Originals March 2022

JF Original Problems | March, 2022

The judge of JF-2022/I: Vlaicu Crişan
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand

Coming soon: Nobody in the waiting list…

  • (19.03) No.1698 (h#2 ; Neutral pieces) – Kıvanç Çefle. “The Grimshaw interference between two neutral pieces” (KÇ)
  • (18.03) No.1697 (h#2 ; Breton) – Thomas Maeder. “A logical ODT…” (TM)
  • (14.03) No.1696 (h#2 ; Nightrider, LEO, PAO, VAO) – Michal Dragoun. 4 solutions. “It is a pity that in this pattern…” (MD)
  • (13.03) No.1695 (h#2 ; Equipollents AntiCirce) – Chris Feather. “Of course the WK is NOT in check in either diagram position!” (CJF)
  • (13.03) No.1692.1 (ser-s#8 ; Anti-Circe) – Gábor Tar. Correction to No.1692 after comment by Joost de Heer.

I would gladly publish your problems partly featuring JF10JT theme (not included into the tournament because of number of pieces or fairy element used), but after May 15th, when the Award of JF10JT is published.
Thank you for your understanding!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals February 2022

JF Original Problems | February, 2022

The judge of JF-2022/I: Vlaicu Crişan
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand

Coming soon: nobody in the waiting list. Next originals will be published starting the 2nd week of March.

  • (26.02.) No.1694 (h==15.5 ; Haaner Chess, ABC for white, ABC inverse for black) – Sébastien Luce (France). This problem was initially published on the same page with No.1690 as variation of the theme. But moved to be presented as a separate original problem by author’s request.
  • (28.02) No.1693 (h=8) – Ya’aqov Mintz (Israel) & Hans Gruber (Germany). “Black Allumwandlung, white Excelsior.” (Authors). Warm welcome to Hans!
  • (28.02) No.1684.1 (h=2 ; legality / shadow solution?) – János Csák & Béla Majoros (Hungary). Authors say that the new version fixes the bug in No.1684.
  • (28.02) No.1692 (ser-s#8 ; Anti-Circe) – Gábor Tar (Hungary).
  • (27.02) No.1691 (ser-h#10 ; Camel, Rose, Ibis) – Manfred Rittirsch (Germany). “Cyclic change of fairy promotions.”
    Dedicated to Petko A. Petkov for his 80th birthday

  • (26.02.) No.1690 (h==14.5 ; Haaner Chess, ABC for white, ABC inverse for black) – Sébastien Luce (France).

I would gladly publish your problems partly featuring JF10JT theme (not included into the tournament because of number of pieces or fairy element used), but after May 15th, when the Award of JF10JT is published.
Thank you for your understanding!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals January 2022

JF Original Problems | January, 2022

The judge of JF-2022/I: Vlaicu Crişan. The 3rd time judging JF tournaments, after JF-2014-I (Award) and the recent retro JF-R2019-20 (Award). A very positive and helpful person, a very experienced judge I’m glad to welcome on JF again! 

The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.

