Site Updates-150812

Updates as of 10-15.Aug /2012:

  • (15.08) Welcome to the new author at the site – Jaroslav Štúň, Slovakia! See No.93 – nice miniature, anti-batteries.
  • (15.08) See one new problem by János Mikitovics – No.92 – nice miniature, shows Masand condition.
  • (14-15.08) Please see new problems with KoBul Kings condition by the well-known author from Greece, Emmanuel ManolasNo.88, No.89, No.90, No.91. I believe, you’ll like Emmanuel’s series! Thanks a lot to the author!
  • (14.08) I’m happy to present you a problem by the world-known German authors – No.87 – by Dieter Müller, Franz Pachl & Sven Trommler! Warm welcome and thanks a lot to the all of you!!
  • (14.08) Welcome to the new author from Spain, Luis Miguel Martín! See 2 nice problems: No.85 and No.86.
  • (13.08) 2 new problems by Peter Harris are added – No.83, 84. The second problem, No.84, is dedicated to Hans Gruber to occasion of his Birthday (24.08).
  • (11.08) Welcome to new author, Anatolij Kornilov, Russia! See Anatolij’s first try with ser-hs# problem – No.82!
  • (11.08) I’m very touched about the dedication of No.81 by Peter Harris! Thank you, Peter! – for the problem, for your activity and help!
  • (10.08) Welcome to Antonio Garofalo, Italy!! 2 new problems by Antonio Garofalo are added – No.79, No.80.
  • See the list of published problems on the main page of Original problems and my post about it! Hope, you like it!
  • See the unique h#-book by Christopher Feather BLACK TO PLAY – at the Articles page.

Site Updates-090812

Updates as of 02-09.Aug /2012:

  • (09.08) 3 new problems are added! Actually, 2 of them I’ve got on 08.08, but late in the evening: No.76 by Peter Harris and No.77 by Seetharaman Kalyan. And the one of today is No.78 by Gabriele Brunori who would like to get your comments to improve his problem!
  • (08.08) Again, 4 new problems are added! Please see: No.72, 73 by  Zoran JanevNo.74 by János MikitovicsNo.75 by Peter Harris. I appreciate your activity a lot!!
  • (07.08) 4 new problems are added! Please see: No.68 by  Peter Harris, No.69 by János Mikitovics, No.70, 71 by Valerio Agostini. Thanks a lot to all authors!!
  • (06.08) See a problem No.67 by Seetharaman Kalyan – composed after comments to  No.63.
  • (06.08) See the improvement of No.34No.34.1 – added by the same authors: Themis Argirakopoulos, Pierre Tritten & S.K.Balasubramanian
  • (05.08) One more new problem by Peter Harris is added – see No.66!
  • (04.08) See new exotic problem by Peter HarrisNo.65 ! Mr.Harris always shows some new fairy condition to learn!
  • (03.08) It’s a pleasure for me to add a problem by one of the first and most active visitors of the site – Seetharaman Kalyan! See a direct mate (a very rare genre here!) with MAO – No.64.
  • (02.08) 2 new problems are added!  First of all – welcome to Gabriele Brunori, Italy! See his problem No.62. The second one is my own, Anti-Andernach, No.63.
  • (02.08) New issue of Fairings by Chris Feather is added to the Articles. See Fairings No.25!
  • See the new design of the main page of Original problems and my post about it! Hope, you like it!
  • See the unique h#-book by Christopher Feather BLACK TO PLAY – at the Articles page.

Site Updates-310712

Updates as of 27-31.Jul /2012:

  • (31.07) It was very nice to get after some break 2 problems from János Mikitovics! See No.60,61 – miniatures, hs#9!  
  • (28.07) A new version of problem No.52 is added – see No.52.1 by Valerio Agostini! I’m happy to send Valerio’s warm regards to the commentators and friends of the site! Thank you!
  • (27.07) An improved version of No.56 is added as a new joint problem – No.56.1 by two authors: Dieter Müller & Petko A.Petkov.
  • (27.07) See one new problem by Peter  HarrisNo.59. I appreciate his dedication of this problem to Petko Petkov!
  • See the unique h#-book by Christopher Feather BLACK TO PLAY – at the Articles page.
  • The main page of Original problems section contains  a list of all published problems now (a new version of it will come soon!)

Site Updates-250712

Updates as of 23-25.Jul /2012:

  • (25.07) Nice miniature by Peter Harris, No.58, is added to PAGE-21!
  • (25.07) It’s nice to see  again at the site 2 authors – S. K. Balasubramanian and Pierre Tritten – with their joint problem – No.57PAGE-21.
  • (24.07) 4 new problems are added today! I’m very happy to welcome at the site Václav Kot?šovec and Dieter Müller! And thankful to Peter Harris, who continue to support the site! Please see a very interesting problems: No.53 & No.54  by V.Kot?šovec (PAGE-20), No.55 by P.Harris and No.56 by D.Müller (PAGE-21).
  • (23.07) Welcome to the new author at the site – Valerio Agostini, Italy! See 2 problems by Mr.Agostini – No.51 & No.52 – on PAGE-20! Thank you for participating in the tourney and in this section! 
  • (23.07) One more new problem by Peter Harris  is added to PAGE-19. See No.50! – I’m very pleased to see this number! Thanks a lot to Mr.Harris and to all of you!!
  • The main page of Original problems section contains  a list of all published problems now.

