Site Updates-021112

Updates as of 30.Oct-02.Nov, 2012:

Isn’t it a week of Superguards-problems? 🙂

  • (02.11) See one more nice composition with superguards by C.G.S.Narayanan – No.161 ! Gratitude to the author!
  • (31.10) I’m happy to show you one more superguards original problem! I believe, it will be very useful for those, who are going to participate in the Superguards Tourney. Thanks a lot to the great Master, Petko A. Petkov! And enjoy a Meredith problem – No.160 !
  • (30.10) Welcome to India’s leading composer – C.G.S.Narayanan! See the first superguards problem published anywhere (not counting the examples in Tourney announcement) – No.159 !
  • Superguards Tourney and the announcement by A.P.I. about new closing date for Enzo Minerva-50 JT 2012 are added to the Tourneys section.
  • Also, I’ve added a page with tourneys’ results available from the top of the Tourneys page. There’re just a few results for now. But hopefully, will be more soon!  
  • (31.10) I’ve added 2 more of my published problems, h# with Mao/Moa again, which are like a series of problems together with recently shown No.30:
    No.31 – MAO, soma MOA, Locust, Lions pieces;
    No.32 – MAO, MOA, PAO, VAO pieces. 

Site Updates-281012

Updates as of 28.Oct, 2012:

Today I’ve added some more of my published problems. You can see 30 of them in My Problems section, or the last problems added directly from here:

  • No.24 – Playing with AndernachChess
  • No.25 – AndernachChess in HS-problem
  • No.26 – Composed for Olympic Tourney, but didn’t get anything; I still like it!
  • No.28 – Neutral PAOs are “eating” each other
  • No.30 – A complicated problem with MAO, MOA and Locust pieces!

The first snow is here, in Riga, starting Friday… 🙂

Site Updates-251012

Updates as of 24-25.Oct, 2012:

  • (25.10) Let me show you my own funny problem – promotions into Chameleons with Anti-Andernach effects – No.158. Your comments are always welcome!
  • (25.10) Warm welcome to Chris Feather in Original problems section! I’ve a pleasure to show you a 4-men problem by Chris – No.157! Enjoy! And thanks a lot to the author!
  • (24.10) I’m happy to see Pierre Tritten on the site again! Enjoy h#2 without fairy pieces, but with a dynamic Take & Make strategy – No.156! Thank you, Pierre!

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

(16.10) The Thematic tourney Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012 is closed. See my post about participants of the tourney! Thanks again to all authors! And.. I’d appreciate your ideas for the next tourneys!! But for now – we’re waiting for the results!

Site Updates-211012

Updates as of 15-21.Oct, 2012:

  • (21.10) After 2 months I’m happy to present you one more problem by  Semion ShifrinEnjoy an interesting thematic play of LEOs and NAOs in No.155!
  • (20.10) Welcome to world-known Serbian author Borislav GadjanskiSee a problem where all pieces are Chinese! –  No.154.
  • (17.10) I’m happy to show you a nice problem by Nikola Predrag! See an interesting play of black batteries and Dentist-theme presented in No.153! 

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

(20.10) Slowly I’m trying to add my published problems on the site. Mostly for myself, I guess 🙂 . But anyway, the new problems added to My problems are: No.18, No.19, No.20, No.22. (I’m using the order of composing; if some numbers are not shown yet – it means, that a problem is not published yet and will be shown under this number later, after publication)

(16.10) The Thematic tourney Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012 is closed. See my post about participants of the tourney! Thanks again to all authors! And.. I’d appreciate your ideas for the next tourneys!! But for now – we’re waiting for the results!

(15.10) New issue of Fairings by Chris Feather Fairings No.27 – Oct/2012 –  is added to the Articles page!

(15.10) Dear Visitors and Commentators! Today I’ve installed several plugins to prevent spam comments (several hundreds per day) and registration of spam-users (I had about 900 of them!). Otherwise I had to delete them manually. But of  course, I’m afraid that either your comments can be considered as spam in some cases, or new registrations. I apologize for all possible inconveniences and I’d be grateful if you  write me in case of any problems with commenting on the site. You know, I appreciate your comments here a lot, as I believe all the authors do.

Site Updates-151012

Updates as of 13-15.Oct, 2012:

  • (15.10) Warm welcome to Georgi Hadzi-Vaskov, Macedonia! See a nice problem No.152
  • (13.10) I’m just back home from a wonderful Italy! And I have something new for you, my dear readers! – please see just published 2 more fine problems by GM Petko A. Petkov – No.150, 151! Thanks a lot to Mr.Petkov!

