Coming soon…

Dear authors and readers, I have to tell you I’ve got an Award of JF-2017-I by Tadashi Wakashima on June 9th, but still haven’t had time to prepare it for publication. The same time I have a waiting list of 3 original problems to publish and also the update of the FCCP I’ve just got from Shankar Ram. I’m sorry, I might be too busy with my office work the next week. Most probably, will get back to the mentioned publications on the next weekend. Thank you very much for your work and your patience! Have a great summer! – Julia

Originals June 2021

JF Original Problems | June 2021

The judge of JF-2021-I: Ofer Comay.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed  

  • (22.06) No.1627 (PG 18 ; Dummy pawn promotion) James Malcom (USA). If can be considered as computer tested?
  • (22.06) No.1626 (hs#3 ; VAO, PAO) Ognian Dimitrov (Bulgaria).
  • (22.06) No.1625 (hs#10) Torsten Linß (Germany). “… because Ofer announced an “orthodox” section for his award…” (Author)
  • (22.06) No.1624 (ser-h#14 ; Kangaroo) Sébastien Luce (France). “Inspirated by the 1614, dedicated to Ognian DIMITROV.” (Author)
  • (20.06) No.1623 (#2 ; Masand) Ilija Serafimović (Serbia). After meeting Ilija (soon 17) as solver and composer on ECSC and WCCC meetings I’m glad to welcome him on JF as well! Finally 🙂
  • (12.06) No.1622 (hs#2) Aleksey Oganesjan (Russia). “Apparently for the first time in orthodox hs#2….” (Author)
  • (12.06) No.1621 (s=74) James Malcom (USA). Warm welcome to James – a very young (17) composer with a very long problem!
  • (12.06) No.1620 (hs#5 ; Chameleon) Ognian Dimitrov (Bulgaria).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals May 2021 (2)

JF Original Problems | May 2021 (2)

The judge of JF-2021-I: Ofer Comay.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed  

  • (31.05) No.1619 (h!#19) Gunter Jordan (Germany). The fairy essence comes at the end.
  • (31.05) No.1618 (hs#4 ; Antineuköko) Maryan Kerhuel (France) & Jacques Rotenberg (Israel). Some better English version of the Antineuköko definition, please? Warm welcome to Maryan! (JV)
  • (31.05) No.1617 (SPG 13 ; Staugaard castling) Michel Caillaud (France). Dedicated to James MALCOM & Andrew BUCHANAN.
  • (30.05) No.1616 (hs#2.5 ; Nightrider) Marjan Kovačević (Serbia). “Logical hs# with two preparatory steps. “ (M.K.).
  • (30.05) No.1615 (SPG 13.5 ; Staugaard castling) Andrew Buchanan (Singapore) & Michel Caillaud (France). “Conrad Staugaard (see the biography) invented the condition later termed Pam-Krabbe. He seems to have been a funny and kind figure: like a Danish Lewis Carroll, but a socially-aware entrepreneur. He deserves to be commemorated with his condition….” (A.B.)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals May 2021

JF Original Problems | May 2021

The judge of JF-2021-I: Ofer Comay.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed  

Coming soon: nobody in the waiting list…

  • (20.05) No.1614 (ser-h#18 ; Kangaroo) Ognian Dimitrov (Bulgaria). Warm welcome to Ognian!
  • (20.05) No.1613 (h#2 ; Madrasi) S.N. Ravi Shankar (India). “Inspired by Seetharaman’s 1608. The same idea, but achieved through a different fairy condition.” (Author) 
  • (19.05) No.1612 (-17 & #1 Proca ; Anti-Circe) Günther Weeth+ (Germany) & Klaus Wenda (Austria) & Vlaicu Crisan (Romania). “Replacing No.1440 (Weeth & Wenda) which had to be eliminated from the tourney retros JF 2019-20 due to a cook. Vlaicu found a new position…” (Authors) 
  • (18.05) No.1611 (reci-hs#9) Torsten Linß (Germany). “The stipulation is a straight forward synthesis of the reciprocal helpmate and the helpselfmate…” (Author) – something to be considered in the FCCP?

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals April 2021(3)

JF Original Problems | April 2021(3)

The judge of JF-2021-I: Ofer Comay.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed  

  • (30.04) No.1610 & 1610.A (hs#2.5 & hs#3) “Robert Sharp” (Wagga Wagga / Australia). 2 originals: “Both problems show the Sharp-Theme, curiously with almost identical play, in hs# 2.5 by White, in hs# 3 by Black!” (Author)
  • (29.04) No.1609 (hs=5) János Csák and Gábor Tar (Hungary). Sacrifices.
  • (29.04) No.1608 (h#1 ; All-in-Chess) K. Seetharaman (India). One more not implemented condition?
  • (29.04) No.1607 (++ ; Circe Couscous (promotion before rebirth)) Joost de Heer (Netherlands). The variation of Circe Couscous to be included in our Fairy Chess Classification?
  • (29.04) No.1606 (s#4 ; Masand) Oleg Paradzinskij (Ukraine).
  • (29.04) No.1605 (hs#2 ; Lion) Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia). HOTF.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals April 2021(2)

JF Original Problems | April 2021(2)

The judge of JF-2021-I: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed yet

