see No.99! 
  • (17.08) The second series of problems by Emmanuel Manolas is added! See selfmates with Maximummer this time – No.96, 97, 98! 
  • (17.08) Welcome to the new author from India – Gani Ganapathi! See his nice miniature No.95
  • (16.08) See a new problem – No.94 – by three Italian authors: Valerio Agostini, Gabriele Brunori & Antonio Garofalo! Thanks a lot to the authors!
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.


My dear Friends,  
One of the most significant chess-events of the year is coming –  just one month left till

The 55th World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC)
and 36th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC)
in Kobe, Japan!

The Congress takes place from September 15th to September 22th, 2012.
(WCSC on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 18th and 19th.)

Attention: Composing tourneys are starting to appear there!

I like how the WCCC2012 site is decorated with the sakura-like flowers and colors.

Site Updates-150812

Updates as of 10-15.Aug /2012:

  • (15.08) Welcome to the new author at the site – Jaroslav Štúň, Slovakia! See No.93 – nice miniature, anti-batteries.
  • (15.08) See one new problem by János Mikitovics – No.92 – nice miniature, shows Masand condition.
  • (14-15.08) Please see new problems with KoBul Kings condition by the well-known author from Greece, Emmanuel ManolasNo.88, No.89, No.90, No.91. I believe, you’ll like Emmanuel’s series! Thanks a lot to the author!
  • (14.08) I’m happy to present you a problem by the world-known German authors – No.87 – by Dieter Müller, Franz Pachl & Sven Trommler! Warm welcome and thanks a lot to the all of you!!
  • (14.08) Welcome to the new author from Spain, Luis Miguel Martín! See 2 nice problems: No.85 and No.86.
  • (13.08) 2 new problems by Peter Harris are added – No.83, 84. The second problem, No.84, is dedicated to Hans Gruber to occasion of his Birthday (24.08).
  • (11.08) Welcome to new author, Anatolij Kornilov, Russia! See Anatolij’s first try with ser-hs# problem – No.82!
  • (11.08) I’m very touched about the dedication of No.81 by Peter Harris! Thank you, Peter! – for the problem, for your activity and help!
  • (10.08) Welcome to Antonio Garofalo, Italy!! 2 new problems by Antonio Garofalo are added – No.79, No.80.
  • See the list of published problems on the main page of Original problems and my post about it! Hope, you like it!
  • See the unique h#-book by Christopher Feather BLACK TO PLAY – at the Articles page.

4 months!

My site is 4 months old today!!!

For these 4 months the site was visited by 1695 different people from 69 countries and 78 original problems are published! Thanks a lot to the authors and commentators! You make this site!!

Site Updates-090812

Updates as of 02-09.Aug /2012:

  • (09.08) 3 new problems are added! Actually, 2 of them I’ve got on 08.08, but late in the evening: No.76 by Peter Harris and No.77 by Seetharaman Kalyan. And the one of today is No.78 by Gabriele Brunori who would like to get your comments to improve his problem!
  • (08.08) Again, 4 new problems are added! Please see: No.72, 73 by  Zoran JanevNo.74 by János MikitovicsNo.75 by Peter Harris. I appreciate your activity a lot!!
  • (07.08) 4 new problems are added! Please see: No.68 by  Peter Harris, No.69 by János Mikitovics, No.70, 71 by Valerio Agostini. Thanks a lot to all authors!!
  • (06.08) See a problem No.67 by Seetharaman Kalyan – composed after comments to  No.63.
  • (06.08) See the improvement of No.34No.34.1 – added by the same authors: Themis Argirakopoulos, Pierre Tritten & S.K.Balasubramanian
  • (05.08) One more new problem by Peter Harris is added – see No.66!
  • (04.08) See new exotic problem by Peter HarrisNo.65 ! Mr.Harris always shows some new fairy condition to learn!
  • (03.08) It’s a pleasure for me to add a problem by one of the first and most active visitors of the site – Seetharaman Kalyan! See a direct mate (a very rare genre here!) with MAO – No.64.
  • (02.08) 2 new problems are added!  First of all – welcome to Gabriele Brunori, Italy! See his problem No.62. The second one is my own, Anti-Andernach, No.63.
  • (02.08) New issue of Fairings by Chris Feather is added to the Articles. See Fairings No.25!
  • See the new design of the main page of Original problems and my post about it! Hope, you like it!
  • See the unique h#-book by Christopher Feather BLACK TO PLAY – at the Articles page.