Site Updates-210712

Updates as of 20-22.Jul /2012:

  • (22.07) My own new problem is added to PAGE-19 No.49Anti-Andernach this time. 
  • (20.07) For SOLVERS!  Two new problems by Peter Harris are added to PAGE-19. Author believes that the problems should be SOLVED first, and then analyzed. See No.47 and No.48. After conversations with Mr.Harris I’ve tried to add a possibility to show or hide the solution. It is added to PAGE-19 and PAGE-15 for now for testing. 
  • (20-21.07) I’m trying to add a possibility for visitors to edit comments. Also, have changed a list of Recent comments. Have some problems with avatars there – visitors’  photos sometimes are visible and sometimes not. Will test all comments-related things.. Please let me know if something goes wrong! Sorry for inconvenience!

Site Updates-180712


Updates as of 10-18.Jul /2012:

  • (18.07) It’s the first time when I had 3 new problems! to publish in one evening. Warm welcome to the new authors at site – Karol Mlynka (Slovakia) and Kenneth Solja (Finland)! See new problems at PAGE-18: No.44Karol Mlynka, No.45Kenneth Solja, No.46Peter Harris.
  • (17.07) For SOLVERS! One more problem by Peter Harris is added to PAGE-18. Author would like you to SOLVE his No.43! Please try!! I’m grateful to Mr.Harris for his activity!
  • (16.07) Fairy innovations by Zoran Janev are added to PAGE-17 with No.41,42. Thanks a lot to the author for sharing his ideas!
  • (11.07) The separate Tourneys section is created for the tourneys announced by Julia’sFairies and also for the other, external tourneys.
  • (10.07) I’ve added my own problem, Andernach Chess, to PAGE-16 with No.40
  • All articles by Petko A.Petkov and the last issue of Fairings by Christopher Feather published at the site are available from the Articles page. Your articles are very welcome!!

Site Updates-070712

Updates as of 05-07.Jul /2012:

  • (07.07) Welcome to so well-known fairy composer –  Peter Harris! hs#3, AntiCirce, Isardam by Peter Harris is added to PAGE-15 with No.39. Thanks a lot to Mr.Harris!
  • (07.07) a joint problem by Nikola Predrag & Petko A.Petkov is added to PAGE-11 – No.33.1 which  is an improvement of No.33. 
  • (06.07) please comment my “Three Variations of One Theme” – No.36, 37, 38 on PAGE-14! I like this trio myself and I hope you’ll like them too!
  • (06.07) a new nice problem by Nikola Predrag is added to PAGE-13 – see battery play with Locust in hs#3 – No.35.
  • (05.07) a joint problem by Pierre Tritten & Petko A.Petkov is added to PAGE-10 – No.31.1 which  is an improvement of No.31. 
  • All articles by Petko A.Petkov and the last issue of Fairings by Christopher Feather published at the site are available from the Articles page. Your articles are very welcome!!
  • About 3 months are left for submission your problems to the Tourney Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012

Site Updates-020712

Updates as of 28.Jun-02.Jul /2012:

  • (02.07) a joint problem by Themis Argirakopoulos (Greece), Pierre Tritten (France), S.K.Balasubramanian (India) is added to PAGE-12 – No.34. Welcome to Themis Argirakopoulos who has the 1st publication at the site!
  • (30.06) a joint problem by Julia Vysotska & Petko A.Petkov is added to PAGE-10 – No.29.1 which  is an improvement of No.29. 
  • (28.06) 1 original problem is added to a new PAGE-11No.33 by Nikola Predrag. Welcome, Nikola! After all comments I’m glad to see your problem here!
  • (28.06) 3 original problem are added to PAGE-10No.30 by S. K. Balasubramanian (India) and No.31,32 – by P.Tritten (France). Dear authors, thank you for your activity!
  • All articles by Petko A.Petkov and the last issue of Fairings by Christopher Feather published at the site are available from the Articles page. 
  • Your problems are very welcome for the Tourney Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012! Thanks a lot to active participants!

Site Updates-250612

Updates as of 25-Jun-2012:

  • 1 my original problem is added to PAGE-10No.29 – Dentist theme again, hs#3, promotions… 
  • Finally I’ve translated into Russian P.A.Petkov‘s article “Help-Self Problems with Black Series“. I’m very grateful to Mihail Croitor and Dmitri Turevski for help with Russian terminology! All articles by Petko A.Petkov published at the site are available from the Articles page. 
  • Your problems are very welcome for the Tourney Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012! Thanks a lot to active participants!

Site Updates-220612

Updates as of 22-23-Jun-2012:

  • (23.06) I’m happy to announce that 3 authors have agreed about publishing a joint new version of the problem No.26. See problem No.26.1 by Petko A.Petkov (Bulgaria), S.K. Balasubramanian (India) & Pierre Tritten (France) on PAGE-8.  (yesterday, 22-Jun, 2 joint versions were announced – A & B. But now the authors have came to this one) Thanks a lot to the authors!
  • All articles by Petko A.Petkov published at the site are available from the Articles page. 
  • Your problems are very welcome for the Tourney Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012! Thanks a lot to active participants!