Julia's Fairies

Julia's Fairies

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Updates as of 08-10.Jan, 2013:

  • No.223 – A complicated problem with one more condition added in the twin by János Mikitovics!  
  • No.222 – An elegant Grimshaw by Valerio Agostini & Gabriele Brunori! Nice to see so many problems from Italy!
  • No.221 – A nice Miniature by Valerio Agostini!  
  • No.220 – A problem with a rich strategy by Francesco Simoni! Also, I believe that most of visitors appreciate such detailed authors’ comments!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013.

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Updates as of 01-06.Jan, 2013:

As you can see, now I’ve made two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013.

Welcome to see problems published in 2013! –

  • No.219 – The question about number of moves in this problem by Paul Rãican made me (and Paul?) think… But finally it is published in Paul’s birthday, 06-Jan! Happy birthday, Paul!
  • No.218 – “Half-check Chess” by Kostas Prentos & his wife Diane Barnard ! Warm welcome to Diane!
  • No.217 (and version 217.1) – A synthesis of Masand and Circe by János Mikitovics!
  • No.216 – Welcome to well known American composer, Newman Guttman, and to his lovely Equihoppers!
  • No.215Welcome to well known German composer, IM, Manfred Rittirsch! See 3+3 thematic promotions of nP and bP.
  • No.214 – Petko A. Petkov – a problem with neutral Locusts, which opens year 2013 !

Year 2013!

DSCN1954-crop January, 1st, 2013

Greetings to everybody in the year 2013!

I’d like to tell a few words about the previous year:  

Julia’s Fairies website  was created on the 10th of April, 2012.  So, it is still very young, but it is growing so rapidly, that sometimes I can’t follow it!   Starting from  few visitors per day in April it turned into  150-170 visits  per day in December, 2012.  The two thematic tourneys seem to be quite successful and I’m very happy about them!  Number of published original problems in 2012 is 213

But now I’m opening a “new season“. And I’d like to welcome you to send your original problems as before! This year I’ve decided to split the year into 3 periods: I – January-April, II – May-August, III – September-December. The judges are not appointed yet, but hopefully will be soon! 

Of course, I’ll have few thematic tourneys during the year as well!

I’ve started to restructure the Original Problems section, adding new periods and new sub-menus. Hopefully, everything will work! But please let me know if something goes wrong! 

And now – please see just published problem, which opens the year 2013 – No.214Petko A. Petkov!

The Award of Christmas Blitz-Tourney JF-2012!

the-Award-in-postDear Friends,

I’m very-very happy to present you a preliminary Award of The Christmas Blitz-Tourney JF-2012! It was prepared in a very short term, and I’m sorry if there’re any mistakes! A term of 10 days is given for possible remarks or objections, and after this term the results will be announced as final results.

Congratulations to the Prize Winners!! Thanks a lot to all of you, my dear participants!

And a Happy New Year to everybody!!! – Julia

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Updates as of 29-31.Dec, 2012:

I guess, these are the last problems I have a pleasure to publish this year.. Thanks a lot to all authors for sending their problems during this year! Thanks to all commentators! – you make this site interesting and educational! I wish a Happy New Year to all of you and I’ll be happy to see you here again in 2013! –Julia

  • (31.12) And the very last problem published in 2012 – a complicated mix of two conditions – Anti Take&Make and Take&Make – by Diyan Kostadinov in No.213! Hm… number 213 just before the year 2013! Funny!
  • (31.12) I like the idea of Themis Argirakopoulos to send a greeting problem to the Award of the Christmas Blitz! See a nice Christmas tree in No.212! But I can add that together with the judge we’re working under the Award. It is almost ready and will be presented tomorrow during the day time!
  • (30.12) For this problem Peter Harris even gives some hints to the solvers! Does it mean that No.211 is even more complicated then all Peter’s problems I’ve published before?!!
  • (29.12) An excellent Take & Make play is presented in a problem No.210 by Pierre Tritten!
  • (29.12) See a long play of Chameleon pawns in a problem No.209 by János Mikitovics !

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

I’d like to ask you – if you see anything incorrect in this list, or some problems (or published versions of them) are not included – please let me know! Sometimes I add there new problems with some delay, but before the last record all the other should exist. Thank you!!

Participants – Christmas Blitz 2012

christmas-bellsDear Friends,

I’m happy to show you a list of participants of my Christmas Blitz 2012! For those, who participates – please check again if everything is correct about you! I hope so!

Download (PDF, 1.91MB)

There’s also my name in the list. I know, I shouldn’t participate as an organizer, but I’m just the 2nd author in a joint problem, where the main author who submitted it has used some motives from my already published problem (feenschash, #10539). So, this problem was allowed to participate by the judge.

The Award will be ready in few days!

Thanks again to all of you! And have a Happy New Year holidays!!

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Updates as of 26-28.Dec, 2012:

  • (27.12) A new issue of FairingsFairings 29 – by Chris Feather is added to the Articles page. And one more pearl by Chris I’m happy to publish here – see  No.208 !
  • (27.12) See a nice miniature with 2 e.p. by János Mikitovics – No.207 !
  • (27.12) Peter Harris is unusual as always! – see his problem with a special dedication – No.206 !
  • (26.12) A modification of problem No.202 by Gani Ganapathi  is added – see a joint problem by Gani Ganapathi & K.Seetharaman – No.202.1 ! – 3 solutions, 3 promotions.

Thanks a lot to the authors!

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

I’d like to ask you – if you see anything incorrect in this list, or some problems (or published versions of them) are not included – please let me know! Sometimes I add there new problems with some delay, but before the last record all the other should exist. Thank you!!

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Updates as of 25.Dec, 2012:

On Christmas I’ve got several original problems I’m happy to show you today! Thanks a lot to the authors!!

  • (24.12) A version of problem No.39 by Peter Harris shown in the comments by Nikola Predrag, is added to original problems. I believe that most of you have seen No.39.1 but you’re welcome to look again! Author is very interested in your comments and judge’s comments later.
  • (24.12) A very unusual stipulation shows in his problem No.205 Dmitri Turevski! I’d like to mention that yesterday Dmitri has became a father! Congratulations!!!
  • (24.12) I’m very happy to welcome on the site a famous German composer and also editor of fairy section of Die Schwalbe – Arnold Beine! See an active trio of neutral pawns in No.204 !
  • (24.12) See super-active Kings in a problem by János MikitovicsNo.203 !

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list. (the last 10 problems are not added yet, but will be soon!!)

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Updates as of 23.Dec, 2012:

  • (23.12) See a nice problem by Gani Ganapathi and help author with his question about twins – No.202 !
  • (23.12) I’m happy to show you a beautiful problem by Peter Harris, which is number 1 after 200 – No.201 ! I believe that it is thanks to Peter that I have 200 problems on the Christmas Eve!!
  • (23.12) And this is happened! – Problem No.200 ! I’m very happy to have it on the Christmas Eve, and even more happy to give this number to the one who helps me so much – to Petko A. Petkov! Thank you, thank you so much!!
  • (23.12) Please see a very long trip by Gnu in the problem No.199 by Sébastien Luce! Thank you, Sébastien

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list. 

I wish you a Merry Christmas!!!