Coming soon: nobody in the waiting list…

  • (16.04) No.1604 (hs#4 AP) János Csák & Gábor Tar (Hungary). AP Valladao.
  • (13.04) No.1603 (PG 3,5 ending with triple check mate / Add pieces ; Circe Parrain, Point Reflection) Pierre Tritten (France). For the animation purposes the initial game array position is shown on the diagram instead of the empty position sent by the author. The task is to find 2 final positions.
  • (10.04) No.1602 (#2 ; Breton) Thomas Maeder (Switzerland). “The mechanism reminds of 1365. The play looks less orthodox here because…” (Author)
  • (08.04) No.1601 (hs#2 ; Masand) Julia Vysotska (Latvia). “6 & 4 for Marjan’s Birthday!” – a cooperation without sacrifices starts from the initial position on 6×4 squares ; 6 pieces of each color ; 4 half-moves of each color ; and some little tricks… with a Happy Birthday wishes to Marjan Kovačević!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals April 2021

JF Original Problems | April 2021

The judge of JF-2021-I: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed yet

Coming soon: nobody in the waiting list…

  • (05.04) No.1600 (hs#4) Vitaly Medintsev (Russia). A very human friendly problem for the end of Easter holidays!
  • (05.04) No.1599 (h#2.5 ; Mars Circe) Armin Geister & Daniel Papack (Germany). “Hidden behind a massive position there is a complex strategy with dual avoidances.” (Authors)
  • (05.04) No.1598 (hs=2 ; Neutral piece, Chameleon piece, Locust ; Haaner Chess, Circe Parrain) Karol Mlynka (Slovakia). Would rather see such twins as different problems.
  • (05.04) No.1597 (PG 21.5 ; Fuddled Men) Nicolas Dupont (France) & Vlaicu Crișan (Romania). “Both sides apparently castled short, although…” (Authors)
  • (01.04 😀) No.1596 (hs#3.5) Aleksey Oganesjan (Russia). “Distant Grimshaw with funny twin – be smile on April Fools’ Day!” (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals March 2021

JF Original Problems | March 2021

The judge of JF-2021-I: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed yet

Coming soon: Aleksey Oganesjan (Russia), Nicolas Dupont (France) & Vlaicu Crișan (Romania), Karol Mlynka (Slovakia), Armin Geister & Daniel Papack (Germany)

  • (30.03) No.1595 (h#2.5 ; Take & Make) Niels Danstrup (Denmark). “…there are echoes and chameleons 🙂” (Author)
  • (28.03) No.1594 (PG 15.5 ; Black Manager, Black Passes if Stuck) Nicolas Dupont (France). “This problem is the first published illustration of this new couple of possibilities.” (Author)
  • (28.03) No.1593 (h#4 ; Anti-Circe, PWC) Gábor Tar (Hungary).
  • (28.03) No.1592 (#3 ; MarsCirce) Armin Geister & Daniel Papack (Germany). The dedication for “Perseverance” has a double meaning… 
  • (19.03) No.1591 (hs#2,5 ; LEO) Georgy Evseev & Boris Shorokhov (Russia). Four bK mates on adjacent squares.
  • (18.03) No.1590 (h#4 ; Functionary Chess) Oleg Paradzinskij (Ukraine).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals February 2021

JF Original Problems | February 2021

The judge of JF-2021-I: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed yet

Dear authors, I’m very sorry for a long delay! Working overtime in my office, enjoying financial audit, annual report and related issues 🙂  I’ll keep being slow up to the middle of March, but later hope to be more active on JF!

  • (28.02) No.1551.3 (ser-s#25 ; Circe Rex Inclusiv) Dirk Borst (Netherlands). “…a version which is even a bit better than the original because the wBishop now has a function in the mate.” (Author)
  • (28.02) No.1589 (hs#4 ; Circe) Gábor Tar (Hungary). Dedicated To Aranka Tar.
  • (28.02) No.1588 (hs#4.5 ; Neutral piece ; Ghost Chess, Protean Chess) Michael Grushko (Israel). Author believes this combination of fairy conditions is used for the first time.
  • (28.02) No.1587 (#2 ; CAST) Gerald Ettl & Manfred Rittirsch (Germany). Warm welcome to the first contribution by Gerald!
  • (28.02) No.1586 (hs#4 ; Grasshopper, Nightrider) Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic).
  • (14.02) No.1585 (hs#4) János Csák (Hungary).
  • (14.02) No.1584 (h#2 ; Breton Adverse) Borisas Gelpernas (Lithuania). My neighbouring country is coming… always glad! 🙂
  • (14.02) No.1583 (h#2 ; Neutral pieces ; Circe) Ali Okan Pandar (Turkey). Warm welcome to Ali Okan (the first ever Turkish composer on JF!)!
  • (14.02) No.1582 (hs=18) Gunter Jordan (Germany). Warm welcome to Gunter (the editor of “Gaudium”)!
  • (14.02) No.1581 (-29 & #1 Proca ; Anti-Circe) Alex Levit (Finland). “After Dmitrij Baibikov’s publication I feel sorry for taking the lenght record in Proca Retractor AntiCirce Wenigsteiner from JF. So here is my attempt to return it back.” (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals January 2021

JF Original Problems | January 2021

The judge of JF-2021-I: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed yet

  • (24.01) No.1524-2 (-34 & #1 Proca ; Anti-Circe) Dmitrij Baibikov (Israel). Correction of No.1524 (JF-R2019-20). No.1524 & 1524.1 are withheld from the tournament JF-R2019-20.
  • (24.01) No.1578.1 (#3 ; Anti-Circe) Daniel Papack & Sven Trommler (Germany). The improvement with thematical tries for No.1578, Dedicated to Franz Pachl 70th birthday.
  • (22.01) No.1580 (h#4 ; Transmuted Kings) Ľuboš Kekely (Slovakia).
  • (09.01) No.1579 (h#2 ; Madrasi) Manfred Nieroba & Daniel Papack (Germany). Warm welcome to Manfred!
  • (08.01) No.1578 (#3 ; Anti-Circe) Sven Trommler (Germany). Dedicated to Franz Pachl 70th birthday.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson