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Updates as of 27-30.Jan, 2013:

  • (30.01) No.242, 243 – Peter Harris demonstrates Haaner Chess in his two problems!
  • (29.01) No.230.1 – Václav Kotěšovec & Nikola Predrag – A new version of No.230 based on the comments!
  • (27.01) No.222.1 – Valerio Agostini – A new version of No.222 composed after comments!
  • (27.01) No.240, 241 – Vito Rallo – A nice Einstein-Miniature & a good activity of the both Kings! 
  • (27.01) New issue of Fairings Fairings No.30 by Chris Feather is added to the Articles page!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Site Updates-250113


Updates as of 12-25.Jan, 2013:

  • (25.01) No.239 – Branko Koludrovic (Croatia)Arno Tüngler (Germany) are welcome at Julia’s Fairies! This is unusual problem for the site, and publication of it I consider as an exception.
  • (23.01) No.237, 238 – Mario Parrinello with two fine problems: Locust and marine pieces for the first time on the site in No.237; and Grasshopper with his Contra-piece in No.238!
  • (23.01) No.236 – Newman Guttman and his lovely Equihoppers!
  • (21.01) No.235 – János Mikitovics – A nice fairy 5-men!
  • (21.01) No.234 – Pierre Tritten  shows Take&Make of 3 solutions which can be combined in two pairs, showing different thematic in every pair!
  • (20.01) No.233 – welcome to Dominique Forlot, France! A problem should be nice for solvers!
  • (19.01) No.232 – Tibor Érsek & János Mikitovics. A difficult for solving Maximummer!
  • (19.01) No.230, 231 – Václav Kotěšovec. See two fine problems by the world famous author: Lacny theme with Royal Zebra & Miniature with Fairy duet Grasshopper-Kangaroo.
  • (15.01) No.229 – Nikolaj Zujev. A problem for the solvers – simple, but complicated solution!
  • (15.01) No.228 – Michael Grushko. Interesting neutral AUW with only 5 pieces!
  • (15.01) No.227 – Daniel Novomesky shows a power of Double Grasshoppers! 
  • No.226 – Julia Vysotska. My own problem, neutral battery with my lovely Chameleon piece. 
  • See two fine problems by Petko A. Petkov:
      • No.225 – An excellent Meredith with very difficult thematic!
      • No.224 – An interesting cyclical play of the neutral trio!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013. The judge for informal fairy tourney 2013(I)Juraj Brabec

Informal Tourneys – 2013


Informal Tourneys and JUDGES – 2013!

I’m happy to announce the informal tourneys for fairy problems published on Julia’s Fairies website during 2013! The year 2013 is split into 3 periods and independent tourneys:
I – January-April, II – May-August, III – September-December.

Let me introduce our judges! All three are world famous arbitrators, so I add just a few words from myself.

I. January-April, 2013

JB DSC_0045-2The judge: Juraj Brabec. It was a nice surprise for me to know that Juraj has spend a whole year in Riga in 1970, for his postgraduate studies. He often has met Alfred Dombrovskis and has shown me a article in newspaper from 1970 about his meeting with Latvian problemists! I’m very pleased to hear that Juraj loves Riga a lot! Warm welcome to Juraj!!

II – May-August, 2013

Diyan KostadinovThe judge: Diyan Kostadinov. Diyan was my first judge for the very first composed (fairy) problem! And later Diyan has helped me a lot in the very first steps in composition. Diyan judges many tourneys, runs his own well known website, composes complicated problems and has agreed to judge for me! – My gratitude and warm welcome to Diyan!!

III – September-December

eric-huberThe judge: Eric Huber. For me Eric associates with a great work he was doing during all the year 2012, announcing composers’ birthdays with some introductory words and also selected problems – “Celebrating composers” posts I’d seen every day, without breaks, without day-offs or vacations! Amazing work! Somehow Eric also finds time for judging. I’m very thankful to him for accepting my invitation! Warm welcome to Eric!!

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Updates as of 08-10.Jan, 2013:

  • No.223 – A complicated problem with one more condition added in the twin by János Mikitovics!  
  • No.222 – An elegant Grimshaw by Valerio Agostini & Gabriele Brunori! Nice to see so many problems from Italy!
  • No.221 – A nice Miniature by Valerio Agostini!  
  • No.220 – A problem with a rich strategy by Francesco Simoni! Also, I believe that most of visitors appreciate such detailed authors’ comments!

You can see, that now there are two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013.

Site Updates-060113


Updates as of 01-06.Jan, 2013:

As you can see, now I’ve made two sections under the Original Problems top menu: Julia’sFairies-2012 with all problems of the year 2012; Julia’sFairies-2013(I) which will contain the problems of January-April, 2013.

Welcome to see problems published in 2013! –

  • No.219 – The question about number of moves in this problem by Paul Rãican made me (and Paul?) think… But finally it is published in Paul’s birthday, 06-Jan! Happy birthday, Paul!
  • No.218 – “Half-check Chess” by Kostas Prentos & his wife Diane Barnard ! Warm welcome to Diane!
  • No.217 (and version 217.1) – A synthesis of Masand and Circe by János Mikitovics!
  • No.216 – Welcome to well known American composer, Newman Guttman, and to his lovely Equihoppers!
  • No.215Welcome to well known German composer, IM, Manfred Rittirsch! See 3+3 thematic promotions of nP and bP.
  • No.214 – Petko A. Petkov – a problem with neutral Locusts, which opens year 2013 !