  • (31.01) No.1689 (h=10 ; Grasshopper) Vaclav Kotěšovec (Czech Republic). Dedicated to Sébastien Luce “4-fold exact echo in 4 corners of chessboard”. (Author)
  • (31.01) No.1688 (ser-h#8 ; Mars Circe) Armin Geister & Daniel Papack (Germany). A logical try on the 1st move comes as a solution on the 8th.
  • (28.01) No.1687 (ser-h#8* ; Take&Make, Circe Equipollents) Chris Feather (England). “The inventor of Take&Make intended that it should take priority over any other fairy condition with which is is combined…” (Author)
  • (26.01) No.1686 (h#3 ; Neutral Berolina Super Pawn ; Circe, Take&Make) János Mikitovics (Hungary). Mates by Berolina Super Pawn or its promotions.
  • (25.01) No.1685 (h#2.5 ; Neutral VAO,PAO,MAO) Kenneth Solja (Finland). The only Kings are not neutral.
  • (25.01) No.1684 (h#2 ; legality / shadow solution?) János Csák & Béla Majoros (Hungary).  Warm welcome to Béla! 
    “Yes, the chess problem problem (H#2) and the solution is orthodox. However, the chess problem is not considered orthodox…” (Authors). For now the problem included in the Retro competition because of the question of legality. But the judges might see it differently.
  • (19.01) No.1683 (h=3 ; PAO ; ChecklessChess) Ľuboš Kekely (Slovakia). “Model pin stalemates.” (Author)
  • (17.01) No.1551.4 (Ser-S#23 ; Circe Rex Inclusiv) Dirk Borst (Netherlands). Accepted by Hans Gruber, the judge of JF-2020/II, as the award is not completed yet. “This 4th correction is dedicated to Arno in gratitude of his help.” (Author)
  • (15.01) No.1682 (#6 ; Rokagogo) Andrew Buchanan (Singapore) & James Malcom (USA). “This composition is intended as an economy record for the Rokagogo/Staugaard excelsior. If someone can produce the same effect with lighter material, we would be very pleased to see it.” (Authors)
  • (15.01) No.1681 (hs#3.5 ; LEO, PAO, VAO, NAO) Igor Kochulov (Russia).
  • (15.01) No.1680 (h++1* ; Circe Couscous, Promotion before rebirth) Joost de Heer (Netherlands). An improvement of No.1607 (previous period, but not included in the Award JF-2021/I). “No idea why I didn’t see that when I composed 1607.” (Author)
  • (15.01) First of all, I’d like to include into this tournament the problem No.1630 (#3 ;  Equileaper, Wazir, Zebra, Right Zebra ; Diagram Circe, Black must capture) by Shankar Ram, originally belonging to JF-2021/II , which was later accepted by Shankar to judge.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals December 2021(2)

JF Original Problems | December, 2021 (2)

The judge of JF-2021/II: Shankar Ram
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.

Happy New Year 2022!

  • (31.12) No.1679 (hs#3 ; BUL PAO, BUL VAO, BUL Lion) Vlaicu Crişan (Romania). “Probably this is one the first examples using Bulgarian pieces of the very difficult “Avant-Garde Indian theme” invented by Petko Petkov.” (Author)
  • (30.12) No.1666.1 (h=17 ; Circe Mirror) Sergey Shumeiko (Russia). The correction to No.1666.
  • (28.12) No.1678 (ser-#40 ; White Maximummer) Kıvanç Çefle (Turkey).
  • (28.12) No.1677 (PG 19,5) Velmurugan Nallusamy (India).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals December 2021

JF Original Problems | December, 2021

The judge of JF-2021/II is Shankar Ram, who will judge JF fairy section for the 3rd time (JF-2012 / Award ; JF-1017-0318 / Award)!  Oh, I felt guilty to invite this so much overloaded man again, but he’s as Santa coming to us with Christmas gifts, always positive, always reliable! Shankar is active in composing and judging, in FCCP project, in virtual online meetings with Indian composers, following WFCC activity and many other websites related to chess composition, still working in IT and currently enjoying discovering Chromebook!
Anything else? 🙂 . Welcome, Shankar! And thank you very much!

The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.

Coming soon: Velmurugan Nallusamy (India);
questionable problems moved to the end of queue: James Malcom (USA), Sergey Shumeiko (Russia), János Csák & Béla Majoros (Hungary)

