Dear Friends,
I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Let it be snowy outside and warm inside!
JF Original Problems
| December, 2021
The judge of JF-2021/II is Shankar Ram, who will judge JF fairy section for the 3rd time (JF-2012 / Award ; JF-1017-0318 / Award)! Oh, I felt guilty to invite this so much overloaded man again, but he’s as Santa coming to us with Christmas gifts, always positive, always reliable! Shankar is active in composing and judging, in FCCP project, in virtual online meetings with Indian composers, following WFCC activity and many other websites related to chess composition, still working in IT and currently enjoying discovering Chromebook!
Anything else? 🙂 . Welcome, Shankar! And thank you very much!
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.
Coming soon: Velmurugan Nallusamy (India);
questionable problems moved to the end of queue: James Malcom (USA), Sergey Shumeiko (Russia), János Csák & Béla Majoros (Hungary)
Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson
Maximum number of pieces: 15
The discount works up to the deadline for submissions, 10.02.2022 🙂
The maximum number of pieces changed from 12 to 15 considering some further thoughts and some of your comments.
The Jubilee composing tournament JF 10 JT dedicated to 10 years of JF (10.04.2012-10.04.2022) | announcement in PDF
Let’s find and show something the best of what we know the best!
JF Original Problems | November, 2021
The judge of JF-2021/II: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.
Coming soon: nobody in the waiting list
Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson
Julia’s Fairies is pleased to announce the Jubilee composing tournament JF 10 JT
Dedicated to 10 years of JF (10.04.2012-10.04.2022)
Let’s find and show something the best of what we know the best!
The background: on April 10th, 2022 the JF website will celebrate its 10 years. see/hide more…
Theme: Unpin of any kind. The unpinned piece may be white, black or neutral, and unpinning may be done by any side, in any way: interposition, withdrawal, K move, etc. For this tourney, we define a pin to be a situation where a random move by one piece would cause its own K to be in check from one or more enemy pieces = the pinner(s). An unpin is any move that eliminates this situation, including self-unpin (the pinned piece makes a move that eliminates the pin) but excluding captures of the pinned piece that remove it from the board.
Stipulations for three sections: (A) #2-4; (B) h#2-4; (C) hs#3-4
Maximum number of pieces: 15
Fairy pieces and conditions: The idea of the tournament is to present most popular fairy pieces and conditions of the last 10 years. Problems should have at least one fairy piece or fairy condition, and at most two different fairy pieces/families, and/or at most two different fairy conditions from the lists below. Any other fairy pieces or conditions are not allowed.
See/hide accepted fairy pieces and conditions
Number of entries per composer: 3 entries per composer in total, in one section only or spread over several sections.
Joint problems: Allowed; a joint work counts as 1 for the group of composers, and less than 1 for each of them (if there are 2 composers of the joint problem, it’s counted as 0.5 entry for each).
Deadline: February 10th 2022
Judge: Kjell Widlert
Tournament director: Julia Vysotska
Please, send computer tested problems only (indicate the program used for testing), to
Results and prize giving: May 15th 2022 in Riga, at the closing ceremony of the 15th ECSC.
Prize fund €450 : Three prizes in each section, each prize €50.
See Examples in the PDF announcement JF10JT. Welcome to take part!!! – Julia
The Award JF-Retros-PG-2019-2020 is updated with the Annex 2 (on the last page) by the request of the judge, Vlaicu Crișan:
“In the initial award I decided not to award a prize to the problem 1223.2 from the “Other Retro Section”, due to the existence of a predecessor. However, the aforementioned problem is actually the correction of the original problem 1223 published in 4th June 2017, published two years before the predecessor.
The correction 1223.2 was published in 24th June 2019, two years after the publication of the original setting. In accordance with the first paragraph of the article 23 from the Codex, if a published chess composition is found to be unsound, it loses its priority date unless a correction is published within three years after the publication of the unsoundness. That also means 1223.2 can’t be penalized for this reason and my decision to downgrade it to the 1st Honourable Mention must be reconsidered.
To be fair, based on the assessment criteria used in the award, this problem must actually be placed on the top of the section. However, lowering the initial place of the higher ranked problems after the award is published can be perceived as an injustice.
Therefore, my decisions are the following => see/hide more…
JF Original Problems | October, 2021
The judge of JF-2021/II: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.
Coming in November: Mario Parrinello (Italy), Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia)
Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson
I’m back from Rhodes Congress!
With the Title of FIDE Master in Chess Composition! The first title I ever had, making the final banquet even more special!
With all excitement and success of the 5th YCCC (50 young composers from 12 countries)! See the post 63.WCCC – 5.YCCC results, but some more materials and photo gallery is still coming.
With the 15th ECSC in Riga, 13-15.05.2022 – welcome to be my guests!
Although this is mostly an event for solvers, I’m looking for the reason to composers to come as well 🙂 And here the reason is: 10 years jubilee of JF next spring! So, the thematic composing tournament with the prize giving in Riga will be coming too!
It was nice to have an alive meeting, to catch some warmer sun, the atmosphere of vacation and a competition at the same time, and the celebration after all! I tried to put the main events, results and photos, on the WFCC website: 63.WCCC: the first events | 44. WCSC, Rhodes, 19-20.10.21 | 63.WCCC: Machine gun & Fairy solving | 63.WCCC – 5.YCCC results | WCCC 2021 final: agenda and bulletin
…my photo gallery I gladly share with you – Google Album 63.WCCC Rhodes. – Julia
JF Original Problems | October, 2021
The judge of JF-2021/II: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.
Coming AFTER WCCC 16-23.oct: Andrew Buchanan (Hong Kong), Daniel Novomesky (Slovakia), Ali Okan Pandar (Turkey), Anirudh Daga (India)
Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson
Helpmates in 2 to 3 moves are required with neutral units (pawns included, kings not allowed). In each phase a neutral unit plays when it is Black’s turn to move and later when it is White’s turn to move or vice versa. The thematic moves could be played immediately (one right after the other) or with a delay. Fairy pieces are allowed, but fairy conditions are not. Set play, twins and multiple solutions are allowed, but not duplex or zero-positions. Composers may participate with two entries as a maximum.
Closing date: 25 September 2021 | Controller: Themis Argirakopoulos | Judge: Kostas Prentos
WCCC 2021 Internet tourney announcement
Champagne Tourney Rhodes 2021
The Tourney is divided in 2 sections (with separate awards) : A . ProofGames ; B. Any other kind of Retro problems
Theme (in honour of Nikita Plaksin for his 90th birthday) : The same piece captures at least 2 promoted pieces.
(capturing piece is a Pawn in the examples but any other kind of capturing piece is accepted)
Fairy conditions (but not fairy pieces) allowed in both sections. Maximum 2 entries per composer per section (collaboration counts for 1 full entry). Maximum 1 non computer tested entry per composer in section A
Entries to the director Eric Pichouron, by Wednesday 20 October 20:00 PM, e-mail :
Judge: Michel Caillaud
19th Romanian Tzuica Tourney
Theme: Helpself compositions (hs#n/hs=n) with at least 2 solutions showing each at least one Pelle move.
Problems with twins or zeroposition are allowed. All fairy pieces and conditions are accepted, provided that the problem is checked by a known solving program
Judges: Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber (Romania) | Deadline: Wednesday, 20 October 8 p.m
Send to: Eric Huber by e-mail at
Prizes – bottles of Tzuica, hopefully deliverable during 2021 WCCC. The tourney is open worldwide, however the prizes will be for 2021 congress participants only.