Site Updates-281212


Updates as of 26-28.Dec, 2012:

  • (27.12) A new issue of FairingsFairings 29 – by Chris Feather is added to the Articles page. And one more pearl by Chris I’m happy to publish here – see  No.208 !
  • (27.12) See a nice miniature with 2 e.p. by János Mikitovics – No.207 !
  • (27.12) Peter Harris is unusual as always! – see his problem with a special dedication – No.206 !
  • (26.12) A modification of problem No.202 by Gani Ganapathi  is added – see a joint problem by Gani Ganapathi & K.Seetharaman – No.202.1 ! – 3 solutions, 3 promotions.

Thanks a lot to the authors!

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

I’d like to ask you – if you see anything incorrect in this list, or some problems (or published versions of them) are not included – please let me know! Sometimes I add there new problems with some delay, but before the last record all the other should exist. Thank you!!

Site Updates-251212


Updates as of 25.Dec, 2012:

On Christmas I’ve got several original problems I’m happy to show you today! Thanks a lot to the authors!!

  • (24.12) A version of problem No.39 by Peter Harris shown in the comments by Nikola Predrag, is added to original problems. I believe that most of you have seen No.39.1 but you’re welcome to look again! Author is very interested in your comments and judge’s comments later.
  • (24.12) A very unusual stipulation shows in his problem No.205 Dmitri Turevski! I’d like to mention that yesterday Dmitri has became a father! Congratulations!!!
  • (24.12) I’m very happy to welcome on the site a famous German composer and also editor of fairy section of Die Schwalbe – Arnold Beine! See an active trio of neutral pawns in No.204 !
  • (24.12) See super-active Kings in a problem by János MikitovicsNo.203 !

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list. (the last 10 problems are not added yet, but will be soon!!)

Site Updates-231212


Updates as of 23.Dec, 2012:

  • (23.12) See a nice problem by Gani Ganapathi and help author with his question about twins – No.202 !
  • (23.12) I’m happy to show you a beautiful problem by Peter Harris, which is number 1 after 200 – No.201 ! I believe that it is thanks to Peter that I have 200 problems on the Christmas Eve!!
  • (23.12) And this is happened! – Problem No.200 ! I’m very happy to have it on the Christmas Eve, and even more happy to give this number to the one who helps me so much – to Petko A. Petkov! Thank you, thank you so much!!
  • (23.12) Please see a very long trip by Gnu in the problem No.199 by Sébastien Luce! Thank you, Sébastien

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list. 

I wish you a Merry Christmas!!!

Site Updates-221212

Updates as of 18-22.Dec, 2012:

  • (22.12) Welcome, welcome to Ján Golha, Slovakia! Ján is not only a well known Slovakian composer, but also an editor of very popular website! So, I’m very happy to be able to publish his problem! See Miniature-Aristocrat – No.198 !
  • (22.12) Peter Harris often surprises me with his ideas, but these 3 problems are even more unusual! See No.195, 196, 197 ! Thank you, Peter
  • (21.12) It’s always nice to get problems from our active commentators! Please see No.194 by Paul Răican! Thank you, Paul, for your activity! 
  • (20.12) Happy to show you a joint problem by two authors – Alain BIÉNABE & Sébastien LUCE, No.193 – and to welcome a new author – Sébastien LUCE, France! Thanks to the authors!! 
  • (19.12) And now I have no doubts we’ll have 200 problems by the end of year! – I’ve a pleasure to present you 4(!!) problems by Peter Harris – all different, all complicated! See them all – No.189,190,191,192! Thank you for support, Peter!!
  • (18.12) I’ve a pleasure to show you a joint problem by two Hungarian authors – see No.188 by Tibor Érsek & János Mikitovics! This problem is also quite complicated! Thanks a lot to the authors!
  • (18.12) See a complicated (as always!) problem by Peter Harris – No.187! Thank you, Peter, for coming again and again with your new problems, and for your support! I have to count who from us has more problems here – either Peter or myself! 🙂 

(18.12) Will  we have 200 problems here by the end of year??

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list. 

Your original problems are very welcome!!

Site Updates-151212

Updates as of 13-15.Dec, 2012:

  • (16.12) I’m impressed by those, who can come back to their old problems to improve them! See an improved version of the problem published in October – No.153.1, Nikola Predrag! Also, today is Nikola‘s birthday! Congratulations, dear author and commentator!!!
  • (15.12) Warm welcome to new author on the site – Stephan Dietrich, Germany! – see nice Aristocrat-miniature – No.186!

  • (15.12) Please see an improved version of the problem published yet in August! – a complicated complex by Semion ShifrinNo.108.1!
  • (14.12) Dear friends, on the night I’ve done an update of most of software I use for this website – from the platform till small plugins. I’d be grateful to you if you report me if something works wrong! Thanks for your patience!
  • (13.12) As I’ve promised, PDF-version of the Award of Julia’sFairies 1st T.T HSP-2012 for download or print is added! Please let me know if there’re any mistakes! Thanks!
  • (13.12) Do you remember an “Illegal cluster” by Seetharaman Kalyan? Solving time is over and now you can see on the same page the results I’ve got from the author!  See update as of 13.12.2012 on the page with problem No.166 ! 

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list. 

Your original problems are very welcome!!