  • (22.12) No.1676 (Retro ; add pieces for an illegal cluster) Bojan Bašić (Serbia). “In comparison to the Baibikov & Keym’s problem (feenschach III–IV/2019, Nr. 12009; also WJP 2019, 2.-3. Place ex æquo), here we have twice as many pieces in the initial position!” (Author)
  • (22.12) No.1675 (#2 ; Berolina pawns) Ralf Krätschmer (Germany). Dedication to Stephan Dietrich 50. Birthday. “A #2 with Berolina pawns and a theme which was a great discussion in the MAT-Plus Forum” (Author)
  • (19.12) No.1674 (hs#4) Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia). “The mechanism uses all 8×8 space of the board, and all 4 edges.” (Author)
  • (19.12) No.1673 (h#2 ; Circe) Menachem Witztum (Israel).
  • (19.12) No.1524-2.1 (-30 & #1 Proca ; Anti-Circe) Dmitrij Baibikov (Israel). The problem in a process for about 1.5 years, first version –  No.1524 (JF-R2019-20) – published in July,2020!
  • (12.12) No.1672 (PG 9.5 ; Pandemic) Mario Parrinello (Italy). The Pandemic condition invented by Alexandre Leroux, 2020.
  • (11.12) Dear composers, I have a tight time at the end of year. Mostly office work, plus more of original problems expected at the end of cycle. Also updating wfcc.ch and preparing ecsc2022.wfcc.ch. I would very much like to help you to publish your problems this year. But, planning today several hours to publish all I’ve got, I’m facing the fact that none of 6(!) entries are really ready for publication. Something is missing or not working and I’ve spent most of my time for writing requests. So, please, if you’d like to be published this year, the entry should have: notation and diagram for initial position, solution in full notation (departure and arrival squares), if computer tested and what program used. Thank you!
  • (11.12) No.1651.1 (h#2 ; LEO, PAO, VAO, Grasshopper, Nightriderhopper) Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic). In the comment to No.1651 author wrote: “A little pity is RHg4…”. So, no RHg4 anymore in this version!
  • (05.12) No.1671 (hs#3 ; LEO, PAO, VAO) Kjell Widlert (Sweden) & Thomas Maeder (Switzerland). “Started for the Tzuica tourney in Rhodes…” (Authors)
  • (04.12) No.1670 (#2 ; Nightrider, Half-Neutral pieces) Kjell Widlert (Sweden). “The theme from SuperProblem 232-TT doubled…” (Author)
  • (04.12) No.1669 (PG 10.5) Velmurugan Nallusamy (India). “Schnoebelen & Prentos theme doubled” (Author)
  • (01.12) No.1668 (h=10.5 ; Blac kMaximummer, White Maximummer) Kıvanç Çefle (Turkey). Warm welcome to Kıvanç!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals November 2021

JF Original Problems | November, 2021

The judge of JF-2021/II: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.

Coming soon: nobody in the waiting list

  • (26.11) No.1667 (h#2 ; Loco, Faro) Franz Pachl (Germany).
  • (14.11) No.1666 (h=17 ; Mirror Circe) Sergei Shumeiko (Russia). Author writes he was able to test only 6 last moves with Popeye, but intuitively feels the problem is correct.
  • (12.11) No.1665 (hs#3 ; Take & Make) Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia). The idea for the 19th Tzuica not finished by Borislav in time. “3×2 paradoxical Pelle movements” (Author)
  • (12.11) No.1664 (PG 8 ; Sentinels) Mario Parrinello (Italy).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals October 2021 (2)

JF Original Problems | October, 2021

The judge of JF-2021/II: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.

Coming in November: Mario Parrinello (Italy), Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia)

  • (31.10) No.1663 (Retro (result?) ; Circe) Andrew Buchanan (Singapore). “What could Black’s prior move have been?…” (Author)
  • (31.10) No.1662 (PG 7.5) Anirudh Daga (India). A very warm welcome to 13 years old composer, also participant of the  5th YCCC!
  • (30.10) No.1661 (ser-#10 ; Sentinels) Ali Okan Pandar (Turkey). “…my jewel, a Fairy-Albino” (Author)
  • (30.10) No.1660 (h#2 ; Point Reflection) Daniel Novomesky (Slovakia). 4 twins.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals October 2021

JF Original Problems | October, 2021

The judge of JF-2021/II: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.