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

(15.10) New issue of Fairings by Chris Feather Fairings No.27 – Oct/2012 –  is added to the Articles page!

(15.10) It’s the last day for submitting your entries for Thematic tourney Julia’sFairies-HSP-2012! All your problems coming on the night from 15th to 16th of October will be accepted as well! I’m very grateful to all participants!! 

(15.10) Dear Visitors and Commentators! Today I’ve installed several plugins to prevent spam comments (several hundreds per day) and registration of spam-users (I had about 900 of them!). Otherwise I had to delete them manually. But of  course, I’m afraid that either your comments can be considered as spam in some cases, or new registrations. I apologize for all possible inconveniences and I’d be grateful if you  write me in case of any problems with commenting on the site. You know, I appreciate your comments here a lot, as I believe all the authors do.

Site Updates-071012

Updates as of 04-07.Oct, 2012:

  • (07.10) 2 new problems by Ioannis Garoufalidis are added – see No.146, 147! Thanks a lot to the author!
  • (05.10) What I wanted to do before leaving for a week, was to finish my own problem! (if it was the only thing needed to be finished! 🙂 ). I’m happy I can publish it tonight! Please see No.145 – I will always appreciate your comments, and I will be able to read them in Italy, hopefully!
  • (04.10) Happy to welcome Russian top-masters in fairy genre – Georgy Evseev and Lev Grolman! See a 4-men problem – No.144! Thanks a lot to the authors and welcome to send more entries!
  • (04.10) It’s so nice to get a problem from my the best commentator of the site – Seetharaman Kalyan! Enjoy solving of No.143! And my special thanks to the author!

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

Site Updates-021012

Updates as of 02.Oct, 2012:

  • Welcome to a new author from Italy, Vito Rallo! See and enjoy solving of 3 hs#-problems: No.140, No.141, 142. Thanks a lot to the author!

You can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

Site Updates-290912

Updates as of 26-29.Sep, 2012:

  • (29.09) And one more problem by Ioannis Garoufalidis! – see KoBul Kings in  No.139 !
  • (28.09) Welcome to a new author from Greece, Ioannis Garoufalidis! See s#10 problem – No.138.
  • (28.09) Please see my own new problem – No.137, Julia Vysotska. I’ve said many times that I don’t like twins much, but the last time seems like I can’t compose without them! Still, I like this problem myself 🙂
  • (27.09) See a new interesting problem by Michael Grushko – No.136 ! Thanks a lot to the author!
  • (27.09) Happy to get one more problem from “the neighbor”! See No.135 by Mečislovas Rimkus (Lithuania) !
  • (26.09) Enjoy a nice problem by Mario Parrinello – No.134 – my lovely Chameleons, cyclic play, complicated solutions!  Warm welcome to the author!
    And one more thing: Mario Parrinello has just got a title of Grandmaster of the FIDE for Chess Compositions (see 
    55th Meeting of the World Federation for Chess Composition). Congratulation!!

I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

  • (27.09) Have added No.1-23 of Fairings by Chris Feather to the Articles page. Thanks to Eric Huber, who kindly has sent me these issues! So, now I have all Fairings as of Sep-2012 !

Site Updates-240912

Updates as of 24.Sep, 2012:

24.09 – Today I’m happy to get 3 new original problems for the site and informal tourney! Thanks a lot to all authors!!

Also, I believe that most of you, who have been to Japan, are already back. So, welcome home and welcome to Julia’sFairies!

And now let me show you the problems:

  • No.131 – warm welcome to the new author, András Tóth (Australia) and thanks a lot to János Mikitovics for his activity and support!
  • No.132 – warm welcome to the new author, Kostas Prentos (USA)!
  • No.133 – gratitude to Franz Pachl (Germany) for the 2nd nice contribution to the site!


I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.

Site Updates-210912

Updates as of 18-21.Sep /2012:

  • (21.09) Very grateful to János Mikitovics for the gift I share with you! – see No.130.
  • (18.09) I’m happy to show you one more HS#-problem by GM Petko A. Petkov – see  No.129 – hs#3,5* with Andernach Chess condition.
  • I’d like to remind, that you can click on the Original Problems tab on the top to see the whole list of published problems. Problem numbers are links to the problems – click on any number to see the problem. Standard search using Ctrl+F also works for the list.