Coming AFTER WCCC 16-23.oct: Andrew Buchanan (Hong Kong), Daniel Novomesky (Slovakia), Ali Okan Pandar (Turkey), Anirudh Daga (India)

  • (09.10) No.1659 (PG 11 ; PWC) Michel Caillaud (France) & S. K. Balasubramanian (India) & Velmurugan Nallusamy (India).  “It was unfortunate that Pr. No. 1648 was cooked. However, Mr. Michel Caillaud was kind enough to suggest a new version with less moves which is most unlikely to be cooked. He was also gracious to have it as a joint publication of we three.” (SKB)
  • (09.10) No.1658 (=2 vvv) Gerhard Maleika (Germany). Warm welcome to Gerhard! Author says “This is perhaps the first orthodox (no fairy pieces)  stalemate twomover on this website.” – yes, it is!
  • (09.10) No.1657 (hs#3) Mykola Vasyuchko (Ukraine). Warm welcome to Mykola! For me the most fairy moment in this problem is a far away Ukrainian village, Mala Snihurivka, from where it has arrived.
  • (09.10) No.1656 (h#5.5 ; Functionary Chess) Niels Danstrup (Denmark). “… In the second solution it is opposite…

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals September 2021

JF Original Problems | September, 2021

The judge of JF-2021/II: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand.

Coming in October: Niels Danstrup (Denmark), Mykola Vasyuchko (Ukraine), Gerhard Maleika (Germany), Michel Caillaud (France) & S. K. Balasubramanian (India) & Velmurugan Nallusamy (India)

  • (25.09) No.1655 (s#2 ; Royal Grasshopper ; SAT) Neal Turner (Finland). The previous problem by Neal on JF was also in September, same conditions and similarly looking number – 1544! 🙂
  • (21.09) No.1654 (h#2.5 ; Andernach Chess) Hiroaki Maeshima (Japan). Warm welcome to Hiroaki!
  • (18.09) No.1653 (h#2.5 v ; Circe) Aleksey Oganesjan (Russia). “Make castling legal again!” (Author)
  • (18.09) No.1652 (#2 v ; Anti-Mars Circe) Armin Geister & Daniel Papack (Germany). “Reversal II and reciprocal changes in elegant form.” (Authors)
  • (18.09) No.1651 (h#2 ; Grasshopper, Nightriderhopper, Rookhopper, LEO, PAO, VAO) Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic). “All solutions are interconnected by cycle of six white moves.” (Auhor)
  • (13.09) No.1650 (h#2 ; Anti-Circe, Madrasi RI) Giuseppe Lucchesini (Italy). Warm welcome to Giuseppe!
  • (13.09) No.1649 (-8 & s#1 Proca ; Anti-Circe Cheylan) Andreas Thoma (Germany). “Klaus Wenda zum 80 Geburtstag” – published with the best wishes to Klaus on his 80th jubilee!
  • (12.09) No.1648 (PG 13.5 ; PWC) S. K. Balasubramanian & Velmurugan Nallusamy (India). “Paradox: All black pieces are on their home base and …”

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

Originals August 2021

JF Original Problems | August, 2021

The judge of JF-2021-II: not appointed .
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand, who will judge JF’s PG&Retros tournament for the 2nd time!  I’ve written some words about Thomas before, but would like to add that his devotion to Retro field, his helpfulness, and positivity are so unique! I’m  happy to have Thomas as a judge on JF, and deeply grateful to him for accepting my invitation!

  • (31.08) No.1647 (PG 7.5 ; #Colour) Gregor Werner (Germany).
  • (31.08) No.1646 (hs#3.5 ; Gnu, Lion ; Circe) Theodoros Giakatis (Greece). “This problem is inspired by a short video….” (Author)
  • (30.08) No.1645 (hs#2 ; Circe Assassin) Gábor Tar (Hungary).
  • (30.08) No.1644 (#4 ; Double Grasshopper ; Breton Chromatique Adverse) Bruno Kampmann (France). “6 different model mates.” (Author)
  • (30.08) No.1643 (PG 13.5) Velmurugan Nallusamy (India). Warm welcome to Velmurugan with an exchange of sacrifices!
  • (30.08) No.1642 (#3 ; LEO, PAO, VAO, Equihopper) Ladislav Salai jr., Emil Klemanič, Ladislav Packa (Slovakia), Michal Dragoun (Czechia). “Three pairs of variations…” (Authors)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson